coffee and BP


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Gold Member
anyone here monitor the BP on a regular basis?

the other day I had 6 cups of coffee and the BP was 150/100 no shit

after 3 hours it went down, the past couple days no coffee BP was 120/80-been a while since I've been on anything (4 months) getting ready to start a cycle, every 2 years or so I come off everything and give my body a break from the gym

I look and feel like shit for a few months but you have to give yourself a break from time to time
damn you have more will power than I my friend! lmao

as for caffeine , i take in a couple thousand mg daily and its doesn't affect my bp at all! and i do monitor it once a month, but thats it.
LOL yeah it's not easy everything hurts and I just feel like crap in general-everyone is different Kevin Levrone would take 9 months a year off and then put on 50lbs of muscle in 3 months for a show
LOL yeah it's not easy everything hurts and I just feel like crap in general-everyone is different Kevin Levrone would take 9 months a year off and then put on 50lbs of muscle in 3 months for a show

so now your comparing yourself to Kevin Levrone SMH lol.
I say see a doctor if ur bp is still that high it may be a medical problem I have been on bp meds for years and even on my heavy cycles my bp stays at 115/75
just high when on cycle...but thought it was weird that the coffee made it that high for only a few hours
Coffee has a lot of different 'moving parts' compared to straight caffeine anhydrous. There are MAOI compounds, small amounts of theophylline and theobromine, etc.

I find plain caffeine to be smoother than coffee. It's a very individual thing.