

New member
Hello guys and happy new year,
I wanted to ask when to use clen cycles,after each cycle of mass or even just to cut.
thank you
you can use clenbuterol successfully on cycle or after a cycle! Its your call of course. Where are you at right now in terms of on or off cycle and what is your cycle consisting of and what are your stats? We can better determine when you should use the clen and at what dosage if you give more inforamtion about yourself
i hear people using clen in pct.. i think its the worst idea i have ever heard...

OP, if you are going to run clen run it 4 weeks on 2 weeks off.. every other week youre going to want to run 1mg keto ed to keep the beta receptors fresh..

clen, like anything else that depends on beta receptors, will cause a quick tolerance to itself in the human body

start with 40mcg a day and move up 20mcg a day until you feel just slightly jittery.. thats the correct dosage to start at..

good luck!
3J is right on. I would wait to use clen until I am close to where I want to be. I like using EC normally when starting a diet. I have also found Clen to be a great diuretic and you can really see it work its magic when you get under 10% BF.
i would like to use clen after stack cypio+boldenone and before next stack.
Maybe give us a little more info. Was your cyp+ bold a mass builder or what was your end goal, what is your next stack and what is your end goal with that?

Any idea on current BF or ideal BF after using clen?