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Who's really paying attention to this? And I don't mean, "Who's drinking the mainstream media Kool-Aid?"

I am NOT supporting the "Alt-right" anti-Semitic, Neo-Nazi, "national socialist" views or platform. Let's make that clear and get it over with right outta the gate.

I DO, however, have a HUGE problem with re-writing/revisionist history. Like renaming Lee Park "Emancipation Park", and removing the sculpture of Lee from the park. What a crock of shit!

More importantly, I FULLY SUPPORT the right of the organizers of the rally protesting the above to express their opinion!

What ever happened to the idea that, "I disagree with your opinion. But I will defend, to the death, your right to express it!"??? This notion - basic free speech - is TOTALLY ABSENT from the mainstream media and from the politicians - from both parties - who blame this entire incident on the alt-right, Neo Nazi crowd. This incident occurred because the liberal counter-protesters attacked the protesters. And did so with the support of the local guvmint, which did nothing to separate the two groups and did nothing to protect the protesters. A group of counter-proteters arrived with clubs, clearly prepared to attack. Some were using spray-can flamethrowers to attack the protesters.

Anybody hear or read about thos in the mainstream media???

The group had a permit for the rally, it was arranged with the local guvmint. There are, as such, requirements that must be met by that guvmint. Most notably, to protect that grouo from attack. This didn't happen.

So, Trump's statement that there's blame to go around on "many sides" is totally accurate. The outrage of the left that the neo-nazis were allowed to express theit opinion is, itself an outrage! We now have this notion being broadcast all over the place and in headlines that if you don't agree with the left, you are susceptible to being forcibly silenced, up to and including being beaten and burned!

If the only person prosecuted in this fucking mess is the guy who rammed the crowd with his car and killed a woman, we have even bigger problems that most folks realize. Don't misunderstand: that dude needs to be prosecuted. But so do others.

And, the domestic terrorists here are the liberrals who showed up with clubs and other weapons to silence those with whom they disagree.

WOW! This countey has gone around the bend! I have believed for a long time that there would eventually be some sort of major "civil unrest" including violence. But I never thought ot would actually happen in my lifetime. Obviously, I was wrong. I don't see this getting any better. As long as the mainstream media keeps fanning the "racism" flames and the general public keeps drinking their Kool-Aid, it's gonna get worse.
We are seeing the left (democrats) without their sheep's clothing. They hate anything and anyone that doesn't agree with them. They use the media like a puppeteer. The only reason that Trump hasn't been able to get as much done as he wants is because to the left and the Repubs that are owned by the special interest groups. Maybe he should pass a Exec order that all of the Senate and Congress have to have the same Obamacare shit that the rest of us have and then see how fast they get it fixed.

Clean the swamp!!
It is a bunch of bs for sure! I tried to tell people after the Ferguson riots, that it was just the start, when some people thought things would die out. This boils into shit that has been brewing for a long time. The truth that a lot of people don't want to accept, is that there is plenty of racism on BOTH SIDES! BLACKS ARE RACIST TOO!!!

For the most part, there is a bunch of whiny ass, complaining "people" on the left that think things have to be there way or they are going to stir shit up & riot! Black lives matters were blocking highways & disrupting society. Was the majority of the media trying to tell Obama to condemn them?!? No!!! Btw, did you know that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves?? Should we destroy anything that is in his memory? Hell no! It's part of the history of this country & these people helped to build it.

There were people on both sides wanting to fight in Charlottesville & that's all there is to it. The only people I have respect for, are the people that have respect for others. We all know there is plenty of blacks out there that have a chip on there shoulder & want to stir up shit, just as there are whites like that as well. Those people protested the tearing down of the statue because that is there right. There were others that showed up wanting to fight & a fight is what they got! I'm going to say this again... things are going to get worse! Our country has a large # of worthless people that only contribute to causing problems. Imo, if you hate this country & the people in it that bad, than get out!
I'm glad I am not the only one who can see past the liberal agenda / media!

This goes again with what I was saying on another thread about questioning everything.

I fully disagree with the white supremacist agenda but they had a legal right to peddle their b.s. and to be protected by the law. Just like any other ignorant group peddling hate, i.e. BLM.

President Trump says this and the left uses it as proof of his racism. Its b.s.

As far as I am concerned democrats/ liberals are guilty of obstruction of the Presidency and his commitment to forfil his promise to his constituents. I fully believe some should go to jail for this as he IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! He was lawfully elected and being wilfully impeded from doing his duties!!
Anybody but me getting tired of hearing about white privilege? I get the privilege to pay my bills and that is about it.
Anybody but me getting tired of hearing about white privilege? I get the privilege to pay my bills and that is about it.

"Tired" doesn't begin to describe hiw I feel about that horseshit!

Bills, taxes to cover all these damned entitlement programs - to which I and mine are not entitled.... Not that I want to be.

