Dad acquitted in slaying of driver who killed sons. What would You Do?????


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<header style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; ">[h=1]Dad acquitted in slaying of driver who killed sons[/h]</header><section class="storyimage" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; ">
AP Photo: Patric Schneider
David Barajas stands between his wife Cindy and his attorney Sam Cammack after a jury acquitted him of murder at the Brazoria County Courthouse on Aug. 27, 2014.

<section itemprop="articleBody" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; ">ANGLETON, Texas (AP) — A southeast Texas man says that despite his acquittal Wednesday for the shooting death of the drunken driver who caused a crash that killed his two sons, there are no winners.
"This was a loss for everybody," said a visibly relieved David Barajas, who cried and hugged his wife, Cindy, after the verdict was read.
Prosecutors had alleged that Barajas killed 20-year-old Jose Banda in a fit of rage after Banda plowed into Barajas and his sons while they were pushing a truck on a ruralSoutheast Texas road near their home because it had run out of gas. Twelve-year-old David Jr. and 11-year-old Caleb were killed.
AP Photo: Patric Schneider
David Barajas gets a kiss from his wife Cindy after a jury acquitted him of murder at theBrazoria County Courthouse on Wednesday inAngleton, Texas.

Authorities said that after the accident, Barajas, 32, went to his home about 100 yards from the crash site near Alvin, got a gun and returned to shoot Banda.
Defense attorney Sam Cammack said Barajas didn't kill Banda and that he was only focused on saving his sons. The gun used to kill Banda wasn't found and there was little physical evidence linking Barajas to the killing.
The jury deliberated for about three hours Wednesday before acquitting Barajas of murder.
After the verdict, Brazoria County District Attorney Jeri Yenne insisted that investigators had correctly zeroed in on Barajas and that the actual killer wasn't still at large, as Cammack had suggested at trial.
"What the state's perspective is and will always be is that if you or I or anyone we know had a horrible collision and killed another human being, that you get the fair review of the criminal justice system, not a roadside execution," Yenne told reporters.
Banda could have been sentenced to up to life in prison, if he had been convicted.
Legal experts said prosecutors also likely had to overcome jury sympathy for Barajas, who had the support of many residents of Alvin, which is about 30 miles southeast ofHouston. Further complicating their case was that there were no witnesses who identified Barajas as the shooter, and gunshot residue tests done on Barajas came back negative.
While both sides differed on who might have been responsible for Banda's death, they agreed that this was a tragedy for everyone involved.
"Three sons were lost that day. The state has compassion for every single one of them, the Barajas children and the Banda son," Yenne said.
Barajas said he is hoping to move forward and get closure with regard to his sons' deaths. But he also said that he is praying for Banda's family.
"They lost a son, too," Barajas said.
Banda's family did not speak with reporters after the verdict. Felicia Leija, Banda's common-law wife, did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment.
During the trial, investigators testified that a bullet fragment found in Banda's car could have come from a .357-caliber gun, and that ammunition for such a gun was found in Barajas' home.
A forensic scientist testified blood found on the driver's side door and driver's arm rest of Banda's car was consistent with that of Barajas.
Cammack spent most of his closing argument earlier Wednesday trying to knock down the prosecution's evidence. He said tests showed the bullet fragment found in Banda's car could have also come from another weapon besides a .357-caliber gun. He said the blood found on Banda's car that came from Barajas was spilled when Barajas was attacked by Banda's cousin and half brother, who witnessed the crash but later told investigators they fled the scene.
Cammack also suggested that Banda's cousin or half brother could have been responsible for the shooting. Banda's cousin and half brother testified they did not shoot Banda. Cammack also told jurors that a search of Barajas' home failed to find any evidence that directly linked him to the crime scene.
The defense attorney also used 911 calls to create a timeline that suggested Barajas would not have had enough time to shoot Banda.
Only three defense witnesses were called during the trial, which lasted a little over a week.

I am so glad the jury found this poor guy NOT guilty! I don't know about you guys and gals but I would have done the same fucking thing!
Very surprised he was acquitted instead of found guilty of premeditation. I remember a case a few years ago, I forget where, but the convenience store owner was getting robbed and he shot one of his robbers. He then chased the other out of the store and returned and shot the other guy a second time killing him. They convicted him of premeditated murder since he left the store chasing the other guy to return and kill the one. The state said he had time to think about pulling the trigger the second time and since he was already shot he was no longer a threat.

