Clen question


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
What do you guys start the dose with this? Do you get horrible muscle cramps from it, and if so do u just lower the dose a little?
Is one of the sides having an upset stomach?
I have looked on some sites and the sides look inconsistant to me.
I tend to have unbearable heartburn from it.. I don't know why...can't seem to use it longer than a few days. Everyone is different though.
the cramps are bad sometimes.. I hate it when my face cramps up its a very strange feeling...and how are you supposed to.stretch your face out? Lol
I tend to have unbearable heartburn from it.. I don't know why...can't seem to use it longer than a few days. Everyone is different though.
the cramps are bad sometimes.. I hate it when my face cramps up its a very strange feeling...and how are you supposed to.stretch your face out? Lol
the only sides i get are the shakes. i would start with 40mcg and work up until you cant stand the shakes. you will build up a tolerance pretty quick but that shit works great.
I got terrible cramps from it. And sometimes if I take too many drops it makes me feel like im on Meth.
lol my left side of my neck cramped yesterday into my trap, talk about uncomfortable lol
Supplement Taurine while you take it. Usually I work my way to 120mcg but the last batch i got was so damn potent I got 5 hour long cramps in my quad that prevented me from walking. And it was at day 4 with 60mcg
5 hour long cramp!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? wtf! what does the taurine do?
Yeah I couldn't walk it was embarassing because it happened at work. But while taking clen it depletes taurine in your body. A lot of times it will flush out oher minerals along with it. Supplement it back in taking 3-5g daily and you should lose the cramps or help them out a lot. Google clen and taurine and you will see a lot of threads on it. I'm onmy phone so its kinda hard to do searching and the copy and paste
i start low like 20mcg's im sensitive to stims though. Ive never gone over 120 mcg's on purpose lol. thats plenty to me in bursts to burn all the fat you need.
I've always read that taking T3/Clen along with taurine is highly recommended. Kind of like taking a liver protectant while on cycle
not too sure but I have heard 2 weeks on 2 off 2 weeks on 2 off etc id just try it with 50 and see what you get out of it