Could I just be that estrogen sensitive?


Ok I'm starting to get a little pain under my nipples usually just up my aromasim and it eventually goes away. But I'm taking like 25mg a day and probably going to up it to 40mg a day. That's ALOT from what I have been reading so is it possible I'm just that estrogen sensitive? I suppose could have undersized stuff. I'm taking 200mg test phemyl prop eod, 150mg NPP eod and 100mg tren a eod. 1mg prami Ed but just found out that was way underdosed but the stuff I have now should be real dosage.
tough to say if its even estrogen or not brutha, considering all ur tking
I am assuming you are referring to possible prolactin sides? I will have to google more about prolactin sides but I thought they were totally different and didnt include sore or tissue under the nipples. It happened when I was taking TPP and NPP also and like I said I u increased my aroma till it went away. I have letro on hand but unless totally necessary I don't want to use the letro.
I guess I'll start taking my caber since the last batch of prami was way underdosed, so basically probably haven't had any protection for the 19 nor's.
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Ask I increased my aromasin to 40mg a day and the little bit of pain under the nipple is gone. So not sure if my prami was causing my prolactin to go up which can/will increase estrogen also. But looks like it was an estrogen side. I'll keep it at 40mg ed and see how I feel.
Have you ever ran 600mg of Test prop per week? or any test in the past? If so I am leaning toward prolactin also. If so might want to look into Bromocriptin .

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Yes I ran 200mg TPP and 200mg NPP my last cycle. Same dealio and I increased the aromasin and all was good after that.
Yes I ran 200mg TPP and 200mg NPP my last cycle. Same dealio and I increased the aromasin and all was good after that.

So last cycle you ran 200mg of TPP eod, 200mg of NPP eod and aromasin did the job correct? This round your taking the same amount of TPP 200mg eod, less NPP at 150mg eod and adding 100mg of tren eod correct? Looks like your question was answered bro.
Sorry forgot I was taking .5 mg caber twice a week too but I still got the nipple pain. And like I said I increased aromasin and all good. Just wondering why I need to take sooooo much. Guess really know way of knowing, just estrogen sensitive some people are I guess
Yes brother... Some people can take a ton of gear and have no Estro issues at all.... I know a few people who get pussy nips on just 500MG of Test a week.... i would stay on anti-aromas if i was you.
i would think it was running that high short estered tren and npp.. two 19-nors will take prolactin up pretty quickly..

make sure your dop ag is legit..