cheap kynoselen (not a source post cuz it's legal)

I site inject alot of it, but not all. When taking 10cc's ED I site inject about 4-6cc's. I do 2 3cc shots in my thigh or glut which dissipate quickly since it's water based so its easy to do ED. Then I do the rest intramuscularly w/ a slin pin in the desired muscle or subq in my stomach or side/rear hamstring (back outside of my leg). I find this spot to hurt the least out of all subq shots. The side rear hamstring right below the skin but above the muscle is a good place to get those remaining cc's in because I can hardly feel that region for some reason. I am talking about the spot below your but cheeck well onto your leg on the rear outside of your hamstring below the skin, not IM. I do inject it in love handle fat and abdominal fat but not all the time because it feels like a bee sting and I can't take the pain several times ED. It's not that bad but enough that I don't want to deal w/ it ALL THE TIME. If you take it I"m sure you know the bee sting feeling I'm talking about. When doing intramuscular shots I use a slin needle and hit muscles that a close to the skin. I have low bf so this is easy. I have injected every single part of each head of my triceps, shoulders, biceps, lats, traps, and calves. Calves hurt the worst, but the others aren't bad. For the lat shots I get someone to help me. I can reach some parts of my lats under my armpit, but not parts further on my back. I also hit little muscles of the back like my traps. Upper and lower traps extending down my middles back. Again this takes a helper to inject for you.

My glut shots are mainly to get the volume of all the vitamins and AMP in my system to aid in stopping muscle catabolism and speed metabolism and aid in fat loss. The site injections do this too, but also are used as a mild site enhancing product, kinda like a short acting synthol. After prolonged daily injections into a muscle w/ kyno you can increase it's size a little bit. The best area I had success w/ was the lowest tip of my outer tricep head. I kept pumping it up and it got a little bigger. Again this stuff is no magical drug and most think it's worthless. I find it useful when in a recovery phase as a non hormonal supplement. When b/w cycles for example because you do not want to fuck w/ your hormones...
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