Classic Shawn: 10 Questions With Shawn Ray April 2023

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Classic Shawn
10 Questions With Shawn Ray

1. You’re on record as never missing an Arnold Classic since the first one in 1989 or the past 34 consecutive years. Which one is most memorable for you?

Ironically, we never forget important milestones in our lives that are typically associated with our firsts: i.e., first kiss, first pump, first graduation, first job, first victory and so on. Well for me, the most memorable Arnold Classic was my first one that I participated in back in 1990! So many firsts for me, nearly too many to recall but obviously it was the most memorable as I was standing victorious with Arnold center stage at the end of the show! It comes with mixed emotions because we also know the victory was tainted with a failed drug test result weeks later and it all came crashing down as if it never happened. All that being said, I remember that moment of victory and how good it felt to be standing there – and that I’d commit myself to return the following year to compete again and to feel it again, while appreciating the moment even more and relishing in the accomplishment, the emotion and the sweat equity I had put into finding redemption and once again in 1991 it felt even better!

2. Recently we were hit with more sad and tragic news of a former Arnold Classic winner, Tonya Knight, passing away in early February. I know you two were close; how do you process losing people close to you?

This one hit close to home, way too soon and totally unexpected. Tonya came into her own at the same time I was breaking through in this industry. She was a small-town girl from Missouri dating a friend of mine, ESPN TV host Rick Valente, as she was trying to navigate her way in this sport. She was a trailblazer on the stage trying to catch Cory Everson, one her idols, and catch the Hollywood wave of publicity with her charm and good looks. We met up four years ago at the Arnold Classic after not seeing each other for 20 years and it felt like only two days! She was embarrassed to think that people wouldn’t remember her, that she wasn’t carrying much muscle and basically shy to engage with the new generation of fans. We embraced each other and shared memories as she won the 1991 Ms. International the same night I won the 91’ Arnold Classic. I took her with me on her first international tour of Europe that included England, Scotland and Germany, and I still have fond memories of those long days and nights traveling together living our dreams in real time. She will be missed after she fought a tough battle with cancer the past two years. 56 was way too soon for her light to dim. Godspeed.

3. There’s a huge debate between former pros Milos Sarcev and Pro League Athletes Rep Bob Cicherillo regarding the posing round, and whether it should be scored or part of the judging. What are your thoughts?

Well, let’s consider the two sources that are at odds here. Milos is a guy who competed back in the ‘90s at a time where bodybuilders prided themselves onstage to put in the work on both mandatory and free posing rounds, and the reason we know is because you see it in his work onstage. That said, with the exception of the one or two shows he won out of more than the 75 he competed in, he only won the posing rounds in the shows he won, which is telling in and of itself. Milos now wants the posing round to be scored again, however, the problem is the round only applies to the winner! Bob, on the other hand, recognizes the posing round, while “entertaining,” is not a round that should elevate a bodybuilder from 10th place to first place based on his ability to pose better than others when its a physique contest, so why have the round, you ask?

Bodybuilding is a “show,” therefore the posing is and always will be a part of the competition, however it should and can be rewarded separately in the context of the competition by having posing incentives – which I’ve personally been an advocate of, dating back to my retirement in 2021 by raising money to give to athletes as a reward for their efforts, something neither Bob nor Milos have ever done. In the past I’ve created and presented $10,000 Best Poser Awards over the years with recipients like Kai Greene, Melvin Anthony, Darrem Charles, Logan Franklin and others, proving that actions speak louder than words. So, listening to two middle-aged men complaining about the sport rather than doing something to change the sport is just noise to me until they both put their money where their mouths are! Money makes change, in my book!

4. Where’s the best place to eat in Columbus, Ohio during the Arnold Classic weekend?

Good question, as I’ve eaten at nearly every decent steakhouse in the state! Lots of great choices and diversity for starters: Hyde Steakhouse, Mitchell’s Steakhouse, Morton’s Steakhouse and Ruth’s Chris Steak House are all walking distance from the contest expo and venue. However, my number one favorite place to eat during the Arnold Classic Weekend is Italian food at Due Amici, which is located at 67 E Gay Street.

