DB's DC journal


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started a new blast today....my 5th. after a good four weeks of disinterest and personal drama, and hardly training. then i did 2 weeks of cruise workouts, now im ready to get it on.

felt really good today. appetite is starting to come around. it was kinda warm out, and also in the gym, which i like. kinda crowded, but some nice eye candy to look up at when i catch my breath. what can i say spring is the air.

anyway here are the lifts.............


smith incline 285 x 8-2-1 rp 55db stretch

hammer strength shoulder press 115ea x 14-4-3 rp

PJR pullovers 80 x 11-5-4 rp 40 db stretch

hammer pulldowns 180 ea x 14-4-3rp

deadlifts 455 x 6 315 x 10 bodyweight stretch
felt good again today, just extremely sore from monday. my triceps are crippled for the pjr pullovers. they will be questionable for fri.

anyway here are my lifts......


ez curl 110 x 14-5-3 rp

hammer db 60x19

leg press calves 320 x 9

sumo press 630 x 20 40 db's sldl stretch

barbell squat 495 x 6 **315x 20
felt good again. couldnt wait to get to the gym. i been doing less reps warming up to my work set and i moving through the workout a lot faster and with more energy. go figure right...? my tri's were a tad sore from monday still, and my lower back from mon and weds. but nonetheless i got it on.....

here are the lifts.....


hammer flat 115 ea. side x 14-3-1 rp 55db stretch

db shoulder press 90 x 14-3-1 rp

smith CGBP 235 x 11-4-1 rp 40 db stretch

close grip pulldowns 240 x 10-3-2 rp

bent over rows 315 x 12
my appetite is still way off. im doing what i can. its kinda bringing me down though. today i had average strength. nothing special. i hate the particular leg press at my gym.

anyway the lifts.....


hammer preacher 100 x 12-3-2 rp

pinwheels 60 x 17

standing calf raises 135 x 8

seateg leg curl 210 x 14-5-4 rp 80 pound SLDL stretch

leg press 1280 x 8 *wm 900 x 25
my shoulders were very tired today from work. so these numbers are pretty lack luster. but i guess thats why we log them, so we can destroy them next time.

here are the lifts.....


decline barbell 275 x 9-1-1 rp 55 db stretch

smith military 245 x 10-2-1 rp

dips bw + 45 x 12-4-2 rp 40 db stretch

straight pulldowns 285 12-4-3 rp

rack deads 545 x 10 405 x 12 bw + 10 stretch (first time with weight)
i had a pretty decent workout. im starting to get leaner. as all junk has been cut. im having one cheat a week, and its usually chicken tacos from baha fresh, which are amazing, and not totally shit. my everyday appetite is coming around, but still not there completely. i will be posting some pics up in a week or so.

here are the lifts.......


seated alt curl 55 x 10-3-2 rp

reverse cable curl 150 x 16

leg press calves 320 x 10

single leg curl 60 X L 19-7-7 R 19-7-6 45db's SLDL stretch

hack squat 6 x 8 *wm 270 x 20 ( cant put anymore weight on this machine, im gonna do it for one more session )
today was a solid workout. i have been wrapping it up in about an hour and 20 mins. that last set of deads absolutely sucks. but i was all shaved up and had a tank top on for the first time since the summer, and i was very happy with the noticeable changes in my whole upperbody. pics are coming.

anyway here are the lifts....


incline smith 295 x 8-1-1 rp 60db stretch

hammer shoulder press 125 x 17-5-2 rp

PJR pullover 85 x 11-5-3 rp 45 db stretch

hammer pulldowns 190 ea x 13-3-2 rp

floor deads 465 x 7 325 x 10 bw+15 stretch
really starting to get in the groove now. im dying to get to the gym everyday. today was no different. cardio is up to 45 mins on off days. appetite is still ehhhh, but im only trying to get up to the lh's this time, so im in good shape. im sitting at 215-217, visible abs. getting harder and leaner is helping not stress over eating.

anyway here are the lifts.......

e-z curl 120 x 15-4-3 rp

hammer curls 65 x 16

leg press calves 330 x 10

sumo press 640 x 22 45 db's stretch

squats 500 x 8 *wm 320 x 20 (my back was super pumped, even before my workset, im surprised i even attempted this)
little slower pace today. must be cause the gym is dead around lunch time. seems like i get more amped with more people around. added a few different DC twists today and that might have been why i took a little longer. i usually do abs with cardio, and i added a WM for my chest. also did my close grips with my ass hanging of the bench, which i liked. also really been concentrating on super controlled negatives.

