Deca - a must!!


Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
Nandrolone decanoate,more famous among athletes by its commercial name – Deca Durabolin (or justDeca), is one of the most well known and used steroids in the world. Itspopularity is only second to Dianabol. The main reason deca is so widespread isbecause of its synergistic capabilities and good balance between results andside effects.<o:p></o>
Created formedical purposes in the mid 50’s by the pharmaceutical company Organon, andfirst made available in 1962, Nandrolone decanoate was meant for the treatment of such conditions asosteoporosis in elderly women.However, just like most other steroids created for medical uses, deca durabolinfound its place in the bodybuilding arena. There it quickly became the mostpopular stacking agent for Dianabol and many other steroids. The mildness ofdeca’s side effects, together with its relative efficiency, were veryattractive to many athletes.<o:p></o>
Deca Durabolinis a very special anabolic agent because it has many unique properties thatother anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) don’t have. The few side effects ithas can be alleviated, and even neutralized, when used with other testosteronecontaining steroids.<o:p></o>
Drug Testing<o:p></o>
DecaDurabolin is an injectable form of nandrolone decanoate. As we candeduce from its name, nandrolone decanoate is an esterified version of nandrolone. What the decanoate ester gives to nandrolone is a veryslow release rate into the system – up to three or four weeks.Nonetheless, according to one study, the strong release of nandrolone isobserved for only one to two weeks. Yet again, this study did not take intoconsideration the accumulative effect this drug has when taken for severalweeks in a row.<o:p></o>
No matter howlong deca’s active life is in precise numbers, it is a known fact that it staysin the body for a really long time after use, and when we say long – we meanit! There were cases when decawas detected in blood tests 18 (eighteen!) months after the last injection, making it a very unsafe drug in matters of drug testing.<o:p></o>
Nandrolonedecanoate is a very special AAS. One of its most interesting properties issynergy with other steroids. Due to these synergistic properties, decadurabolin was, and still is, the favorite stacking steroidamong bodybuilders.<o:p></o>
Unliketestosterone based steroids that provide the body with Dihydrotestosterone(DHT) metabolites, nandrolone decanoate breaks down to dihydronandrolone, whichhas much weaker androgenic activity. When the weaker dihydronandrolonemetabolites are present in the body, they replace the stronger DHT derivativesat the androgenic receptors. Thiscauses serious side effects with natural testosterone production, such as erectile dysfunction (known among athletes as Deca-Dick) and suppressed libido.<o:p></o>
As a result,deca seems to have fewer side effects when used in cycles with testosteronebased steroids. It does this without increasing the prominence oftestosterone’s own side effects. Apart from impairing endogenous testosteroneproduction, nandrolone decanoate has moderate side effects when reasonabledoses are used. Usually, when used together with testosterone, deca’s issueswith sexual functions are neutralized. This means that a bodybuilder can takein a bigger amount of anabolics with fewer side effects. That’s what synergy isall about – making the sum of the two steroids more than the two steroidsapart.<o:p></o>
Head&Shoulders of Steroids: 2 in 1<o:p></o>
Thanks to itsnitrogen retaining property, one can be sure that the muscles gained with nandrolonedecanoate are lean and hard, and its sideeffects’ mildness allows for relatively long cycles. This nitrogen retentionnot only helps to build lean muscle mass, but also enhances cardiovascularperformance, which is a good addition to the strength increase experienced byathletes using deca.<o:p></o>
Deca durabolin has a very low rate of estrogen conversion,which, according to some studies, is five times lower than that oftestosterone. Therefore, estrogen related side effects are possible with nandrolonedecanoate, but when injected in moderate amounts should not be very serious.However, when high doses of deca are used water retention can occur, and themass gain will be more of a puffy kind. In such cases, one can make a choice –either leave the muscles as they are and let them have a somewhat puffier lookor take such drugs as Aromasin to control water retention and have a leanermusculature.<o:p></o>
Hence, it ispossible to use deca both asa cutting steroid, and a bulking one.Everything will depend on the dosage used and measures taken to controlestrogenic side effects.<o:p></o>
Medical Use<o:p></o>
According toseveral studies, deca durabolin can be very beneficial in a wide range ofhealth issues. NandroloneDecanoate can considerably increase bone mineral content, so it’s used in the treatment of osteoporosis in olderwomen. Furthermore, joint problems can be relieved with the help of deca,partly due to water retention in the ligaments and partly due to additionalcollagen production. In these studies, subjects were given relatively lowdosages of nandrolone decanoate. These were definitely lower than the averagedose a bodybuilder needs to get full anabolic properties of deca.<o:p></o>
Just like Anavarand Anadrol,deca has performed well in the treatment of HIV positive patients who suffered wasting syndrome. It helped patients gain bodyweight with doses as low as100 milligrams (mg) every two weeks. In another study with HIV patients, longterm use of nandrolone decanoate has not affected cholesterol levels, triglycerides,or insulin sensitivity. Moreover, it has reduced the levels of HDL cholesterol.<o:p></o>
Post cycle therapy (PCT)<o:p></o>
Although decadurabolin is a very safe steroid, a post cycle therapy (PCT) is an absolute must. However, there is one important thing to keepin mind when planning a good PCT for nandrolone decanoate. As we discussedbeforehand, the decanoate ester makes this particular version of nandrolone avery long lasting steroid. Therefore, it will stay in the system for a whileafter cycle is stopped.<o:p></o>
The secret of agood PCT for deca consists in continuing to take testosterone based steroids forabout two weeks after ending the nandrolone cycle. The objective here is to keep the hormonal balance assteady as possible while nandrolone decanoate is being excreted by the body.<o:p></o>
Regarding theancillary drugs to use during the PCT, it is highly recommended to include, Aromasin, HCGenerate ES, Nolvadex and Clomid.<o:p></o>
It is of nosurprise that deca durabolin is the second most popular injectable steroid inthe world. It has been on the market for half a century and it had time to gainloyal users. Many cycles using nandrolone decanoate have already become trueclassics in the bodybuilding community.<o:p></o>
One cycle thatparticularly deserves special attention is the combination of nandrolone decanoate with dianabol. This is one of the oldest stacks and it has become sopopular, that many athletes just don’t consider taking dianabol without deca.It is quite logical – whowouldn’t like to have more strength and bulk without additional side effects?Another popular stack is Winstrol with Deca,and even Winstrol-Deca-Dianabol.<o:p></o>
