Can gyno develope without feeling..,,


New member
any abnormal sensitivity in nipples?---I'm always paronoid that i will get gyno,so i,m always checking--but I look normal--and I am wondering that as long as I feel no abnormal sensitinity when i pinch my nipples than I must be ok--in other words,when you pinch your nipples and it feels normal is this then a good baromater of your gyno status???
Not really. I have slight puffy nips and have never fealt any kind of itchy or pain feeling. They just started appearing. It sucks but this is the chance you have to take. I have alway stayed under 600mg/week of Test also. Good Luck
How bout eq, primo, mast, halo they dont cause I would say test is the biggest culprit of gyno unless you are progesterone prone (like me) and then fina and deca are a bitch to take well fina is a bitch for me!
btw if you feel a buff in ur nips is that a sign of gyno ?! or jus caused by EQ and nothing to worry about .. plus its not all the time ..
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