Clen or T3

Loch Ness

New member
Want to use one or the other early out.
I thought about a short (20 day) cycle of T3 or simply take small doses
for some time.
What is your fav?
Next time I do contest prep I'm going to try T3. I've used clen before and didn't like it. I din't feel it was effective at all for me. Maybe because I used to use alot of other stimulants in my past life. I used the two week pyramiding dosing plan. 2 tabs the first day 3 the second, then 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,. Then two weeks off. The next cycle I started at 4 and went up to eight per day because I didn't feel anything the first time from six. Well eight didn't do anything for me either so I don't know if I'm simply immune to the effects from all the stimulant drugs I've done in the past or if maybe it was fake. I can't imagine why someone would bother with the trouble of faking clen since it's so cheap.
is T3 legal? if so where can I get some, and also I'm assuming T3 is used for cutting, much like how clen is, please let me know if I'm wrong.
yes, t-3 is used for cutting. many say not to use t-3 without gear, as it can burn muscle along with fat. i have used it with clen and had little to no muscle loss. just take the bulk of it before bed, as it makes one very sleepy. no more than about 5 weeks on, and it suppresses the thyroid for some period of time once one comes off of it.