Delt Shot Check-In


I just thought I'd announce that I've completed my first delt shot just minutes ago. Things appear to be well so far. I was shaking just a bit because of the way I had to contort my body. I managed to get a apriation. When I withdrew the pin a steady stream of blood came out. I may have seen more come from the quad once or twice.

I injected some prop. I can tell already I'm going to be in a word of hurt because the gear I'm using has done this to me so far. Golden Triangle or some shit like that. 200mgs a ml. I put in .75 of a cc.

I will also mention that there was a unusual "bump" immediatly after the procedure. I massaged it and most of it went away.

I would recomend delts to anyone.
Cool bro, I'm as flexible as an 100 year old bear. I like delt and quads the best. If you aspirated, as far as the blood goes, your fine. If your currently in a cycle your hemocrit is off and you'll bleed more. 200mgs/ml, ouch!
Never hit a delt. Seems like it is a harder place to reach when you have quads and pecs right there in front of you.
Prop at 200mg/ml. That has to get sore!
delts are increasingly more difficult for me to hit off, but they're my favorite......they do tend to produce more "bleeders" for whatever reason

AND the lump....I got one the other day that was about the size of a small bee sting, that turned into about the size of a silver dollar by the time I got home from work. I gave it until the morning and it had subsided, but I was pretty certain that I had an abcess.....luckily, it wasn't. That said, watch the lump on your arm and hit off the doc if it gets too much worse
I my self like Delts, quads, glutes. I want to try my bi's and my traps. But dont know about the shot in the bi's. If anyone has done bi's how painful is it.
4play said:
I my self like Delts, quads, glutes. I want to try my bi's and my traps. But dont know about the shot in the bi's. If anyone has done bi's how painful is it.

Done bi's quite a few times with winstrol. It isn't painful at all, the shot itself. Easy to reach too. I used a 1" needle.

Bestquads. Once you get past the mental block, you would see how easy and painless it is most of the time. If you hit a nerve as you start, just pick a different spot. It is really just going into the top layer of skin that you feel at all. After a while you'll start to like it... you sick bastard :D
I just did 1.5cc in each delt and i liked it ... although i think i hit a nerve on the 2nd arm.

I did quads and qlutes last week.. doing glutes sucks. it is really hard to aspriate
it's not bad just don't let that needle move in your delt or you will be sore as shit

i used to have a hard time reaching them, finally got it down.

as a tip do a few quick light arnold presses after you inject, it helps spread the oil, and works better than massaging in imo.
Harvey Balboner said:
it's not bad just don't let that needle move in your delt or you will be sore as shit

Your delts were sore because you used a 1 inch pin in a 1/2 inch side delt. LOL

I love delt shots and bicep shots- I used enth and got some good site enchancing from it. Have tried leg 2 1st time I bent the needle second time it hurt so bad I couldnt train legs for a week. Would love to do triceps but just cant seem to get back there.
Chest shots scare the hell out of me!! Woudl also love to do calfs but with my calf size I could only use a slin pin LOL..