Clen Timing


Gold Member
When does everyone like to take their clen? Usually I would in the morning but thats when most of my workouts are now and I don't want any of the sides starting during my workout.
Early in the morning, otherwise when I'm on high dosages I can't sleep at night.. Usually before 12 noon is the latest I would take it.
just wait till after your workout. As long as i dont take it after 3 im usually ok.
Its the old aqua burn so i'm going to run it straight maybe one day off a week for about a month... Another ?, Say I were to drop my dose into a protien shake and let it sit for about 12 hours... that shouldn't affect it in any way should it?
i wouldnt think so bro. Ive never done it that way. Just make sure you dont put too much in there lol.