My God, how far we've come from "equal opportunity". Now we have a whole segment of the population who believes that "equal opportunity" must necessarily equate to equal results and if it doesn't, then it's "not fair"; the guvmint better gimmie sumthin; and the guvmint better make "them" pay more!
I'm glad I am not the only one who can see past the liberal agenda / media!

This goes again with what I was saying on another thread about questioning everything.

I fully disagree with the white supremacist agenda but they had a legal right to peddle their b.s. and to be protected by the law. Just like any other ignorant group peddling hate, i.e. BLM.

President Trump says this and the left uses it as proof of his racism. Its b.s.

As far as I am concerned democrats/ liberals are guilty of obstruction of the Presidency and his commitment to forfil his promise to his constituents. I fully believe some should go to jail for this as he IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! He was lawfully elected and being wilfully impeded from doing his duties!!

I actually looked up "National Socialism" last night because I didn't know what, exactly, their platform is, besides what the leftist media screams about. My search came up with whatever the national socialist party is called these days and "25 points about national socialism". It turns out that I do, indeed disagree with MOST of their platform. But there is no doubt that some people could be driven into their arms by the white oppression that is going on in this country for the last decade or longer. One thing they have absolutely right is strictly limiting Constitutional rights to American citizens.

And another thing you mentioned: "BLM" - I actually thought 'Bureau of Land Management' at first... LOL! - That is a domestic terrorist group! Isn't it funny that the alt-right is being billed as a terrorist group when the real domestic terror group is endorsed by the guvmint! It also has been reported - not in the mainstream media, of course - that the counterprotesters did NOT have a permit to rally. God, I hooe Trump follows through and makes sure ALL those who deserve it are prosecuted!
I also watched them Tear down that statue illegally and that dike black fat girl who climbed up on the ladder to put rope around statue while cops stood idly by doing nothing! Had the dumbass fall off ladder and gotten hurt she would have turned around and sued the municipality for negligence and argued that the cops didn't intervene to stop her when they should have hahaha and she would have won through settling out of court

im also tired of seeing these misfit college age white kids acting like idiots protesting and kicking the statue after they pulled it down!

Lastly, civil war is coming and not because of the right, but because the far left want war! And if you continually and falsely call good honest people a racist then yes eventually they get fed up and say well if I'm a racist for not agreeing with your opinions then you got it! A racist I will be! And a damn good one!
I copied a David Horowitz article from Newsmax, entitled, "Charlottesville is biggest fake news story of the summer":

The tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia, could have been an occasion to stop and consider how the tolerance for politically correct violence and politically correct hatred is leading the nation toward civil war.
Instead, the media and the political left have turned this incident into the biggest fake news story of the summer, transforming its real lessons into a morality play that justifies war against the political right, and against white people generally.
The organizers of the "Unite the Right" demonstration in Charlottesville were repellent racists.
But they came to defend a historic monument honoring a complex man and cause, and not to attack it or, presumably, anyone else.
They applied for a permit and were denied. They re-applied successfully in a petition supported by the local ACLU.
If they had come to precipitate violence, why would they have gone to the tedious trouble of applying for a permit?
Who knows what — if anything — would have happened if that had been the end of the story and no one had showed up to oppose them.
What "Unite the Right" actually demonstrated was that the assortment of neo-Nazis, pro-Confederates, and assorted yahoos gathered under the banner of the "Alt-Right" is actually a negligible group.
This supposed national show of strength actually attracted all of 500 people.
Compare that to the tens of the thousands who can readily be marshaled by two violent groups of the left — Black Lives Matter and Antifa — and you get an idea of how marginal "white supremacists" are to America's political and cultural life.
Yet "white supremacy" and its evils became the centerpiece of all the fake news reporting on the event, including all the ludicrous attacks on the president for not condemning enough a bogeyman the whole nation condemns, and that no one but a risible fringe supports.
Talk about virtue signaling!
Omitted from the media coverage were the other forces at work in precipitating the battle of Emancipation Park, specifically Black Lives Matter and Antifa, two violent left-wing groups with racial agendas who came to squelch the demonstration in defense of the monument.
Unlike the Unite the Right demonstrators, the leftist groups did not apply for permits, which would have been denied since there was another demonstration scheduled for that park on that day.
But why should they have applied for a permit, since the mayhem they had previously caused in Ferguson, Berkeley, Sacramento, Portland, and other cities, was accomplished without permits, while their criminality was presented by the media as "protests," and their rioting went completely unpunished.
In other words, there were two demonstrations in Charlottesville — a legal protest by "Unite the Right" and an illegal protest by the vigilantes of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
Who started the fight is really immaterial. Both sides were prepared for violence because these conflicts are already a pattern of our deteriorating civic life.
Once the two sides had gathered in the same place, the violence was totally predictable.
Two parties, two culpabilities; but except for the initial statement of President Donald Trump, condemning both sides, only one party has been held accountable, and that happens to be the one that was in the park legally.
What is taking place in the media accounts and political commentaries on this event is an effort by the left to turn the mayhem in Charlottesville into a template for their war against a mythical enemy — "white supremacy" — which is really a war on white people generally.
The ideology that drives the left and divides our country is "identity politics" — the idea that the world consists of two groups — "people of color" who are guiltless and oppressed, and white people who are guilty and oppressors.
This is the real race war.
Its noxious themes inform the mindless, hysterical hatred of President Trump, and the equally mindless support of racist mobs like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
It is a war from which no good can come. But it won’t be stopped unless enough people have the courage to stand up and name it for what it is.
I liked his article a lot. He is correct no question about it!

