Cant wait till january! 2012 expectations


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I will have had 3 months of recovery time for joints to heal up, I will have to go back to dieting which sucks, but my weight will pop back up, heavy lifting again, feeling good about myself again, fat that I gained these 3 months will vanish and summer time body will be on. Hopefully no injurie or viruses and I should be looking way better than I did this year. Cant wait!
Hopefully there will be room in the gym with everyones 3 month new years resolutions though lol.

2012 expectations----

120 # DB's on inclines for reps (maybe 5-8)
Flat bench with 315 for around 8
deads with 365 for reps (If I finally get a belt)
1000 pound leg presses
getting 95 DBs on shoulder press again, if tricep allows (that exercise hits right on the connection from surgery)
and a little more weight on my rows, but not much.
315 for 8, wow! I maxed 315, but that was years ago. I can't imagine doing it for reps, but I'm still hoping to max 300 again by the end of 2011.
I got 315 for 2 right before I started going light again (about 1 1/2 months ago) which is pathetic except I always do DBs not barbell, the reason I say pathetic is bc when I weighed 150 (due to 2 viruses in a row and a stomach bug that dropped me from 185 to 145 in 2006) I was getting 225 for 3 sets of 10 so I'd think with how much bigger and stronger I am now id be able to do alot more but I guess not. also in 2007 at 172 pounds (around 8% bf) I was getting 110s on incline DB press and I only got back to 115s about a month ago too =( doesnt sound impressive at all when I look at it that way but have to throw my tricep surgery in there in 2010 for the cause of these delays I guess
Well, I don't know how everyone else feels about it, but I think 315 is a hell of a lot for guys our size.
I have too many strong friends I guess lol bc not too many of my friends would be impressed with my bench stuff unless they consider the injury as a backlash, but thanks man
I will have had 3 months of recovery time for joints to heal up, I will have to go back to dieting which sucks, but my weight will pop back up, heavy lifting again, feeling good about myself again, fat that I gained these 3 months will vanish and summer time body will be on. Hopefully no injurie or viruses and I should be looking way better than I did this year. Cant wait!
Hopefully there will be room in the gym with everyones 3 month new years resolutions though lol.

2012 expectations----

120 # DB's on inclines for reps (maybe 5-8)
Flat bench with 315 for around 8
deads with 365 for reps (If I finally get a belt)
1000 pound leg presses
getting 95 DBs on shoulder press again, if tricep allows (that exercise hits right on the connection from surgery)
and a little more weight on my rows, but not much.

i didnt see nothing here speaking of big legs (which means squats yo) leg press will only get you so far with them ckicka dee's! LOL
hahaha well I need to work on those to but im not making promises lol
I do just makin more of a leg press promise than a squat one, I guess I can go for 315 reps clean and deep with squats tho that would be a good start
^^^I do that sometimes but use a bench instead, its pretty parallel like that
I tell ya, if I could squat 200 in the next year, I'd consider it an achievement. And I'm talking 200 for reps without knee pain.
yeah I really need to work on them again it just depends on how much time I have a week to dedicate