Can't get freaken arms to grow


New member
Ok guys this is weird to me. I am making great gains on this cycle. Just started 7th week of a 15 week cycle. I have put on 22 pounds so far except I lost 2 when I droped the dbol. I know, water. I can't seem to get my arms to grow at all. They are still a crappy 16.5 inches cold. I am not overtraining them and I have mixed up the way I work them. Currently I am mon. Back, Wed, Chest, Thurs. legs, Sat. shoulders and arms... 2nd week on this prog. I was doing tris with chest and bi's with back. Diet is good and sleep is good. I get a good pump with all exercises without overtraining them. I even mix up the exercises I am doing. Does anyone have similar experiences as me or any suggestions?

1-12 500mg Test e
1-6 35mg dbol ed
1-12 400mg deca
10-15 50mg winny ed
also running adex .25 ed

weight 194 height 5'10 age 31 BF% 11
I would recommend squats, I tried them and gained a half inch on arms in 4 weeks, you will stimulate new growth with squats
Some people (myself included) can't get their biceps to grow if they have really dominant front delts. The trick is to choose biceps exercises that support the elbow- Preachers/Concentration, etc.

This came from Arnold's book. It worked for me. If you figure out the triceps end let me know.
what kind of routine are you doing for arms, I have the same problem, I get much better growth when I do isolating movements like, preacher curls, incline db curls.

try chinups with your palms facing you, that is always a good one.

if they are your problem try moving shoulders to chest day, and really just concentrate on arms on Sat.
if arms are your weakness ask your self this question. why are you training them last (saturday) and why are you training them with another bodypart? I have always trained my arms by themselves. I would first make arms the first thing you train. that why you are fresh. train them by themselves. I would shoot for 12-16 sets for biceps and 14-18 sets of triceps. Not sure how long you have been training so read that with a bit of salt.

Example of mine arm program:
Standing Heavy Curls (barbell)
Preacher Curls (cable, barbell, or dumbell)
Hammer Curls
Reverse Curls

Skull Crushers
D/B French Presses
Weighted Dips or Machine Dips

sets vary on energy level and workout intensity. hope this helps.

Tenn, that would be way too many sets for me. I overtrain pretty easy and have to do less volume but higher intensity to get solid growth. I have a buddy who grows like crazy traing like that.

I got the most growth in my arms by doing heavy compund exercises like squats, bench press, pull-ups, dips, deadlifts etc.
I would try increasing the weight with regard to those exercises if you are a hardgainer. If not give Tenn's routine a try.
i train mine on sun morn after taking all day sat off have been getting good results doing this

i start with heavy bar curls then preacher one arm DB 8-10 reps then a cable movement with higher reps and maybe a drop set on the last one
dont be scared to go down to 5-6 reps on a set or 2
Mine won't grow either and here are two options I am trying now.

First do something with dumbells possibly alternating single arm then superset with concentration
Then use barbell such as heavy curls
Then use machine movements. I do preacher machines then reverse grip curls for forearm movement also.
The thinking here is use the dumbells because they require stability then barbell somewhat an isolation then total isolation with the machine.

The other is Craig Titus' routine

Heavy barbell
Standing hammer
machine curls of some nature
alternating dumbell to finish.

Both routines I use warmups on first sets only then three to four sets on each.

Ive added about an inch in the last two months on cycle.
I appreciate the info. Tenn0titan I have been training for a little over 15 years. On and off at different intensities. Kind of new to gear. About two years. A doc friend of mine got me started. I am a PT and CSCS so I am very familiar with the implementation of various progressions. I just was not sure why I can't get these darn arms to grow. My arm strength has increaced significantly though. Well I will just blame it on genetics. I am going to try an ecentric arm program to see if I can reshock them ito oblivion. Again thanks for all info.......
I'm with you, bro. My arms steadily get stronger, but no larger it seems. Sucks when you break out the measuring tape, positive that you'll have an extra 1/2 inch in there, and they're the same as they were months ago.......*sigh*
It's dificult to add size to your arms and not see any growth in the rest of your body at the same time. For every 15lbs of body weight gain you can put on about 1 inch on your arms. But you can't just stay the same weight and expect to see huge gains on a particular body part. Just another thought.....
try this it is killer for biceps, wrap a towel around a barbell where you grip it, or the grips of a DB, and do your reps.

Building up the grip makes it much harder, you won't lift as much but it will really increase strength when you go back to a regular grip.

this burns the hell out of my arms.
Harvey Balboner said:
try this it is killer for biceps, wrap a towel around a barbell where you grip it, or the grips of a DB, and do your reps.

Building up the grip makes it much harder, you won't lift as much but it will really increase strength when you go back to a regular grip.

this burns the hell out of my arms.

Harvey Balboner said:
try this it is killer for biceps, wrap a towel around a barbell where you grip it, or the grips of a DB, and do your reps.

Building up the grip makes it much harder, you won't lift as much but it will really increase strength when you go back to a regular grip.

this burns the hell out of my arms.

i use lifting straps for like this and just really build it up and it also works for me :)
re: arm size!

Some good info here bro, as per Tenn making your arms a priority is definitely required. I have brought my arms up from about 14-15 inches as a teenager to 21 inches max at around 270 lb bodyweight. If you are not gaining size you should look at a few things...
1. inc overall bodyweight to inc arm size (LBM)
2. train arms first, when energy levels are highest, train them by themselves
3. train triceps before biceps...they are a larger muscle and will add more size to your arms then biceps
4. use 3 exercises starting with a heavy compound movement ie bi's-barbell curls+dunmbell curls+preacher curls, tris-close grip benches, push downs, skull crushers
5. strive to get stronger on your first compound barbell curls..when my arms were at there largest i could curl 315 for a few good cheat reps and close grip 405 lbs for 8-10 reps
6. concentrate on good form but dont negate the effect of a few good cheat reps
7. train with intensity, heavy weights 8-10 reps and also moderate weights 15-20 reps for ovewrall development..then go home eat and rest!
8. always stretch the muscle fascia to improve ciculation and help build size

PRAETORIAN, I do these things but my arms just never seem to want to get any bigger......I don't get it. Biceps in particular never seem to get much stronger regardless of whether I train them harder or lighter, more frequently or less frequently.....

Triceps, I stick with mass builders most days - close grip bench, straight bar skullcrushers, overhead dumbell extension, pressdowns
Biceps, I've been doing more straight bar curling and preacher curls and added hammer curls in just so I could get used to hoisting up heavy weight.

With all that, my arms still suck.......implant time I guess. No wait a minute, what'd Valentino do again?? lol
watch out for the next MC newsletter, there will be an article for busting through plateaus for biceps.

would you mind posting your trainign schedule you use now and your stats..i will see what i can come up with!