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<article id="post-269" class="hentry post-269 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail category-bodybuilding-fitness-supplements tag-bodybuilding tag-cbd-oil tag-fitness-recovery tag-supplements" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; border: none;"><header id="mvp-post-head" class="left relative" style="box-sizing: inherit;">[h=1]CBD for Bodybuilding & Fitness Recovery: What You Need To Know About Cannabinoids[/h]

</header><section id="mvp-content-main" class="post-1227 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-bulking category-nutrition tag-featured" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px 0px 40px;">The fitness world is a diverse and changeable entity, and one that continues to evolve in line with social, economic and scientific behaviours.
This industry is also heavily trend-driven, with this year seeing the emergence of concepts such as functional fitness, group training and bodyweight workouts.
There’s also a growing focus on diet and the use of supplements in the fitness industry, with veganism increasingly prominent in the field of professional bodybuilding.
Similarly, fitness pros and gym enthusiasts are turning in their drovers to CBD oil as a way of supplementing their diet, as they look to leverage the natural advantages of cannabinoids and optimise their workout.
In this article, we’ll explain the core benefits of CBD as a dietary supplement and ask why it is taking an entire industry by storm.

[h=2]Introducing CBD and its Core Benefits[/h]In simple terms, CBD (or Cannabidiol) is an organic and fully-legalised cannabis compound, and one that is extracted in oil form from hemp. This process ensures that the addictive and psychoactive agents of cannabis are left behind, creating a completely safe product that can be used widely as a beneficial food supplement.

We’ll touch more on the core benefits for muscle building and fitness recovery below, but CBD is undoubtedly packed full of the minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids that are essential to any health-conscious diet.
The natural properties of CBD have been well-popularised in recent times, leading to its widespread adoption by a number of fitness professionals. These include the world’s strongest man Eddie Hall, who is one of a growing number of bodybuilders and strong men who are supplementing their diet and training with CBD oil.
In this interview, Hall cites the diverse benefits and flexibility of CBD oil as being key to his dietary and fitness regime. After all, this supplement can be taken in a number of different forms and strengths according to alternative training schedules, from traditional oils and CBD e-liquid to water soluble formats that can be consumed orally.
Hall himself uses the innovative CBD Pro Shot product, which has been devised by his sponsors at the CBD Asylum. This is arguably the single most convenient form of consumption, and one that suits the hectic schedules of fitness professionals.

In addition to water soluble CBD, CBD e liquids are also extremely popular. This is because vaping CBD into the lungs means it goes straight into the bloodstream, so your body starts feeling the benefits almost immediately.
With these points in mind, it’s clear that CBD oil and its numerous concentrations offer tremendous benefits in the form of fitness and recovery.

[h=2]#1 – The Consumption of CBD Oil can Aid Safe and Effective Recovery[/h]With high intensity workouts continuing to dominate the global fitness industry, the art of recovery has never been more important for fitness lovers to master.
This can be a deceptively challenging pastime, however, with pain, fatigue and inflammation commonly associated with high intensity exercise and the use of specific drugs to counter these symptoms considered to be extremely dangerous.
In fact, research in the States suggests that Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs such as Ibuprofen can cause significant health issues when they’re used frequently, while they can also impede the efficiency and effectiveness of your training.
Fortunately, CBD oil provides a much safer alternative in the current climate, and one that can effectively alleviate post-workout symptoms including pain, inflammation and even nausea.
In terms of pain, hemp oil is renowned as an analgesic, making it capable of alleviating soreness both during and after exercise. CBD is also a potent anti-inflammatory agent, which inhibits cell proliferation and suppresses cytokin production (which is a key trigger for inflammation in the human body).
If you’re prone to feeling nauseas after intense bursts of exercise, CBD will also create an anti-emetic effect that alleviates this post-workout. This will aid a far quicker and more effective recovery, while enabling you to realise your full physical potential over time.

