check this out - Killer ARMS


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How about this ass clown arms ??? LOL !!!:gold:
SO FUCKING DISGUSTING. I just don't get how guys like that flabby synthol look...
Hes so proportional. What a douche. He really thinks he looks good too. Welcome to the world of abcess douche nozzle.
The guys arms looked like those big women's fatty arms, with the layers and rolls of fat. What a douche.
That's the most horrible thing I've ever seen. I thought Valentino looked bad, but he's the next Mr. O compared to this dude.
The funniest thing is that he goes through all the poses, like he is a real bodybuilder. He has absolutely no chest or back and his legs aren't even as big as his arms.
If I woke up one day and looked like that I would kill myself. Why doesn't the guy have a dick grafted to his forehead. Would probably cost less and be met with a more favorable response.
If I woke up one day and looked like that I would kill myself. Why doesn't the guy have a dick grafted to his forehead. Would probably cost less and be met with a more favorable response.

LOL, THATS FUNNY and ur right I would Honest to GOD be less disgusted by this guy if he had a real dick hanging from his forehead, lol, and I mean that!

It makes me mad that they call themselves bodybuilders giving real bbers a bad bad bad name, when in reality they are low self esteem individuals that look more like circus freaks then bbers.

Guys like this would make the world a better place if they all died at the same time.
That stuff seems to be rampant down there in Brazil. They're discovering that they want to be muscular, but they don't want to put in the hard work.
That stuff seems to be rampant down there in Brazil. They're discovering that they want to be muscular, but they don't want to put in the hard work.

I was thinking the same thing bro as alot of those video are all Brazilian guys and alot of what looks to be third world countries, they live in shacks with dirt floors but they find the money to pump synthol in their fucking muscles,lol, or for all we know they are injecting Chicken Grease from last nights dinner