anyway here goes the lifts..........

hammer flat 125 ea x 12-2-0 rp *WM incline flyes 40 x 20 60 db stretch

db shoulder press 95 x 15-3-1 rp

CGBP 245 x 9-2-1 rp 45 db stretch

close grip pulldowns 245 x 9-3-2 rp

bent over rows 335 x 12 bw+20 stretch

machine crunch 110 x 15-8-6 rp
yesterday was just an overall bad day. the weather was horrible, i missed cardio sun, and ate like shit all weekend. so i was just miserable, and tired and every single person in the gym was annoying me in some way. do people think its ok to like sit on a machine and text someone?? wtf?? everything felt heavy but i did beat the log in everything so it wasnt a total waste. of and i added inner thighs.

anyway here are the lifts...

hammer preacher 105 x 12-3-2rp

pinwheels 65 x 16

standing calf raises 140 x 9

seated leg curl 215 x 12-4-3 rp 90 pound SLDL stretch

adductors 140 x 20-7-4 rp

leg press 1300 x 6 *wm 925 x 20
really good one tonight. except it seemed like a marathon. feels like i have some tendinitis brewing in my right shoulder. made it through ok though.

anyway here goes the lifts......

decline barbell 280 x 10-2-1 rp *wm incline flye 40 x 20 60 db stretch

smith shoulder press 250 12-3-1 rp

dips bw + 50 x 12-3-2 rp 50 db stretch

pulldowns 310 x 12-3-2 rp

rack deads 565 x 10 425 x 12 bw + 25 stretch
fridays lifts.....

seated alt curls 60 x 9-3-2 rp

reverse cable curl 155 x 17

leg press calves 330 x 10

standing single leg curls 65 x L-17-5-5 rp R-17-5-5 rp 90 SLDL stretch

adductors 145 x 22-11-7 rp

hack squat 6 plates x 10 *wm 280 x 20
yesterday was about crushing the log book, and i did. workout was slow, but intense. last week i added a *wm of incline flyes, but i figured it made more sense for me to just do the same mass builder im doing for my chest, since my chest is def lagging. and my log book fell apart. wtf!!

any way here they are......

incline smith 300 x 8-2-1 rp *wm 225 x 15-5 60 db stretch

hammer shoulder press 135ea side x 14-3-1 rp

pjr pullovers 90 x 11-4-3 rp 50 db stretch

hammer pulldowns 205ea side x 13-3-2 rp

deads 475 x 7 335 x 10 bw+35 stretch
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not bad today. bicep curls are getting heavy, and i was getting a crazy pump in my lower back when squatting, might held me back from some weights and reps. finally found the exact feel to sumo presses. slowed them down and really made a mind muscle connection.

any way here are the lifts..........

ez curl 130 x 12-3-1 rp

hammer curls 70 x 15

leg press calves 340 x 10

sumo leg press 650 x 25 90 pound SLDL stretch

adductors 150 x 18-8-5 rp

squats 510 x 7 *wm 325 x 20
nice log bro, give us a clue into some of the abbreviations you use so we know what the hell you're talking about! lol
mikeswift said:
nice log bro, give us a clue into some of the abbreviations you use so we know what the hell you're talking about! lol
maybe this will help. let me know if not. i stretch after every bodypart, but i only have it written here if im using weight and going up.

CGBP-close grip bench press

*wm-widowmaker(set of 20)

SLDL-stiff legged dead lift

PJR pullovers-a cross between a pullover and a tricep extension, instead of reaching way back like a pullover, you kinda dunk the dumbbell behind your head, then finish over your eyes like a skullcrusher)

rp-rest pause(one set to failure, followed by 15-20 sec rest, then another set til failure, followed by another rest, and last set til failure. usually looks something like this 10-2-1=13 total reps.)
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rocked the log book again today. seems like when i train in the early afternoon when no one is there i get into a marathon. very god workout nonetheless. everything except my strap breaking on my workset of bent over rows.

any way the lifts.........

hammer flat 130ea. side x 13-2-0 rp *wm 90ea. side x 20 60db stretch

db shoulder 100 x 15-3-0 rp

CGBP smith 250 x 9-2-1 rp 50db stretch

close grip pulldowns 255 x 10-3-1 rp

bent over rows 345 x 9 (strap broke on the 9th rep) bw+35 stretch

machine crunch 120 x 18-7-6 rp
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