[h=2]#2 – CBD Oil Improves your General Sense of Wellbeing[/h]The stresses and strains of life can be consuming, making it hard to find time for healthy eating and exercise. This can create a recurring and debilitating cycle, which diminishes your physical wellbeing and decreases your motivation to get active.
Given that good physical health and wellbeing is central to the cultivation of a sustainable fitness regime, you’ll need to take proactive steps towards optimising this. Consuming CBD oil can certainly help with this, as this substance works closely with the delicate endocannabinoid system to help to maintain harmony and balance in your body.
In simple terms, the endocannabinoid system is responsible for managing reactions and natural process within the human form, while it is triggered when CBD interacts with the brain’s two cannabinoid receptors. This, in turn, influences just about every major reaction and impulse in your body, including everything from inflammation and appetite to relaxation and the quality of your sleep.
These factors can all have a direct impact on your quality of life and general wellbeing, with the maintenance of your physical equilibrium likely to increase energy, improve your mental focus and lay the foundations for a sustained and high intensity fitness regime.

[h=2]#3 – CBD Oil Prevents Muscle Loss and Optimises Physical Strength[/h]Whisper it quietly, but the world of bodybuilding is undergoing a significant evolution in the modern age. In short, those looking to build sustainable, lean muscle mass are turning to increasingly progressive dietary regimes and supplements, while eschewing historic bodybuilding staples such as the consumption of meat and Anabolic steroids.
This is borne out by the rise of veganism in the modern fitness worlds, with plant-based diets increasingly capable of building lean muscle mass while also reducing body fat and contributing to long-term health. These benefits instantly lend themselves to competitive bodybuilders, of course, but they’re also being embraced by amateur fitness enthusiasts in 2018.
In the case of supplements, CBD is known as an anti-catabolic substance that actively reduces the production of harmful, catabolic hormones in the human body. Over time, these hormones can drive sustained muscle loss and eradicate physical strength, preventing you from achieving longer-term fitness goals.
This is particularly true for individuals who take Anabolic steroids and are subsequently forced to take a break from training due to illness or injury. During this period, catabolic and muscle-wasting hormones can have an extremely detrimental impact in your body, negating much of your hard work and causing serious issues in the long-term. Even when you resume training, Anabolic supplements have the capacity to both build and waste muscle simultaneously, and this is something that can be avoided entirely through the use of CBD oil.
Remember, CBD oil is considered to be one of the most effective anti-catabolic supplements on the current market, meaning that its sustained use will contribute to sustained muscle mass over months and even years.

[h=2]#4 – CBD Oil will Drastically Reduce Cortisol Levels in your Body[/h]On a similar note, studies have shown that CBD is capable of drastically reducing the level of cortisol in the human body. This hormone, which is effectively produced to help manage stress, also has the potential to hinder muscle growth and prevent you from achieving a number of core fitness objectives.
By organically reducing the level of cortisol in your blood stream, you’ll optimise the impact of your muscle and bodybuilding workouts without compromising on the intensity or the quality of your workout.
There’s also a suggestion that the consumption of CBD supplements will contribute to superior fitness recovery and a greater capacity for high intensity or cardiovascular workouts. This is because lower cortisol levels improve the flow of energy throughout the human body, enabling you to exercise more frequently while also building your stamina and overall endurance.
This is important, particularly given the deceptively difficult physical challenges associated with muscle training and intense workouts such as Body Pump. With the sustained use of CBD oil in one of its numerous forms, you’ll notice that you have more energy and a greater capacity for increasing repetitions and the total weight that you’re able to lift over time.
You should also note that taking a CBD supplement pre-workout will help to optimise your performance during exercise, enabling you to maintain your form and mental focus for a longer period of time.

[h=2]The Last Word[/h]With the benefits and natural characteristics of CBD oil in mind, it’s little wonder that this substance represents the next big thing in the fitness industry. Its emergence certainly marks a shift away from the use of Anabolic steroids, while it’s also part of a wider change in how fitness enthusiasts strive to build lean muscle mass and aid a natural recovery post-workout.
Not only is CBD an entirely natural, safe and effective supplement, however, but it also boasts unique flexibility on the market. Available in e-liquid, CBD shatter and water soluble forms, it can be consumed in numerous ways depending on your schedule and the precise demands of your workout.
Given this, we’d expect the popularisation of CBD to continue at pace in the future, with the use of this and similar, anti-catabolic supplements one of the biggest fitness trends in the world right now.


