contributing factors to soreness


New member
I am in an awesome amount of pain from squatting Saturday. Not injured or anything like that just very bad soreness. Thing is I didn't do much. Worked up to 3 sets of 3 @505lbs and did some light accessory work. Then I stretched and did sine foam rolling. Well I was pretty sore yesterday and today I can hardly walk.

I've been taking antibiotics and benadryl for the itching from said antibiotics. My question is could those things be causing my extra soreness? Is there something I'm missing?
I am in an awesome amount of pain from squatting Saturday. Not injured or anything like that just very bad soreness. Thing is I didn't do much. Worked up to 3 sets of 3 @505lbs and did some light accessory work. Then I stretched and did sine foam rolling. Well I was pretty sore yesterday and today I can hardly walk.

I've been taking antibiotics and benadryl for the itching from said antibiotics. My question is could those things be causing my extra soreness? Is there something I'm missing?

Ive never heard of any of those items making someone prone to being extra sore, but ya never know i guess! I miss that kind of soreness actually lol
haven't felt that kind of soreness in anywhere else but my legs in a while. I've been sick one way or another pretty much the entire month of December.
I dunno bro, maybe something with your immune system and body just being so run down from always fighting something. Have you tried a little bit off in the gym to let your body catch up and recoop?
I dunno bro, maybe something with your immune system and body just being so run down from always fighting something. Have you tried a little bit off in the gym to let your body catch up and recoop?

That's kind of what this month was supposed to be. Taking a bit of a break to get ready to really go full retard in January.
That's kind of what this month was supposed to be. Taking a bit of a break to get ready to really go full retard in January.
gotcha, I dunno man, I know when I started back about 3 months ago I worked out calves pretty hard but not what I would typically call "crazy". Two days later my calves were so sore I couldn't go up and down stairs, it felt like I ruptured both calf muscles, swollen etc. I have not been able to get them hardly sore at all since.