Can anyone help??


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
There is nothing I can do to keep weight on, let alone add more, and its sooooo damn frustrating!! Im on HIGH gear doses, and its not doing shit. I EAT fast food all the time and i dont get fat. When i eat clean I fucking lose weight. What the fuck can I take to put weight on?? Igf makes me lose weight, and creatine doesnt do shit either. I have been only as high as 207, and now with gear, i cant even get to 190........... WTF!!

I will try anything! I would like to try slin, but it seems everyone on here who is using it, is not getting good results. I am using sust, and EQ, and sure im lean, but i dont give a fuck about that. I want mass, and i dont even care if its water at this point!! I even eat lots of SHIT, hoping it my make me fat, but instead i lose weight......
In the same boat..I suspect IGF...willl know more in a couple weeks
My metabolism is like that. I was stuck at 218 very lean for 2 years on 1g of test a week. I added in IGF, changed to DC style lifting and really started forcefeeding myself I'm in a year I'm up to 260 near as lean. I've also upped my doses to as high as 3g of test with IGF. The important part is I'm able to stay around 245 with only 300mg of test when "come off". Change everything. Try DC training. It has also occurred to me that IGF works better in a high carb, very high protein diet. No matter what I eat I don't gain BF on IGF which helps me to really let loose on the diet. A lot of people say that they eat a lot. I haven't seen an "offseason diet" like mine though. For people like us, forget about brown rice, and 1 cup of this or this amount of vegatables. Think in terms of pizza's, subs, burgers, etc in a day. Keep an eye on your BP and don't do it straight, but that's what I do. Stromboli's, Big Macs, and whole eggs may sound like I'm being lazy, but that's what it takes for me to grow.
My metabolism is like that. I was stuck at 218 very lean for 2 years on 1g of test a week. I added in IGF, changed to DC style lifting and really started forcefeeding myself I'm in a year I'm up to 260 near as lean. I've also upped my doses to as high as 3g of test with IGF. The important part is I'm able to stay around 245 with only 300mg of test when "come off". Change everything. Try DC training. It has also occurred to me that IGF works better in a high carb, very high protein diet. No matter what I eat I don't gain BF on IGF which helps me to really let loose on the diet. A lot of people say that they eat a lot. I haven't seen an "offseason diet" like mine though. For people like us, forget about brown rice, and 1 cup of this or this amount of vegatables. Think in terms of pizza's, subs, burgers, etc in a day. Keep an eye on your BP and don't do it straight, but that's what I do. Stromboli's, Big Macs, and whole eggs may sound like I'm being lazy, but that's what it takes for me to grow.
dude, i think im the same way bro! I guess i will up my test a bunch and find out. Let me ask you this...... I was cruising on an hrt for 6-8 weeks. It was about 300mg every 12 days, sometimes a little longer. In that time i went from 195-185. I just started up again only 13 days ago. Since I already have a tiny bit of test in me, how long should it take to get gains back up? Shouldnt it be faster than starting a cycle from scratch? I feel thgey are coming on too slow, if at all...
You need to eat more, I was the same way for years...

I have to consume around 7000 calories per day just to maintain a bodyweight of 215 @ 5'7" and about 4-5% bodyfat, the second I consume any less, I disappear...

I take a shake a few times a day, say Prolab Nlarge2 with 2-4 scoops, in whole milk, add a yogurt, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, ice, a banana, and sometimes a scoop of ice cream...

Do 2 or 3 of those a day on top of your normal meals and trust me you will gain some size :)
dude, i think im the same way bro! I guess i will up my test a bunch and find out. Let me ask you this...... I was cruising on an hrt for 6-8 weeks. It was about 300mg every 12 days, sometimes a little longer. In that time i went from 195-185. I just started up again only 13 days ago. Since I already have a tiny bit of test in me, how long should it take to get gains back up? Shouldnt it be faster than starting a cycle from scratch? I feel thgey are coming on too slow, if at all...

200mg a week had me at 1000ng/dl so I stay around 300mg a week for HRT. As far as feeling and seeing a difference, it took me 4 weeks to really notice and I ended up bumping my test up from 1200mg a week to 1800mg and kept the Deca at 400mg. I'm moving nicely now. As 105kStrongman said for some of us it takes an absurd amount of calories and sometimes more gear. It is what it is. Even when I'm on the heaviest bulking cycle, what kills me is the food money. Eat it all!! I also make shakes with protein powder, ice cream, and bananas. I probably don't go more than 45 minutes during the day without at least snacking. I also make an ice cream protein shake during the night as my first middle of the night meal. Second is shake and bake chicken and ramen noodles.
I'd actually like to see what your whole cycle regimen is and what it has been. I strongly suspect your body type is a lot like mine, but I have to know some history first, including anti-estrogens and PCT. Normally, if you are on a really good dose(s) of gear and you're eating plenty of calories, then you should be growing. If you aren't, and you know your gear isn't bunk, then there is something possibly chemically out of balance. I say this because I have been to a new bb'er friendly doctor two weeks ago who put me on some other stuff to go with what I'm cycling. He was extremely surprised my endo didn't have me on anything other than test. My current avatar shows my progress for the last two weeks with the extra calories I've been trying to eat.