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<article id="post-269" class="hentry post-269 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail category-bodybuilding-fitness-supplements tag-bodybuilding tag-cbd-oil tag-fitness-recovery tag-supplements" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; border: none;"><header id="mvp-post-head" class="left relative" style="box-sizing: inherit;">[h=1]CBD for Bodybuilding & Fitness Recovery: What You Need To Know About Cannabinoids[/h]

</header><section id="mvp-content-main" class="post-1227 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-bulking category-nutrition tag-featured" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px 0px 40px;">The fitness world is a diverse and changeable entity, and one that continues to evolve in line with social, economic and scientific behaviours.
This industry is also heavily trend-driven, with this year seeing the emergence of concepts such as functional fitness, group training and bodyweight workouts.
There’s also a growing focus on diet and the use of supplements in the fitness industry, with veganism increasingly prominent in the field of professional bodybuilding.
Similarly, fitness pros and gym enthusiasts are turning in their drovers to CBD oil as a way of supplementing their diet, as they look to leverage the natural advantages of cannabinoids and optimise their workout.
In this article, we’ll explain the core benefits of CBD as a dietary supplement and ask why it is taking an entire industry by storm.

[h=2]Introducing CBD and its Core Benefits[/h]In simple terms, CBD (or Cannabidiol) is an organic and fully-legalised cannabis compound, and one that is extracted in oil form from hemp. This process ensures that the addictive and psychoactive agents of cannabis are left behind, creating a completely safe product that can be used widely as a beneficial food supplement.

We’ll touch more on the core benefits for muscle building and fitness recovery below, but CBD is undoubtedly packed full of the minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids that are essential to any health-conscious diet.
The natural properties of CBD have been well-popularised in recent times, leading to its widespread adoption by a number of fitness professionals. These include the world’s strongest man Eddie Hall, who is one of a growing number of bodybuilders and strong men who are supplementing their diet and training with CBD oil.
In this interview, Hall cites the diverse benefits and flexibility of CBD oil as being key to his dietary and fitness regime. After all, this supplement can be taken in a number of different forms and strengths according to alternative training schedules, from traditional oils and CBD e-liquid to water soluble formats that can be consumed orally.
Hall himself uses the innovative CBD Pro Shot product, which has been devised by his sponsors at the CBD Asylum. This is arguably the single most convenient form of consumption, and one that suits the hectic schedules of fitness professionals.

In addition to water soluble CBD, CBD e liquids are also extremely popular. This is because vaping CBD into the lungs means it goes straight into the bloodstream, so your body starts feeling the benefits almost immediately.
With these points in mind, it’s clear that CBD oil and its numerous concentrations offer tremendous benefits in the form of fitness and recovery.

[h=2]#1 – The Consumption of CBD Oil can Aid Safe and Effective Recovery[/h]With high intensity workouts continuing to dominate the global fitness industry, the art of recovery has never been more important for fitness lovers to master.
This can be a deceptively challenging pastime, however, with pain, fatigue and inflammation commonly associated with high intensity exercise and the use of specific drugs to counter these symptoms considered to be extremely dangerous.
In fact, research in the States suggests that Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs such as Ibuprofen can cause significant health issues when they’re used frequently, while they can also impede the efficiency and effectiveness of your training.
Fortunately, CBD oil provides a much safer alternative in the current climate, and one that can effectively alleviate post-workout symptoms including pain, inflammation and even nausea.
In terms of pain, hemp oil is renowned as an analgesic, making it capable of alleviating soreness both during and after exercise. CBD is also a potent anti-inflammatory agent, which inhibits cell proliferation and suppresses cytokin production (which is a key trigger for inflammation in the human body).
If you’re prone to feeling nauseas after intense bursts of exercise, CBD will also create an anti-emetic effect that alleviates this post-workout. This will aid a far quicker and more effective recovery, while enabling you to realise your full physical potential over time.