Together withtestosterone and dianabol, nandrolone decanoate is one of the oldest steroidscommercially available. Since in those times there were really fewanti-estrogens available, the use of deca durabolin alone was quite widespreadas an alternative to the highly aromatizing testosterone and dianabol. Hence,Deca had plenty of time to become an essential part of the steroid industry. Infact, ArnoldSchwarzenegger admitted that his favorite bulking cycle was deca durabolin anddianabol.<o:p></o>
When a productis as popular as deca durabolin, many fake copies will be manufactured andsold. Deca durabolin is one of the most counterfeited steroids. The fact thatit is sold in so many countries makes its quality very variable. However, goodknowledge of different trademarks and brands can save you a lot of money.<o:p></o>
Side Effects<o:p></o>
Althoughnandrolone decanoate has a very low level of estrogenic activity, it is a veryprominent progestin. Since progesterone’s side effects are very similar tothose of estrogen, such undesired symptoms as water retention, gynecomastia and acne can be an issue. Hence, it is important to take measures to controlprogesterone levels when injecting deca durabolin. A good way to do this iswith aromataseinhibitors like aromasin.<o:p></o>
Those prone tosuffering gynecomastia should reconsider taking deca durabolin, and probablyopt for a different steroid. If the final decision is to stick to the classics,the previously mentioned anti-progesterone drugs should be used as ancillarydrugs during cycle.<o:p></o>
Nevertheless,these progesterone side effects are very rare, and they usually take place whenreally high doses of nandrolone decanoate are used. What is not rare with decadurabolin, is the suppression of natural testosterone production. In onescientific study, subjects were administered with nandrolone decanoate. Asingle injection of just 100 milligrams (mgs) completely depressed thelevels of natural testosterone. Although their testosterone levels recovered inabout a month, the study gives an idea of how suppressive can deca be.<o:p></o>
The conclusionhere is simple, decadurabolin should always be taken with a testosterone based steroid if you want less side effects. Another precaution that maysave you the trouble of side effects with nandrolone decanoate, is takingmoderate dosages. Usually, side effects take place when abnormally high dosagesof deca are used. Therefore, one should primarily focus on dealing with theside effects of the stacked steroids, like testosterone or dianabol. The samegoes for the PCT, where special guidelines will help to avoid testosteronerelated side effects (depressed sexual drive, impotence, and erectiledysfunction).<o:p></o>
Half Life<o:p></o>
Decadurabolin’s half life is estimated at 6 to 8 days. However, it isimportant to remember that according to multiple studies, it stays in the bodyfor approximately three to four weeks.<o:p></o>
Originally, itwas meant to be injected to the patients once every three weeks. Nevertheless,since its peak activity is observed for only about 4 days, athletes usuallyinject itonce a week. This way, during the cycle,nandrolone decanoate accumulates in the system, which stabilizes blood levels.<o:p></o>
Dosages and Use<o:p></o>
The averageweekly dose used by bodybuilders is anywhere between 200 and 800 mgs,and rarely does anybody inject more than that.<o:p></o>
First of all,when stacked (and nandrolone decanoate should be stacked by default) deca’s dosageshould not exceed that of testosterone or other steroids. Secondly, decadurabolin renders quite noticeable results at 200-800mgs. Injecting more than800 mgs per week will give you more side effects than results.<o:p></o>
Another rulemany use to determine the ideal personal weekly dosage is taking 2 mgs of nandrolone decanoate perpound of bodyweight. In European terms, you should betaking around 4.5mgs per kilogram (kg) of bodyweight.<o:p></o>
The finaldosage will depend greatly on the objectives of the bodybuilder. If he is in acutting phase, there is no need for great amounts of deca. On the other hand,deca durabolin can be successfully used at higher dosages as a bulking agent.In fact, this steroid is somewhat safe, so some athletes take up to 1200-1500mgs weekly. Nevertheless, such an approach would need a lot of measures ofprecaution and experience because that much deca can cause serious sideeffects.<o:p></o>
Since thissteroid is so safe and mild on side effects, it allows for longer cycles to beran. It is completely normal to run an 8-12 week cycle with deca. Somebodybuilders plan 16 weeks cycles, but in such cycle duration will drasticallyincrease the probability of suffering some side effects (be it from deca, orother steroids).<o:p></o>
In spite ofsome women using deca durabolin (in dosages of 25-50 mg/week), it is not the best thing to do. Virilization symptoms often take place. Due to the longtime it takes to excrete nandrolone decanoate from the body, it is hard to dealwith it. What makes the virilization even worse with deca is that it is usuallyirreversible. Therefore, it is highly recommended for the female athletes totry some shorter acting versions of nandrolone and other safe steroids, such as Andriol andAnavar.<o:p></o>
All in all,deca durabolin is a classic steroid that is a must have in stacks for manyathletes, especially old school bodybuilders. It is a steroid with decentanabolic properties and it works well enough in combination with other AAS.Deca’s most special quality is that its major side effects get neutralized byother steroids used in conjunction with it, allowing for more anabolic agentsto be used without any additional side effects.<o:p></o>
Many studieshave shown that this steroid has a very positive influence on lipid levels, bone mineralgrowth, immune system, and helps to alleviate joint problems. Therefore, deca durabolin can be a very beneficial steroidin many health aspects.<o:p></o>
Those subjectto drug testing should avoid using deca durabolin because it is a very stubbornsteroid that can be detected months after the last injection. In someparticular cases, even a year later traces of nandrolone decanoate can be foundin the blood.<o:p></o>
Even thoughdeca durabolin is a fairly safe steroid, there are certain tricks of the tradethat the user should be aware of. If the guidelines of cycling and PCT are notfollowed, the few side effects of nandrolone decanoate will become veryprominent.<o:p></o>
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dean really lost its popularity over the years, guessing due to trenbolone coming on to the scene , and guys being worried about taking two steroids that convert to progesterone / prolactin issues. But yeah it use to be a staple in every cycle side by side with testosterone, and those little 2ml Norma Hellas were the shit
dean really lost its popularity over the years, guessing due to trenbolone coming on to the scene , and guys being worried about taking two steroids that convert to progesterone / prolactin issues. But yeah it use to be a staple in every cycle side by side with testosterone, and those little 2ml Norma Hellas were the shit

