Calf Training


I have been doing 4 sets of thirty for standing calf raises and then some more sets on the leg press ( no seated machine at this gym) and honestly i have lost about an inch from when i was just doint like 10 reps for as heavy as a could for about 3 sets on standing and seated, i had the calves up to a tad over 19 inches years ago and cant get them back up there.

what is everyone doing for calves now days. especially intrested to hear what Chris250 does.
seated for me with heavy weight 5 sets til failure, thats about it for me
Seated calf raises and standing calf raise machine are great with heavy ass weight. Switching toe positions
I train my cows twice a week. I do 4-5 sets of 25+ reps on the machine press, 2-3 sets seated of 20 reps, then 3 drop sets. They hit 19" once. When I was on my last few days of Syntherol. They were about 15 - 16" before. Now they're a solid grade A Angus 17.5"!!
mine grew pretty good when I first started beating them up like 2 years ago. No growth since.
Syntherol for Calf Growth

This question is meant for The Dude. Inspiring post about your calves. I just sent away for three bottles of syntherol specifically for my calves. I plan on doing the regiment recommended on their website. I have 15" calves hoping to get to 17". Do you mind telling me how long your cycle was, dosage and what size needles you used? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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This question is meant for The Dude. Inspiring post about your calves. I just sent away for three bottles of syntherol specifically for my calves. I plan on doing the regiment recommended on their website. I have 15" calves hoping to get to 17". Do you mind telling me how long your cycle was, dosage and what size needles you used? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Wow! My calves inspiring? Awesome! I've actually gotten some nice compliments on them lately.
As far as Syntherol I followed the protocol pretty closely, but couldn't get up to the full 3cc a day part. I think I stopped at 2 and even then had to take extra days off. I used a 26g 1 1/2 inch syringe, but didn't insert it all the way. I took a solid 30 seconds putting the syringe in making sure I didn't hit nerves or veins. I took a solid minute slowly pushing in the oil and then massaged them for no less than 30 minutes. After I would do a few sets of one legged calf raises just on the floor to get a pump. I think I went for 6 weeks, but remember I couldn't do the protocol exactly so I did the best I could.
Just prepare Bro, its extremely painful the first few days and you'll probably have difficulty walking, but its worth it in my opinion.
The Dude - Greatly appreciate the info, exactly what I was looking for. I was thinking of a 25g 1" but knowing you did 26g I'll probably do that. Last question, in your experience, I was thinking of going on creating and natural testosterone boosters when I start the syntherol, I know it's nothing like anabolics but in your opinion, will a cycle make a huge difference in the net gains? I'm 42 and haven't done a cycle for almost twenty years, I'm not afraid to do another one, actually kind of want to, but I'm afraid of getting a fake. From what I have read I have more of a chance of getting a fake than a legit anabolic so that's why I'm thinking of creatine and natural boosters. I'm sure I'll have more questions when they come in so I'll do what big n wv suggested and create my own post directed towards you. Thanks again bro.
I train my cows twice a week. I do 4-5 sets of 25+ reps on the machine press, 2-3 sets seated of 20 reps, then 3 drop sets. They hit 19" once. When I was on my last few days of Syntherol. They were about 15 - 16" before. Now they're a solid grade A Angus 17.5"!!

Haha awesome post! Congratulations on the great gains. Did you document your progress with Syntherol?
Haha awesome post! Congratulations on the great gains. Did you document your progress with Syntherol?

I'm interested in this, I got AfricanAmerican genetics when it comes to calves ;) ie high insertion point and unresponsive to low rep training.
When i was 17 I might have needed Synthol..but since then I have found calves 3x per week works wonders. Donkey calf raises work wonders. Going over 1gram of test EW in the past worked wonders on my calves :)
Haha awesome post! Congratulations on the great gains. Did you document your progress with Syntherol?

I should have, but this was back in 2005. I want to do it again in the near future as I'm much more familiar with things now and I think I could get much better results.
When I do, I'll do pics and the whole deal
I should have, but this was back in 2005. I want to do it again in the near future as I'm much more familiar with things now and I think I could get much better results.
When I do, I'll do pics and the whole deal

What are your views on synthol related sides? Also did it reduce your muscularity in calves?

I want to convince myself to do it lol
What are your views on synthol related sides? Also did it reduce your muscularity in calves?

I want to convince myself to do it lol

If you're careful, I haven't seen or heard much about sides. Syntherol is the only thing I've ever done in my calves that didn't cause an infection or cellulitis.
My calves still need alot of work, but I have had zero regrets or undesired results. My calves are as muscular as anyone else's and they are as vascular as everything else.

It's painful and it takes some conviction, but its worth it. The pain only lasts a couple days
If you're careful, I haven't seen or heard much about sides. Syntherol is the only thing I've ever done in my calves that didn't cause an infection or cellulitis.
My calves still need alot of work, but I have had zero regrets or undesired results. My calves are as muscular as anyone else's and they are as vascular as everything else.

It's painful and it takes some conviction, but its worth it. The pain only lasts a couple days

Sold! Now I just need to find a good brand to get.

Thanks Dude!
I don't do standing calf raises anymore due to spinal compression issues. I stick with seated calf raises for high reps.
Syntherol by Synthetek. You can't go wrong with that brand. It's the only one I would trust

Sweet! Do we have any of their sponsors on board? On their website it says they give buy one get one free on b'day. Mine is in 2 days. Would love to try 'em out!

Thanks for the info bro! Excited to try it wid MC IGF and then at the end of syntherol cycle I'm thinking of starting an AAS cycle front loaded with alpha1max from cyber supps here.
Should be interesting to see the results.