

New member
I have been taking t200 for about 7weeks now, 3cc a week. I recently purchased some clomid 50mg, When should I start taking it, and how much should I take? Any help would be appreciated.
it its the test eth i think your usin then i would start about 2 weeks after last shot
2 1/2 bro and take it ED 100mgs for 1 week then eod at 50mg and eat eat clean.

common thing that it not know clomid stays active for 5 days in the body and too much after natural supply gets going can supress metobolic rate.
just fyi
Crimsonsweat said:
2 1/2 bro and take it ED 100mgs for 1 week then eod at 50mg and eat eat clean.

common thing that it not know clomid stays active for 5 days in the body and too much after natural supply gets going can supress metobolic rate.
just fyi
Good info bro, I was unaware of the half life time and the effect on the metobolic rate.