
New member
I’m a 5’8 260 lb army veteran based in NYC who has been chubby/stocky most of my life and I’ve been eating healthy for a few months now and losing weight and then gaining it back. I have muscle under my fat and ordered my first cycle as follows.

3 x Test Prop 1002 x Stan 10
2 x Anastrozole

I have a friend who does this stuff and is getting it for me, but I’d like a few other opinions and using this to shred up while building muscle and I’ve got milk thistle, CLA, GABA, BCAA, L-Glucosamine and L- Carnitine, and Potent Fish oil.

some people say do intermittent fasting and some say just eat clean and take the supplements and between that and working out, the GEAR will do the rest. I’d like some advice on PCT (anastrozole), as well as any advice on maximizing this cycle to lose the fat and build muscle as this is going to be a lifestyle change.

Thank you for your service! I am a Navy vet. I would work on nutrition and diet first. I would get a blood panel also and see where you need to adjust. You don't want to just start injecting and taking Orals. You need to look out for blood pressure and cholesterol and the blood panel will have your testosterone level you can adjust. That winstrol is hard on the joints and stays in your system a long time. I like test prop eod. With npp eod. I would choose to use anavar 50mg Ed for a cycle. Winstrol is for a lean BB. Good luck to you and be safe.
Hey bro maybe start with a testosterone cyp at 500mgs a week and take 1/2 mgs of adex every 4 days do this for 4 months then get testosterone test at V.A 3 weeks after end of cycle your test will be really low and u will get free T.R.T from V.A for life once u have 2 or 3 low tests also plan a proper pct retired Army Grunt thank u for your service

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I’m a 5’8 260 lb army veteran based in NYC who has been chubby/stocky most of my life and I’ve been eating healthy for a few months now and losing weight and then gaining it back. I have muscle under my fat and ordered my first cycle as follows.

3 x Test Prop 1002 x Stan 10
2 x Anastrozole

I have a friend who does this stuff and is getting it for me, but I’d like a few other opinions and using this to shred up while building muscle and I’ve got milk thistle, CLA, GABA, BCAA, L-Glucosamine and L- Carnitine, and Potent Fish oil.

some people say do intermittent fasting and some say just eat clean and take the supplements and between that and working out, the GEAR will do the rest. I’d like some advice on PCT (anastrozole), as well as any advice on maximizing this cycle to lose the fat and build muscle as this is going to be a lifestyle change.


Welcome fellow army vet here. Test only is best but honestly it’s safer to get your BF down before you cycle or you could have higher side effects. Winstrol isn’t a fat burner. I would wait until you drop down to a leaner BMI before you use it. It’s not going to do what you think at your current condition. I suggest doing test only and depend on your diet first. ANASTROZOLE IS NOT A PCT. it is an aromatase inhibitor only. It will not being back your test levels. Clomid/ aromasin is what I would use. HCG only the week before PCT starts.

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Hey bro maybe start with a testosterone cyp at 500mgs a week and take 1/2 mgs of adex every 4 days do this for 4 months then get testosterone test at V.A 3 weeks after end of cycle your test will be really low and u will get free T.R.T from V.A for life once u have 2 or 3 low tests also plan a proper pct retired Army Grunt thank u for your service

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Only people 60% disability or more get free meds. You don’t know if he’s even disabled.

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Yeah high body fat I would just stack Cardarine and S23 for 12 weeks do extreme atkins lots of cardio and heavy lifting u will drop weight quick chicken and beef only then do vegan diet and maintain

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hey guys - thanks for all the replies and advice!

What’s cardarine and S23?

im still waiting on the order, my buddy uses dark web to get his stuff but it should be here within next week he said. I was thinking of using to grab Nolvedex - anyone have experience with that site? I checked reviews and people seem to all like it.
Ok I researched cardarine and S23 and they seem too good to be true. What site do I go to get these? I need legit sites not those BS sites lol

do you guys think taking Cardarine with my test/Winstrol stack is good idea?