I think it still should be for anyone over the age of 40. I make sure that I have it on hand when I start my bulk cycle due to joint issues. Presser could you go into some detail as to what can be done to address the issue of progesterone / prolactin?
Dude try to make better use of the space bar. Too many of your words run together. It makes reading difficult.

Most people don't know this, but nandrolone occurs naturally in the body. However in very small amounts. Under heavy stressful exercise it does increase. Some of the Olympic type of athletes were being tested positive for nandrolone several years ago and they swore they never took it. After some investigation, the testing agencies raised the allowable level of nandrolone.
The main drawback to extended use of nandrolone is that it is exceptionally good at raising RBC, hemoglobin and hematocrit. Maybe the best of all the anabolics. This was reported in the profile of nandrolone in the Sept., 2010 issue of Mus. Dev. Mag.
Dude try to make better use of the space bar. Too many of your words run together. It makes reading difficult.

Most people don't know this, but nandrolone occurs naturally in the body. However in very small amounts. Under heavy stressful exercise it does increase. Some of the Olympic type of athletes were being tested positive for nandrolone several years ago and they swore they never took it. After some investigation, the testing agencies raised the allowable level of nandrolone.
The main drawback to extended use of nandrolone is that it is exceptionally good at raising RBC, hemoglobin and hematocrit. Maybe the best of all the anabolics. This was reported in the profile of nandrolone in the Sept., 2010 issue of Mus. Dev. Mag.

I write everything in Word and when I copy and paste it does that. Any advise as to how to correct would be awesome!! Thank you.
I don't know how long exactly, but I've been on Deca for over 10 years... for the longest time all I did was 2ml of the Norma's a week... and no one believed thats all I was doing. People don't give Deca a chance to build up and really shine...
Yup that is they key you have to let Deca marinate and then the gains start pouring on.
I don't know how long exactly, but I've been on Deca for over 10 years... for the longest time all I did was 2ml of the Norma's a week... and no one believed thats all I was doing. People don't give Deca a chance to build up and really shine...

I agree with that. Deca is awesome!
I am a firm believer that anyone over the age of 40 should be on deca. My old joints love it!!