The Dude is also correct in that you have to forget about eating that "cleanly" if you want to gain weight. The foods he described have the calories. That's what you need to really grow.
I'd actually like to see what your whole cycle regimen is and what it has been. I strongly suspect your body type is a lot like mine, but I have to know some history first, including anti-estrogens and PCT. Normally, if you are on a really good dose(s) of gear and you're eating plenty of calories, then you should be growing. If you aren't, and you know your gear isn't bunk, then there is something possibly chemically out of balance. I say this because I have been to a new bb'er friendly doctor two weeks ago who put me on some other stuff to go with what I'm cycling. He was extremely surprised my endo didn't have me on anything other than test. My current avatar shows my progress for the last two weeks with the extra calories I've been trying to eat.

The Dude is also correct in that you have to forget about eating that "cleanly" if you want to gain weight. The foods he described have the calories. That's what you need to really grow.
first off S... you are a swollen mo-fo in your avatar, and im impressed! Whats your weight up now? 215??

my cycle was aound 800mg/wk of sust/prop, and 600 of eq, for a while, with some ES drol. I dont do PCT, and i just cruise with about 300mg every 12-14 days. I did that for about 6-8 weeks, then jumped back on. Im currently on EQ @ 800mg, and axio sust (1g+), and 2 weeks in. My weight is the same. I just started ES drol again today, and i already feel a bit more swole. I feel the oil should be doing more to me, and adding the drol..... well i know that works. I will gain 10 lbs in 2 weeks with the drol, guaranteed.

Honestly, no sex drive,........ i just feel like the oil is taking its sweet time.

I think Im going to take your and the dude's advice, and eat ALL the fattening food(fastfood), and see if that doesnt help. I think the cleaner i eat, its just not enough to grow, even if its about the same amount of cals........ if that makes sense. Every one else I know can throw weight on with ease, and im on three different compounds, and am staying the same!
Thanks, bro, actually haven't weighed myself. Staying away from the scale at the moment.

So it seems the way you're running stuff is sort of like someone on HRT from what you wrote. With all that I've done, I could say it is similar. The factor here that I'm seeing is that I never did any PCT either. Mainly, it's the estrogen control that I'm thinking about. A few times I did have an anti-estrogen like femara for a while, but that didn't really make any difference. What my new doctor said is what I found interesting. You bring up the testosterone, and the body tries to bring up the estrogen. In some ways, it wants to balance them. Taking an anti-estrogen removes estrogen, but the body still tries to balance the equation. He put me on clomid--during my cycle. We essentially know that it is an estrogen itself, but chemically not the same as normal estrogen. Basically, the clomid acts as an estrogen in the body, acts on the testes to make them work. Because it's there, the body doesn't try to convert the testosterone so it blocks like an anti-estrogen. My acne has almost disappeared, my appetite has come back--eating more, and best of all, I feel like I'm growing again. Think about adding 50mg of clomid/WEEK, not per day. This is what my doc has me on.
Thanks, bro, actually haven't weighed myself. Staying away from the scale at the moment.

So it seems the way you're running stuff is sort of like someone on HRT from what you wrote. With all that I've done, I could say it is similar. The factor here that I'm seeing is that I never did any PCT either. Mainly, it's the estrogen control that I'm thinking about. A few times I did have an anti-estrogen like femara for a while, but that didn't really make any difference. What my new doctor said is what I found interesting. You bring up the testosterone, and the body tries to bring up the estrogen. In some ways, it wants to balance them. Taking an anti-estrogen removes estrogen, but the body still tries to balance the equation. He put me on clomid--during my cycle. We essentially know that it is an estrogen itself, but chemically not the same as normal estrogen. Basically, the clomid acts as an estrogen in the body, acts on the testes to make them work. Because it's there, the body doesn't try to convert the testosterone so it blocks like an anti-estrogen. My acne has almost disappeared, my appetite has come back--eating more, and best of all, I feel like I'm growing again. Think about adding 50mg of clomid/WEEK, not per day. This is what my doc has me on.
Damn.... that's a great idea. I've been running A-dex at .25mg ED for a while and now I'm feeling it in my joints so I'm cutting back to EOD. Maybe I'll give the clomid a shot too.
Thanks, bro, actually haven't weighed myself. Staying away from the scale at the moment.