5. We are seeing more older bodybuilders going under the knife; Dave Palumbo (heart) Flex Wheeler (shoulder) and Rich Gaspari (neck), and we heard Fouad Abiad is doing stem cell therapy for his failing kidneys. What’s happening to these guys?

I don’t pretend to know the “how or why” these guys are dealing with health issues. I assume some of it is a result of their training; however, when it comes to organs and kidneys, I’m always hearing stuff like, “My mom or a family member had this or that, which is why I have this or that.” I’m not so sure, but it’s a common clap back from bodybuilders when it pertains to kidneys or heart ailments that it’s automatically genetic or hereditary. That said, years of grinding and tearing down the body in efforts to build up muscle can catch up to all of us if we aren’t respectful of the process. Ligaments and tendons are more susceptible to failing us before the muscle tears, which is another reason I preach the importance of stretching and warming up properly!

6. Arnold increased the men’s prize money by $100,000 barely two months out from the show date to $300K for the winner. Why not make this announcement prior to the Olympia last December?

Excellent question. I think there are various reasons he may have and certainly I’m not in a position to speculate other than saying, I think the entire Olympia lineup would have wanted to compete in Columbus had they known in advance, with the uniqueness of the Mr. Olympia held in mid-December so close to the March Arnold date. The Classic is an invitational show, so some feelings may have been hurt if they were declined the chance to participate, which would be disappointing for the athlete. However, for those who committed early it’s a great shot at a massive reward for committing early. I love this “winner take all” prize money award this year; it shows progress! On behalf of the athletes, “We salute Arnold for giving back to the athletes!”

7. What makes the Arnold Classic so special?

If you’ve never attended, you will never know. My opinion as to why this show is so great is because of the show’s namesake, Arnold. Arnold knows what the athletes have to endure to get on a stage as big as the one he’s created along with his late partner, Jim Lorimer. The event over the years ballooned from a pro Men’s and Women’s Bodybuilding contest of 2,000 fans to and all-out, everyone is welcome strongman, gymnastics, cheerleading, fencing, slap fighting 200,000-fan attendance spectacular weekend festival! There is something for everybody as well, as the Arnold has events like Reunion of Champions, Sunday Coffee Seminar, Hall of Fame Inductions, Lifetime Achievement Awards and so much more crammed into a four-day weekend extravaganza that rivals the Olympic games in athlete participation numbers!

8. What is missing from the Arnold Classic weekend, in your opinion?

In a word, “Jim.” Arnold’s former partner, the legendary Jim Lorimer, passed away this past year at the age of 96. Sadly, he couldn't live forever but his absence is noticeable yet ever-present. Jim and Arnold were a partnership that was an indomitable force, a tandem the likes we will not ever see again.

9. What’s the next big release for MUTANT®?

It’s actually a series! New Orange RUSH will drop in our GEAAR (EAAs), MADNESS (pre-workout) and ISO SURGE (Whey ISOLATE). The protein actually tastes like an orange creamsicle! The team did an amazing job flavoring this. Even cooler is the labels on these products will be scratch and sniff! Just like when you were a kid. You can smell the orange flavor right there on the front panel. All PUMP. No Pulp!

10. With the new year, many are looking to get back in business with their workouts and lean out for summer. What are the best MUTANT® supps to help the cause?

Firstly, it’s almost impossible to “out-train” a bad diet, if you know what I mean. Clean up your meals first! After that, definitely add in some MUTANT® products that can help. I really like our BCAA Thermo and L-Carnitine caps for that purpose. They speed up metabolism and influence how the body uses fat as energy. A good start first thing in the morning is our Iso Surge Whey Isolate. Kick-start your day with protein first! All can be found at Tell them Shawn sent you!

Instagram @shawnrayifbbpro
Facebook @TheRealShawnRay
Twitter @sugarshawnray

Shawn Ray Signature
Full Dose Pre-Workout

“This one is a game-changer. Lift big. Get big. It’s that simple. I have my signature on this product for a reason. It’s the culmination of a lifetime of training, nutrition and hard work all wrapped into one amazing formula. From the weight rack to the Olympia stage, I have always been ALL-IN. Now it’s your turn.”-Shawn Ray

For more information, visit





Classic Shawn

10 Questions With Shawn Ray

1. You’re on record as never missing an Arnold Classic since the first one in 1989 or the past 34 consecutive years. Which one is most memorable for you?

