D-BOL----better to stack with test alone or test and fina?


New member
Ive been running test 1 g wkly and fina 150 eod for 4 months and plan on ending my cycle after I finish with this month's supply of d-bol.Was wondering if I should stack the d-bol with test 1g alone or by adding the fina 150 eod would be better--what do u guys think?
I,m 6 ' 240 lbs
Because i have it and I can't stop a cycle until all is gone--i will end it though gradually with just the test--like going from 1 g to 600 to 300 for the last week--so get back to my question,please-thanks
i would save it and use it at the beginning of another cycle. I would not taper the test either. if you are set on using it you could do it this way.
last 2 weeks run d-bol and fina no test
start post cycle
or you could brigde with the dbol 10 mg in the am
just some thoughts not what i would do but it may give you some ideas
I like the bridge idea my self although I have never done it

but I would say the same as Big Dan save the d-bol for the beginning of another cycle

I've used dbol at the end of a cycle and it's going to work equally as well as it does in the beginning. Your physiology will act on any exo drug regardless of the administration time.

When I run fast-acting stuff at the back-end, I try to time everything so that the longer-acting drugs clear at the same time as the faster stuff, like bigdan illustrated.
dbol and fina together sounds painful... my pumps from only one of them hinder my workouts couldn't imagine being on both of them