you are super uninformed and clearly not ready to run AAS because of that.
To answer your question:
Everything you have heard/read is misinformation.
Winstrol and anavar do NOT make you run faster nor do they help with endurance. I would love for you to try to find me someone that said winny made them run faster. Most people you ask, myself included, that have run winny will all tell you the same thing...Winstrol absolutely destroys your joints. Good luck running without functional joints.....Not gonna happen!!
They both are known moreso for putting on leaner mass than say dbol. Dbol causes much greater water retention than the former 2. You will be hard pressed to find a single person out there that tells you dbol facilitates faster sprints.
In my experience, Dbol causes insane pumps....pumps that hurt so bad any type of cardio or endurance exercise causes insane cramping that downright HURTS.
The only thing that "may" help with sprints would be if you ran a TRT dose of Test Prop along with a lowish dose of EQ. That would help with beneficial collagen synthesis along with lean muscle gains with little to no water retention. You also would likely not cramp too. The benefit would be indirect at the very least.
You want something that is going to directly effect your ability to sprint? Look into EPO.