Anyone else notice now the main stream media Keeps saying over and over HATE SPEECH is not protected by the first amendment ? They think if they say it enough people will believe it. It's incredible!

I wonder what Obama would have said if the alt right ran towards the BLM group to stop them from chanting PIGS IN A BLANKET FRY EM LIKE BACON , all while illegally blocking traffic .

The left has been crying wolf for years and now the wolf is really here. I don't agree with KKK bullshit and I'm all for all men are created equal however, I'm glad that finally there's an actual physical opposing side to the far left trouble making , rioter types like BLM and ANTIFA! And I hope the alt right group grows and grows and grows until it stamps out this far left bullshit where everyone is a racist if they don't agree with you!
The city of New Orleans paid 500k to take down the Lee circle monument and 2 others. It rained really hard a few weeks ago and the city flooded pretty bad because of pumps that were in disrepair. They make great choices on where to spend taxpayers dollars. These people aren't being honored with statues because they loved slaves. They are honored because of their valor and courage in the civil war. Slavery was LEGAL and yes its a skidmark in our history. These men weren't fighting for slavery they were called into service as a duty to protect their homes, families and loved ones. Even after the war many slaves stayed on doing what they had been because it was all they knew and not all that had slaves were barbaric.

I just wish that that blacks were a more proud culture like Native Americans. Being a Native Anerican myself we don't want to dig up the past constantly because it's best to move on. No other group in this country got it worse than the Native Americans.

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I saw something that was disturbing but funning to me. The right has over 8 million bullets and the left cannot even figure out which bathroom to use, guess who wins.

- - - Updated - - -

I also think that we should gather up all the gang member and put them in the mountains of West Virginia, Kentucky and TN. Make a realitity TV show, but it would only be about 4 episodes long. Want to take a guess who would win??
And also I would like to say welcome to the Country post Obama. He primed it up real nicely over 8 years and it's going to blow at some point.
Then Moron Micheal Moore and some other liberal drivel talking head are out there saying EVERYONE who voted for Trump is a racist, 100% of them. I really think the centered ones who are level headed have to be tired of hearing all this crap spewing from these left wing buttheads, pushing them to the right. I'm thinking it will totally backfire on these dipshits.

I really dont mind respectful liberals who can have a conversation without using the race card as talking point. Once they pull that card, I know who I'm dealing with and it will likely end up in an argument
The city of New Orleans paid 500k to take down the Lee circle monument and 2 others. It rained really hard a few weeks ago and the city flooded pretty bad because of pumps that were in disrepair. They make great choices on where to spend taxpayers dollars. These people aren't being honored with statues because they loved slaves. They are honored because of their valor and courage in the civil war. Slavery was LEGAL and yes its a skidmark in our history. These men weren't fighting for slavery they were called into service as a duty to protect their homes, families and loved ones. Even after the war many slaves stayed on doing what they had been because it was all they knew and not all that had slaves were barbaric.

I just wish that that blacks were a more proud culture like Native Americans. Being a Native Anerican myself we don't want to dig up the past constantly because it's best to move on. No other group in this country got it worse than the Native Americans.


New Orleans has a rich history of making incredibly dumbass decisions that endanger the citizens and private property. Hurricane Katrina, I believe it was? And then they blamed it on Bush... Remember that??

Regarding the Confederates and the Civil War... I gave read an awful lot about that time period and the events leading up to it. And I'm not talking about the 1860's. Go back to 1820 and even before that. That's where you need to look to see the real cause of the Civil War. Yes, slavery was the specific issue at the time - as it related to federal vs State government authority. Economics; States' sovereignty; and a federal guvmint that was overstepping its Constitutional limits are what the real issues were that caused the Civil War. That the Confederates lost is the reason the federal guvmint has so damned much domestic power and is so deeply involved in regulating our daily lives!

Hardly anybody has ever even heard of the Insurrection of 1833, when South Carolina and Georgia seceded from the Union. Ask one of these lefitst idiots about that and you get a blank stare. Hell, ask most conservatives about it and you get a blank stare. It's not their faukt - it's a result of the American pubkic education system being OWNED by the left! It really has revised and rewritten history to fit its own agenda. Created a false reality. Most people in this country don't have any idea what we're really all about - or supposed to be about - because of this!