

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
What supplements you running you shredded in your avi. You stay naturally lean? You look like you run 100 mg whinny a day year round lol
Lol sorry bros,

I got busy over the weekend as I pick up shift as a bouncer on Saturday.
It's relatively easier for me to stay leaner than gain solid mass. The most I have been is 255ish but I'm around 205 in that pic. I want to be that lean or more but at 225-230.
I would do max one AAS cycle per year for about 12-16 weeks but rest of the time I am experimenting on and off with IGF, SARMS, peptides, Clen, ECA etc. Not all at once lol.
In other supplements I like aminos twice daily around workout, l-carnitine but I found my body like Presser's responds well to carb cycling and that's all.
Feel free to let me know if you think anything I should add to get leaner or gain lean.
Also, what's your guys' mantra other that AAS???

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ahh the good old days, bouncing on weekends and getting laid right and left lol lucky dog
I bounced some after college and yes getting laid was one of the ups. The lady that owned the bar would also keep it open after hours for us and did I mention it was at a hotel that had a pool haha
Lol wow just the right environment.
My best times have been bouncing in "private" parties 😜 but it sure fcks up diet and weekend schedule

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Lol were you a bouncer too?

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Yeah I bounced at a couple places, and one was a Pussy Goldmine! lol, Got laid right and left, chicks grabbing my dick while i stood at my post,lol, it was insane! I was young though in my early to mid 20's and i guess back then i thought it was cool,lol, but thinking back on it, I ask myself what the fuck were you thinking lol, Crazy Crazy Times thats for sure
Any good stories of having to toss guys?

I have done the door guy thing. But never the black t shirt wearing security jobs.
I remember depending on the night they would have different staffers.
Ladies night and such I would work.But then on the more "ghetto" nights they would bring in a different type of bouncer
Lol yeah! You know if it's a private bachelor party on the penthouse in residential area's tallest building, pussy's gonna flow like booze all night. I caught my self thinking, this is fcking unreal. I mean unreal awesome lol I was 25 at the time and that was most of what mattered in life lol escorts would just come and hang with me, on me, rubbing me to tease their clients and of course they were butt naked smelling like flowers. Some serious boner material lol

As to fights yeah, that was one of the better part. I am black belt 2nd dan in karate and kickboxing so I was naturally drawn towards violence part of it. I believe it kept me sharp even when I was big. My signature move was half-Nelson. I only remember one guy that I had difficulty putting in that lock as he was sweaty as fck, so I fckin put him on in choke hold. It was a split second move for me and a serious panty tickler for women patrons. I would still pick a shift here and there on big events as a few club owners are still good friends and rave about my skills from past. Lol always a big confidence booster. I earned that shit tho, I'd be rolling guys out left right all night, I would compete with the numbers kicked out with one other bigger bouncer who was jujutsu specialist. Man did we ever rule the place lol oh the good old days.
But honestly I never got laid may be becoz i was in serious relationship and may be coz girls up here are up tight snobs unless they turn into booze whores. But I've come so close, so many times, I mean foreplay was common on the floor and by that I mean serious grinding with finger up the box, other hand on the tits and lips locked kinda foreplay. Lol

Oh man, the fun to be had when you are jacked on testosterone lol

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