In this case the dad went a 100 yards away to get a gun and returned to shoot the drunk driver.
It may not be right in the eyes of the law. But I'd want whoever hurt my family killed. Rotting in prison for 40yrs is great and all but now you have a family in shambles for 40yrs wondering if the animal is going to get out of his cage. The death of the killer would be closure for the family suffice to say.
I am truly glad he shot the driver. That's exactly what should happen in all cases like this. I am always loaded and ready. Loaded with ammo that is. Hahahaha
i wonder where the gun is? must be a pretty darn good hiding spot.
i believe the father did it but have no grievances towards him.
I am so glad the jury found this poor guy NOT guilty! I don't know about you guys and gals but I would have done the same fucking thing!

what I don't get is you see a pissed off guy coming at you 100 yards away with a gun and you stick around? maybe he was too drunk to run?

for the record I don't think I would have done what he did, I think I would have lost it on the spot and just used my fists
Wow, what a tragedy, im glad the father was found Not Guilty... i would like to know what really happened tho
yeah this guy and his wife were on the Dr. Phil show this past Monday, and they showed the police dash cam video at the scene, and it has gotta be the saddest shit I've seen in a while! My wife and I were balling our eyes out
Very surprised he was acquitted instead of found guilty of premeditation. I remember a case a few years ago, I forget where, but the convenience store owner was getting robbed and he shot one of his robbers. He then chased the other out of the store and returned and shot the other guy a second time killing him. They convicted him of premeditated murder since he left the store chasing the other guy to return and kill the one. The state said he had time to think about pulling the trigger the second time and since he was already shot he was no longer a threat. In this case the dad went a 100 yards away to get a gun and returned to shoot the drunk driver.
In many jurisdictions, even firing, missing, and cocking a trigger or reloading is considered pre-meditated. There's actually no concrete difference between first and second degree murder.
Change of facts... What if the deceased hadn't been drunk, had been driving reasonable, still hit the kids because they were violating a hypothetical Texas law that governs where you can walk on the side of the road after car trouble, and then exact same facts occur. Do you feel the same way given the evidence presented in the case?
Why was he driving fast enough to kill someone in a residential road? Speed limits and speed bumps are ment for a reason like this. I don't disagree with the point your making the fact he was drunk Is what makes the murder something people can agree too. A guy speeding that killed someone will have more sympathy than a drunk.
Why was he driving fast enough to kill someone in a residential road? Speed limits and speed bumps are ment for a reason like this. I don't disagree with the point your making the fact he was drunk Is what makes the murder something people can agree too. A guy speeding that killed someone will have more sympathy than a drunk.
How much of a difference is there legally between drunk driving and speeding though? You may get more sympathy from a jury for the speeding, but as a matter of law they are both illegal.
personally i would have to see the pictures to see the extent of the damage..and im not trying to steriotype here, but dont most people have guns in their vehicles in texas...hypothetically if the kids father was coming to kill me for killing his sons i would defend myself if possible, by any means. what i think might have happened... is their were more people there, someone told the father to go home and they killed the 'drunk driver"...these days drunk driving is looked upon as badly as domestic violence IMO(although when i was younger i lost my license for a few yrs for being a habitual traffic offender,all speeding tickets) sure if i saw it on Dr Phil i would be "bawling as well...House fires,car accidents, victim of domestic violence has left me severly scarred physically and emotionally..maybe thats a bit too much info on my 5th post..but more will be revealed..and just want to say im happy to be here :)
personally i would have to see the pictures to see the extent of the damage..and im not trying to steriotype here, but dont most people have guns in their vehicles in texas...hypothetically if the kids father was coming to kill me for killing his sons i would defend myself if possible, by any means. What i think might have happened... Is their were more people there, someone told the father to go home and they killed the 'drunk driver"...these days drunk driving is looked upon as badly as domestic violence imo(although when i was younger i lost my license for a few yrs for being a habitual traffic offender,all speeding tickets) sure if i saw it on dr phil i would be "bawling as fires,car accidents, victim of domestic violence has left me severly scarred physically and emotionally..maybe thats a bit too much info on my 5th post..but more will be revealed..and just want to say im happy to be here :)

nah not too much for your 5th post brutha, keep that shit real! I respect that a lot more so then the tough guy cool act!
change of facts... What if the deceased hadn't been drunk, had been driving reasonable, still hit the kids because they were violating a hypothetical texas law that governs where you can walk on the side of the road after car trouble, and then exact same facts occur. Do you feel the same way given the evidence presented in the case?

it makes a huge difference in my opinion, they were punk ass gang banger, druggies and drunks driving and killed some poor guys two boys, so hell yeah it makes a difference, if it were just some asshole from suburbie minding his business and drivinga little to fast and got into a true accident, then yes i have alot more sympathy,

but as soon as you get behind the wheel and drive drunk, then your a fucking scum bag no matter if you kill someone driving or just make it home safe without incident, you still are a fucking scum bag for driving drunk with zero consideration for anyone elses life , i have absolutely zero tolerance for drunk drivers or under the influence of drugs
We dont have legal guns at home in the Netherlands.
But i will do the same thing. Kill that person with a knive or my hands.