Can anyone help me ?


New member
I'm having a fight with my girlfriend everyday now. I don't know what the hell is going on.. am I being insane.. I'm more jelaous at her, when she talks about her male friends and ex bf's... and she doesn't like the fact I'm using AS, so I told her, right after I'm done with my cycle I will stop. Something is wrong here, I'm sure 100% its a mood swings.. from time to I'll be nice to her for like 10 mins, and then I start to yell at her, and shit, that pisses me off so bad. Do you get this shit too..or what. Is there anything I can do to prevent fights with my gf..I love her so much..
It's a bitch bro been there many of times. I still say that roids play a major part of emotions referring to the roid rage thread. I just went through a serious bout with something simmular except I'm married it was not a good thing. I guess if both of you have love for each other things will work out. Just be patient
Dont concentrate on it too much.. we can do funky shit when we fall for a women.... try not to take things too seriously.
Hey bro, Girls that we love should never make reference to other men be it x-boyfriends or friends that happen to be men. Cause we all know that every guy is as horny as we are and are just tying to fuck them. And any girl that acts as if they don't know that are not to be trusted and need to be put in there place by the steroid using man. I know this sounds chauvanistic and archaic but that's just the way it is my doggs.
Yea been there too, make sure she knows whats going on before you loose her... but this is going to re-enforce her want for you to quit the roids!!! it is the hormone change in your body..and no one should understand that better than a woman.. we have to put up with them once a month doing that !!!