

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
i have one calve larger than the other. i have noticed alot of people with this and i have really in the past month started to address this. i do smith machine raises with extra weight on one side, one legged seated calve, one legged standing calve and then go through my two legged stuff. the big calve still keeps getting fucking bigger and bigger. i almost am ready to only train the small side for a few weeks alone. it has caught up maybe 20% but i want that bitch to match my other one
You may want to use a light weight and go through the motion very slowly so you can pinpoint exactly how your muscles are firing. You'll probably find that the large calf compensates for the smaller one either because it's weaker, or your positioning or some other factor forces it to take over. To really get rid of the imbalance, you have to strictly concentrate on exercising them separately so you remove the compensation. For example, I have the same problem with my pecs so I try to use a lot of dumbbell routines to force the pec to work on its own plus I'm paying more attention to how the muscle is working as it moves. Doing these things have started to even out my chest development. Some IGF applied to the one muscle may also help.
You may want to use a light weight and go through the motion very slowly so you can pinpoint exactly how your muscles are firing. You'll probably find that the large calf compensates for the smaller one either because it's weaker, or your positioning or some other factor forces it to take over. To really get rid of the imbalance, you have to strictly concentrate on exercising them separately so you remove the compensation. For example, I have the same problem with my pecs so I try to use a lot of dumbbell routines to force the pec to work on its own plus I'm paying more attention to how the muscle is working as it moves. Doing these things have started to even out my chest development. Some IGF applied to the one muscle may also help.

Great post Sauds

one of my calvs is about .5 bigger then the other. Not really noticeable unless you use a tape. I dont go heavy on calves anymore unless its leg press calf raise. On the seated i litterally go like 1 plate total not both sides just one. And just concentrate on slowly letting down on negatives and squeezing like crazy at the top. Mine have since started growing a bit again. Everyone says you have to use crazy weight to get them to grow i think mind muscle connection is much more important.
mine were like that too when i started bb. ive been site injecting the day before calves with propionate for two years. what swole says too i think is the key as well. my calves are both 19 1/2". i gota warn you though, when you first start site injecting in the inner and outer heads its gonna hurt like a bitch after shreading calves in the gym.
You may want to use a light weight and go through the motion very slowly so you can pinpoint exactly how your muscles are firing. You'll probably find that the large calf compensates for the smaller one either because it's weaker, or your positioning or some other factor forces it to take over. To really get rid of the imbalance, you have to strictly concentrate on exercising them separately so you remove the compensation. For example, I have the same problem with my pecs so I try to use a lot of dumbbell routines to force the pec to work on its own plus I'm paying more attention to how the muscle is working as it moves. Doing these things have started to even out my chest development. Some IGF applied to the one muscle may also help.

Excellent post. I alternate a unilateral calf session with a bilateral one. Seems to be helping or it could just be the IGF. Mine are very strong, but very resistant to growth. Going to use syntherol again in them. That was CRAZY!!
i am working on it by training that side alone now every other calve session. i would consider site applying igf but i am afraid to go with sytherol just because i am afraid my small calve will not match. i think i will try to post some pics before and after. i know i am hard headed enough to make them match one day.
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i am working on it by training that side alone now every other calve session. i would consider site applying igf but i am afraid to go with sytherol just because i am afraid my small calve will somehow get deformed from that shit and really wont match. i think i will try to post some pics before and after. i know i am hard headed enough to make them match one day.

You won't get deformed from 'that shit' if you simply follow the protocol
that has been written specifically for that product and been used by
thousands of people now.

Also, if you for some reason do not like the shape that you are creating
when using syntherol, just stop use... its not hard.

Whether you will or will not use the product is totally upto you but please
don't sit here hanging shit on a quality product that has given excellent
results to a lot of different people.
i edited the post to make it more appropriate for your tastes. i didnt see anything wrong and i have seen some things really go wrong with syntherol so really that was an honest statement based on i dont know how to use the stuff and i have seen some weird ass pictures of people that apparently didnt know how to use it either. but at the end of the day we all have are own opinion and im good with WHATEVER you write because thats your shit i can take it or leave it
i edited the post to make it more appropriate for your tastes. i didnt see anything wrong and i have seen some things really go wrong with syntherol so really that was an honest statement based on i dont know how to use the stuff and i have seen some weird ass pictures of people that apparently didnt know how to use it either. but at the end of the day we all have are own opinion and im good with WHATEVER you write because thats your shit i can take it or leave it

I'll give you that! Syntherol is VERY difficult to apply in the calves. Calves have a flat shape from the side, but "flare" on the inside. It is something that requires a lot of attention and commitment. You can't just start putting it all over. It is also incredibly painfull, but it does work. Definately a personal choice and its the most difficult compound in all or bodybuilding to apply IMO.
Don't even pretend like you know! You are your tank training partner both have naturally large thick calves!
Man, stop lying!! When I walk past a fat girl, she looks at my legs and thinks KFC found out how to supersize. In fact, I can't shave/wax my legs, I have to pluck the feathers from them.