[h=2]#2 – CBD Oil Improves your General Sense of Wellbeing[/h]The stresses and strains of life can be consuming, making it hard to find time for healthy eating and exercise. This can create a recurring and debilitating cycle, which diminishes your physical wellbeing and decreases your motivation to get active.
Given that good physical health and wellbeing is central to the cultivation of a sustainable fitness regime, you’ll need to take proactive steps towards optimising this. Consuming CBD oil can certainly help with this, as this substance works closely with the delicate endocannabinoid system to help to maintain harmony and balance in your body.
In simple terms, the endocannabinoid system is responsible for managing reactions and natural process within the human form, while it is triggered when CBD interacts with the brain’s two cannabinoid receptors. This, in turn, influences just about every major reaction and impulse in your body, including everything from inflammation and appetite to relaxation and the quality of your sleep.
These factors can all have a direct impact on your quality of life and general wellbeing, with the maintenance of your physical equilibrium likely to increase energy, improve your mental focus and lay the foundations for a sustained and high intensity fitness regime.

[h=2]#3 – CBD Oil Prevents Muscle Loss and Optimises Physical Strength[/h]Whisper it quietly, but the world of bodybuilding is undergoing a significant evolution in the modern age. In short, those looking to build sustainable, lean muscle mass are turning to increasingly progressive dietary regimes and supplements, while eschewing historic bodybuilding staples such as the consumption of meat and Anabolic steroids.
This is borne out by the rise of veganism in the modern fitness worlds, with plant-based diets increasingly capable of building lean muscle mass while also reducing body fat and contributing to long-term health. These benefits instantly lend themselves to competitive bodybuilders, of course, but they’re also being embraced by amateur fitness enthusiasts in 2018.
In the case of supplements, CBD is known as an anti-catabolic substance that actively reduces the production of harmful, catabolic hormones in the human body. Over time, these hormones can drive sustained muscle loss and eradicate physical strength, preventing you from achieving longer-term fitness goals.
This is particularly true for individuals who take Anabolic steroids and are subsequently forced to take a break from training due to illness or injury. During this period, catabolic and muscle-wasting hormones can have an extremely detrimental impact in your body, negating much of your hard work and causing serious issues in the long-term. Even when you resume training, Anabolic supplements have the capacity to both build and waste muscle simultaneously, and this is something that can be avoided entirely through the use of CBD oil.
Remember, CBD oil is considered to be one of the most effective anti-catabolic supplements on the current market, meaning that its sustained use will contribute to sustained muscle mass over months and even years.

[h=2]#4 – CBD Oil will Drastically Reduce Cortisol Levels in your Body[/h]On a similar note, studies have shown that CBD is capable of drastically reducing the level of cortisol in the human body. This hormone, which is effectively produced to help manage stress, also has the potential to hinder muscle growth and prevent you from achieving a number of core fitness objectives.
By organically reducing the level of cortisol in your blood stream, you’ll optimise the impact of your muscle and bodybuilding workouts without compromising on the intensity or the quality of your workout.
There’s also a suggestion that the consumption of CBD supplements will contribute to superior fitness recovery and a greater capacity for high intensity or cardiovascular workouts. This is because lower cortisol levels improve the flow of energy throughout the human body, enabling you to exercise more frequently while also building your stamina and overall endurance.
This is important, particularly given the deceptively difficult physical challenges associated with muscle training and intense workouts such as Body Pump. With the sustained use of CBD oil in one of its numerous forms, you’ll notice that you have more energy and a greater capacity for increasing repetitions and the total weight that you’re able to lift over time.
You should also note that taking a CBD supplement pre-workout will help to optimise your performance during exercise, enabling you to maintain your form and mental focus for a longer period of time.

[h=2]The Last Word[/h]With the benefits and natural characteristics of CBD oil in mind, it’s little wonder that this substance represents the next big thing in the fitness industry. Its emergence certainly marks a shift away from the use of Anabolic steroids, while it’s also part of a wider change in how fitness enthusiasts strive to build lean muscle mass and aid a natural recovery post-workout.
Not only is CBD an entirely natural, safe and effective supplement, however, but it also boasts unique flexibility on the market. Available in e-liquid, CBD shatter and water soluble forms, it can be consumed in numerous ways depending on your schedule and the precise demands of your workout.
Given this, we’d expect the popularisation of CBD to continue at pace in the future, with the use of this and similar, anti-catabolic supplements one of the biggest fitness trends in the world right now.


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Good article!!

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