Crazy Ass Mickey Rourke on Trump

Iron Game

Gold Member
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notice how all the Hollywood stars are Democratic??? notice how they are all actors and get paid to act? wonder how much they get paid to put Trump down?
If he's putting trump down I ain't bothering to watch it lol most liberals are morons!
ok well i decided to finally watch this shit, and you have to watch it to the 1 minute mark to realize why he is bashing on trump, and its cause trump sued his dicky rourke! He sounded like a fairy princess on drugs, what a poof

and I am voting for trump or cruz! Cant stand liberal drivel
exactly! The more people hate on Trump, the more it will get voters out, so i love it! Nothing gets people out to vote more than Anger!
I've said this from the get go...the more someone tries to convince me NOT to vote for Trump, the more I defient I become and will vote for him. He's not PC and for that, I like him. Is he electable? Not sure about that as the smear campaigns are out in full force and many people are sheep.....
Since the Hollywood Liberals pushed so hard to have trophies given to all kids that play a sport no matter if they win or lose maybe every actor that acts in any movie should get an Oscar. Accomplishment means nothing so why do we have all the red carpet bullshit and they get awards for being the best at their craft. If you are a Conservative in Hollywood you wont get any acting jobs and it's happened to quite a few actors that spoke out against the DemoRats.
Since the Hollywood Liberals pushed so hard to have trophies given to all kids that play a sport no matter if they win or lose maybe every actor that acts in any movie should get an Oscar. Accomplishment means nothing so why do we have all the red carpet bullshit and they get awards for being the best at their craft. If you are a Conservative in Hollywood you wont get any acting jobs and it's happened to quite a few actors that spoke out against the DemoRats.
I thought it was Dumbocrats!
Trump didn't help to little boy that get lost is NY in Christmas)))).. But mb as a president he will be fine:sport:
And if I write aliens just attacked earth you'll take it as gospel ? Cause after all if you heard it through a 3rd party or the Internet it must b true
Could you imagine if the media was actually 50/50 as far as liberal/conservative vs the 95/5 it is now?
Can't be any worse than Chicago. More liberal nutjobs (both the same) than the local insane asylum. Hoping someday it breaks off into the lake but would'nt wish that on Lake Michigan

lmao thats funny

and yep all the major liberal run cities are shit holes, and New York is on its way once again, what a shame! Ya know i would love to see what would happen if all the liberals moved to one side of the country and the conservatives to the other side of the country and we split it in half, I wonder which half of the countries would thrive with jobs, and economic growth, and low crime rates, lol, it would be the test of all tests ! But we or at least I already know the answer to that question lol, liberals would ruin their half of the country and my half the conservative half would thrive.