Ironically, we never forget important milestones in our lives that are typically associated with our firsts: i.e., first kiss, first pump, first graduation, first job, first victory and so on. Well for me, the most memorable Arnold Classic was my first one that I participated in back in 1990! So many firsts for me, nearly too many to recall but obviously it was the most memorable as I was standing victorious with Arnold center stage at the end of the show! It comes with mixed emotions because we also know the victory was tainted with a failed drug test result weeks later and it all came crashing down as if it never happened. All that being said, I remember that moment of victory and how good it felt to be standing there – and that I’d commit myself to return the following year to compete again and to feel it again, while appreciating the moment even more and relishing in the accomplishment, the emotion and the sweat equity I had put into finding redemption and once again in 1991 it felt even better!

2. Recently we were hit with more sad and tragic news of a former Arnold Classic winner, Tonya Knight, passing away in early February. I know you two were close; how do you process losing people close to you?

This one hit close to home, way too soon and totally unexpected. Tonya came into her own at the same time I was breaking through in this industry. She was a small-town girl from Missouri dating a friend of mine, ESPN TV host Rick Valente, as she was trying to navigate her way in this sport. She was a trailblazer on the stage trying to catch Cory Everson, one her idols, and catch the Hollywood wave of publicity with her charm and good looks. We met up four years ago at the Arnold Classic after not seeing each other for 20 years and it felt like only two days! She was embarrassed to think that people wouldn’t remember her, that she wasn’t carrying much muscle and basically shy to engage with the new generation of fans. We embraced each other and shared memories as she won the 1991 Ms. International the same night I won the 91’ Arnold Classic. I took her with me on her first international tour of Europe that included England, Scotland and Germany, and I still have fond memories of those long days and nights traveling together living our dreams in real time. She will be missed after she fought a tough battle with cancer the past two years. 56 was way too soon for her light to dim. Godspeed.


3. There’s a huge debate between former pros Milos Sarcev and Pro League Athletes Rep Bob Cicherillo regarding the posing round, and whether it should be scored or part of the judging. What are your thoughts?

Well, let’s consider the two sources that are at odds here. Milos is a guy who competed back in the ‘90s at a time where bodybuilders prided themselves onstage to put in the work on both mandatory and free posing rounds, and the reason we know is because you see it in his work onstage. That said, with the exception of the one or two shows he won out of more than the 75 he competed in, he only won the posing rounds in the shows he won, which is telling in and of itself. Milos now wants the posing round to be scored again, however, the problem is the round only applies to the winner! Bob, on the other hand, recognizes the posing round, while “entertaining,” is not a round that should elevate a bodybuilder from 10th place to first place based on his ability to pose better than others when its a physique contest, so why have the round, you ask?

Bodybuilding is a “show,” therefore the posing is and always will be a part of the competition, however it should and can be rewarded separately in the context of the competition by having posing incentives – which I’ve personally been an advocate of, dating back to my retirement in 2021 by raising money to give to athletes as a reward for their efforts, something neither Bob nor Milos have ever done. In the past I’ve created and presented $10,000 Best Poser Awards over the years with recipients like Kai Greene, Melvin Anthony, Darrem Charles, Logan Franklin and others, proving that actions speak louder than words. So, listening to two middle-aged men complaining about the sport rather than doing something to change the sport is just noise to me until they both put their money where their mouths are! Money makes change, in my book!


4. Where’s the best place to eat in Columbus, Ohio during the Arnold Classic weekend?

Good question, as I’ve eaten at nearly every decent steakhouse in the state! Lots of great choices and diversity for starters: Hyde Steakhouse, Mitchell’s Steakhouse, Morton’s Steakhouse and Ruth’s Chris Steak House are all walking distance from the contest expo and venue. However, my number one favorite place to eat during the Arnold Classic Weekend is Italian food at Due Amici, which is located at 67 E Gay Street.