So it seems the way you're running stuff is sort of like someone on HRT from what you wrote. With all that I've done, I could say it is similar. The factor here that I'm seeing is that I never did any PCT either. Mainly, it's the estrogen control that I'm thinking about. A few times I did have an anti-estrogen like femara for a while, but that didn't really make any difference. What my new doctor said is what I found interesting. You bring up the testosterone, and the body tries to bring up the estrogen. In some ways, it wants to balance them. Taking an anti-estrogen removes estrogen, but the body still tries to balance the equation. He put me on clomid--during my cycle. We essentially know that it is an estrogen itself, but chemically not the same as normal estrogen. Basically, the clomid acts as an estrogen in the body, acts on the testes to make them work. Because it's there, the body doesn't try to convert the testosterone so it blocks like an anti-estrogen. My acne has almost disappeared, my appetite has come back--eating more, and best of all, I feel like I'm growing again. Think about adding 50mg of clomid/WEEK, not per day. This is what my doc has me on.
whoops.... I forgot to mention AI's. I have been using a-dex, .5mg eod ( but more like e3d). I have some nolvabloat, but have not used it yet. It just seems like the test just i'snt there. I started ES drol 2 days ago.... and BAM up 4lbs already, and instantly i got that swole, "on" feeling (like your arms look in your avatar) that i have been looking for. Other than that, I have no acne, and not too much of a sex drive. My balls are non-existant, but they have been like that for a yr now, which is fine with me. Im waiting for a sign for the test to kick in, and I even started increasing my dose dramatically. I feel like Any gains I am recieving is STRAIGHT from the drol.
ES drol is goddam fucking sick, I love that stuff!
within 2 days bro i feel that shit! im only on like 50mg ed. I could go through a bottle every 3 weeks....... sip that shit like its water, if it didnt fry my liver,lol

my first time using it, i used it with ES d-bol, and that was retardedly sick too! By the end of my workout i look like a new person. I have some of both now too....
Have you thought of starting a logbook? I didn't start really making gains until I started writing down every weight, every rep, every workout, and everything I ate.
For instance I started at noon. I've had 8 whole eggs, 8 pieces of turkey bacon, a large bagel, and a slice of cheese. Then a shake with 2 cups of brown rice. Then half a container of cottage cheese and half a container of almonds. Next I had a large Firehouse sub and chips. I just had a bowl of ice cream and a shake and I'm also going to eat a box of Velvetta shells and cheese. Then 2 Big Macs and a large fries. Then I'm going out (and drink an immense amount of vodka since I have a superhuman metabolism) so I'll have a Metrx Big 100 bar. Then a gyro with onions rings. Then a shake before bed... then my two middle of the night meals. This is what it takes for me to gain 1/2 a pound every 2 weeks or so, but I gain no bodyfat. It doesn't sound like much weight, but its solid weight and it stays.
Have you thought of starting a logbook? I didn't start really making gains until I started writing down every weight, every rep, every workout, and everything I ate.
For instance I started at noon. I've had 8 whole eggs, 8 pieces of turkey bacon, a large bagel, and a slice of cheese. Then a shake with 2 cups of brown rice. Then half a container of cottage cheese and half a container of almonds. Next I had a large Firehouse sub and chips. I just had a bowl of ice cream and a shake and I'm also going to eat a box of Velvetta shells and cheese. Then 2 Big Macs and a large fries. Then I'm going out (and drink an immense amount of vodka since I have a superhuman metabolism) so I'll have a Metrx Big 100 bar. Then a gyro with onions rings. Then a shake before bed... then my two middle of the night meals. This is what it takes for me to gain 1/2 a pound every 2 weeks or so, but I gain no bodyfat. It doesn't sound like much weight, but its solid weight and it stays.
yeah i started one on here, check it out. I alreday today had..

3 packs of oatmeal and 1 scoop whey mixed in, then 2 scoops whey shake, then QP wcheese, lg fry dbl cheeseburger, now im eating 2 home made cheeseburger clubs, then a large bowl of pasta w cheese, and prob another shake and a PBJ, and about 7 beers and some jaeger bombs....
yeah i started one on here, check it out. I alreday today had..

3 packs of oatmeal and 1 scoop whey mixed in, then 2 scoops whey shake, then QP wcheese, lg fry dbl cheeseburger, now im eating 2 home made cheeseburger clubs, then a large bowl of pasta w cheese, and prob another shake and a PBJ, and about 7 beers and some jaeger bombs....

At a boy.. sounds like your figuring it out nicely. Even when you drink try to get some food in at some point even if its the drunk pizza. Just keep eating.
In some ways I wish I had your problem. I gain weight if I eat "dirty" two days in a row. Eat lots and late as the others have said. Sounds like you are at your genetic sticking point but don't give up.