CycLeS PeR yEaR??


New member
I just started cycling about 1.5 years ago... I'm on my 3rd cycle... I would have liked to have done more.. but I travel a lot and that gets in the way...

As for health... I see a doctor regular and I stay off longer than I am on... so far I haven't had any adverse side effects... seems like my health is getting better not worse...

I have been on for about 8 months now....For a competitor who plans on taking it to the next level it is hard to cycle off...I usuall only run test....I thown in dbol where it is needed along with other things.....I do have a plan with my cycles and I run things at certain times.....I also have had blood work done 2 in the past 6 moths and only a little raise in BP.....
2 a yr.....but it seems the more I do the longer they get and more expensive and more exotic...hell imma be on year round if I dont watch it!
Have done 2 in the last year, going to start my 3rd hrt cycle soon. As far as the IGF-1 question. I guess it is a bit of a risk being so new, but since it is a naturally occuring substance in your body, I'm less nervous about it than some other things. It also has been used in other research on humans - and besides, I don't plan on having any more kids, so it's all my own risk.
The general rule of thumb is taking as much time between cycles as the actual length.

If you run a 12 week cycle, then stay off for 12 weeks.

Though I must admit, I just got off a 12 week cycle and only plan to take eight off. (I feel my test levels will be normal enough.)
2, 14 week cycles per year, with 10-12 weeks off in between.

14 on, 12 off, 14 on, 12 off = 52 weeks

that's all she wrote. BTW, on my 2nd cycle of the year now.

I started gear in the 11th grade (1987). Some years I do three some years I have done none. I went about two years with no gear but that was more so because I was working on my two BS degrees and had no time to train much and no extra money to hit the gear with.


It depends on your goals and the level of risk you are willing to take. I personally do not think AS do much harm when done carefully and done right. I have had no problems except some acne (which goes away).
I don't believe in more than 2 a year...and I would only go up to about 12 weeks, but keep in mind I don't compete so my goals are not at the same level of others here.

As for a deca/winny cycle....I would add some test-e (deca will kill your sex drive.

A basic cycle would look something like this

deca weeks 1-10 400/week
test-e weeks 1-10 500/week
winny weeks 8-13 50ed
Clomid once the winny is done

Again, all this depends on peoples opinions, your current height/weight and how you respond to different steroids.

A lot of people might tell you to drop the winny and put in something else as well.

Wondering if anyone has experienced or gone thru androgenic Toxicity, i believe i am in it now with swollen feet and legs below the knees.

I did a 10 week cycle of tren/test prop but i kept doing the test in large quantitys and at the end of post cycle i started having trouble with bloated feet now cant get rid of it, did see the doc and liver was working a bit hard and white blood was up like systemic infection doing dieuretics and BP Pills now also and on clomid regimen edema is finally going down now but its been 2 weeks..
I do 2-3 cycles per year-But this year I will be doing hrt levels between cycles. About 250 mg a week-I know a little high but it may be underdosed so probably 180mg or so.
I just finished a 12 week cycle 4 weeks ago. I am going to start a 6 month cycle in about 2 weeks after I get my blood work done and everything checks out ok. I am on HRT so I don't have to rely on my test levels to come back to speed. I will be posting my cycle soon for you guys to critique. I will do a 3 month growth and a thre month cutting. Gettin ready for a show in April. I will also be doing monthly blood checks to make sure I am in check