5. We are seeing more older bodybuilders going under the knife; Dave Palumbo (heart) Flex Wheeler (shoulder) and Rich Gaspari (neck), and we heard Fouad Abiad is doing stem cell therapy for his failing kidneys. What’s happening to these guys?

I don’t pretend to know the “how or why” these guys are dealing with health issues. I assume some of it is a result of their training; however, when it comes to organs and kidneys, I’m always hearing stuff like, “My mom or a family member had this or that, which is why I have this or that.” I’m not so sure, but it’s a common clap back from bodybuilders when it pertains to kidneys or heart ailments that it’s automatically genetic or hereditary. That said, years of grinding and tearing down the body in efforts to build up muscle can catch up to all of us if we aren’t respectful of the process. Ligaments and tendons are more susceptible to failing us before the muscle tears, which is another reason I preach the importance of stretching and warming up properly!


6. Arnold increased the men’s prize money by $100,000 barely two months out from the show date to $300K for the winner. Why not make this announcement prior to the Olympia last December?

Excellent question. I think there are various reasons he may have and certainly I’m not in a position to speculate other than saying, I think the entire Olympia lineup would have wanted to compete in Columbus had they known in advance, with the uniqueness of the Mr. Olympia held in mid-December so close to the March Arnold date. The Classic is an invitational show, so some feelings may have been hurt if they were declined the chance to participate, which would be disappointing for the athlete. However, for those who committed early it’s a great shot at a massive reward for committing early. I love this “winner take all” prize money award this year; it shows progress! On behalf of the athletes, “We salute Arnold for giving back to the athletes!”

7. What makes the Arnold Classic so special?

If you’ve never attended, you will never know. My opinion as to why this show is so great is because of the show’s namesake, Arnold. Arnold knows what the athletes have to endure to get on a stage as big as the one he’s created along with his late partner, Jim Lorimer. The event over the years ballooned from a pro Men’s and Women’s Bodybuilding contest of 2,000 fans to and all-out, everyone is welcome strongman, gymnastics, cheerleading, fencing, slap fighting 200,000-fan attendance spectacular weekend festival! There is something for everybody as well, as the Arnold has events like Reunion of Champions, Sunday Coffee Seminar, Hall of Fame Inductions, Lifetime Achievement Awards and so much more crammed into a four-day weekend extravaganza that rivals the Olympic games in athlete participation numbers!


8. What is missing from the Arnold Classic weekend, in your opinion?

In a word, “Jim.” Arnold’s former partner, the legendary Jim Lorimer, passed away this past year at the age of 96. Sadly, he couldn't live forever but his absence is noticeable yet ever-present. Jim and Arnold were a partnership that was an indomitable force, a tandem the likes we will not ever see again.


9. What’s the next big release for MUTANT®?

It’s actually a series! New Orange RUSH will drop in our GEAAR (EAAs), MADNESS (pre-workout) and ISO SURGE (Whey ISOLATE). The protein actually tastes like an orange creamsicle! The team did an amazing job flavoring this. Even cooler is the labels on these products will be scratch and sniff! Just like when you were a kid. You can smell the orange flavor right there on the front panel. All PUMP. No Pulp!

10. With the new year, many are looking to get back in business with their workouts and lean out for summer. What are the best MUTANT® supps to help the cause?

Firstly, it’s almost impossible to “out-train” a bad diet, if you know what I mean. Clean up your meals first! After that, definitely add in some MUTANT® products that can help. I really like our BCAA Thermo and L-Carnitine caps for that purpose. They speed up metabolism and influence how the body uses fat as energy. A good start first thing in the morning is our Iso Surge Whey Isolate. Kick-start your day with protein first! All can be found at Tell them Shawn sent you!

Instagram @shawnrayifbbpro
Facebook @TheRealShawnRay
Twitter @sugarshawnray



Shawn Ray Signature

Full Dose Pre-Workout

“This one is a game-changer. Lift big. Get big. It’s that simple. I have my signature on this product for a reason. It’s the culmination of a lifetime of training, nutrition and hard work all wrapped into one amazing formula. From the weight rack to the Olympia stage, I have always been ALL-IN. Now it’s your turn.”-Shawn Ray

For more information, visit











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