Delta-2 (2-Androstenone)


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Delta-2 (2-Androstenone)



5a-androst-2-ene-17-one or 2-androsten-17-one

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:

Unknown. The active version of this prohormone, 2-androstenol, was found to have no activity by oral administration according to the researchers at Searle, [1] though this may be because 2-androstenol is not water soluble and so cannot be absorbed by the small intestine - unlike 2-androstenone. [2]
Suffice to say that it is relatively weakly active (meaning that it needs to be dosed fairly high), much like many other non-17a-alkylated prohormones (such as 11-oxo, 4-AD, and boldione).


Delta-2, 2-androstenone


While 2-androstenol was previously released as one of the two compounds in Anabolc Xtreme's 3-AD (the other being androsterone), 2-androstenone was new to the market in 2011.
In fact, two unaffiliated companies brought out the compound roughly simultaneously: AndrogenetX in the US and Fusion Supplements in the UK.

Structure and Function:

This non-methylated compound possesses the Δ2 double bond as found in the designer steroid desoxymethyltestosterone (a.k.a madol, pheraplex), therefore it lacks the 3-keto function common to most anabolic steroids.
The easiest way to think about this compound is as a prohormone to unmethylated pheraplex (desoxymethyltestosterone). Like DHEA or 4-androstenedione it has a 17-keto function, which will be reduced by interaction with the 17bHSD enzyme in vivo to the active hormone 2-androstenol (unmethylated phera). This 17b-hydroxylated metabolite will be the one responsible for the anabolic and androgenic effects seen with this drug.


Like all anabolic steroids, the user can expect a marked increase in protein synthesis leading to a much faster rate of muscle accumulation, along with a significant boost in strength. Aromatisation should be impossible (due to the lack of a 3-keto and 4-ene), though as with all non-aromatising androgens that does not mean that estrogen-related side-effects are impossible (just much less likely).

Side Effects:

There's some supposition that pheraplex is an inhibitor of 11b-hydroxylase, which would account for the apparent water retention ("bloat") and high blood pressure some users experienced, despite the fact that phera doesn't aromatise to estrogen. Inhibition of 11b-hydroxylase can lead to increased renin secretion which results in higher levels of aldosterone, a mineralocorticoid that causes high blood pressure and water retention through sodium retention and the excretion of potassium. [3]
One study on bodybuilders found far higher levels of aldosterone in the steroid-taking group than in the non-steroid taking group - and these changes remained far past the end of their cycles. [4]
Whether or not this is the case for 2-androstenone - or phera for that matter - remains to be proven, but it is food for thought, particularly as a previous study pointed the finger at aldosterone as a cause of left ventricular hypertrophy, and suggested that it's heart remodelling effects may be unrelated to it's blood-pressure increasing effects. [5]

On balance though, this is likely to be one of the safer compounds on the market, due to the lack of liver-damaging 17a-methylation, lack of aromatisation, and possible "feel good" qualities if it shares that quality with it's big brother pheraplex.

The side effects common to all oral steroids, as discussed in the other writeups in this series, will also apply here.

Recommended Dosages and Cycle Durations:

There's a lack of solid feedback from users at the point of writing, though I would suggest doses in the range of 300mg upwards, with most users seeing best results around 600mg/day for a period of four to six weeks, followed by an appropriate PCT protocol and period of discontinuation.


[1] J. Med. Chem., 1966, 9 (5), pp 693–697
[2] New prohormone: Delta-2
[3] Cardiovascular Toxicity of Anabolic Steroids, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Vol. 33: 497-520
[4] Aldosterone Concentrations in the Blood Plasma and in the Urine Samples as the Biological Marker of Anabolic Adrogenic Steroids (AAS) Abuse, Recent advances in doping analysis (12). Sport und Buch Strauß, Köln (2004) 395-401
[5] New perspectives on the role of aldosterone excess in cardiovascular disease. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2001 Oct;28(10):783-91.
This is the product that was named in the recent articles and reports from Aljazera this week. Delta 2 andro was supposedly given to many professional athletes in MLB and NFL. I think this report went hand in hand with Peyton Manning getting HGH growth hormone shipments to his wife.

Sad that these pro athletes cant Buy, Purchase, use legal to public substances that help with healing or aiding in performance like Ostarine or Andarine, IGF-1 Lr3, Ligandrol, and even though scheduled HGH! though Delta 2 even though is a weak substance im not sure where it is in the legal not legal spectrum
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Delta 2 appears to be the “new normal” in the sports doping world. That is, if you go by what Charlie Sly says in the Al Jazeera documentary, “The Dark Side.”

Sly, whom the documentary describes as a “doctor of pharmacy,” admits in secretly recorded conversations in the film that he has supplied Delta 2 – a prohormone that is banned by MLB and the NFL – to professional athletes Ryan Howard, the former National League MVP who plays for the Phillies, Nationals infielder Ryan Zimmerman and Steelers linebacker James Harrison.

“It’s the new normal,” Sly said of Delta 2.

In the documentary, Sly claims that shipments of HGH were sent to Peyton Manning’s wife, Ashley, so the quarterback would not be implicated in a doping scandal. An angry Peyton Manning vehemently denied the allegagations, calling them “garbage.”

While HGH has been at the center of many performing-enhancing scandals, the film suggests the popularity of Delta 2 is growing.

Another journeyman baseball player, Taylor Teagarden, appears on camera in the documentary waiting outside Sly’s Texas home to meet with him. Teagarden says on camera that he used Delta 2 in a doping program the documentary states was designed by Sly.

“I used (Delta 2) last year. I was scared to be honest with you,” Teagarden says in the film. “I took it for like two weeks and I had a test four weeks after my last administration of it. Nothing happened.”
According to BALCO founder Victor Conte, as well as a source with knowledge of banned substances, Delta 2 is not as powerful a performance-enhancing drug as synthetic testosterone.

“It’s not in the big boy group,” said the source. “I’m not saying prohormones don’t work. They just work better when the body is still producing testosterone on its own. Delta 2 will build muscle, and if you’re training for endurance, it will help there.”

An attorney for Howard and Zimmerman has said the allegations in the film are not true; Harrison’s agent has also denied the claims about the Steelers’ player.

Delta 2 is very similar in structure to Madol, an anabolic steroid. Conte, who has become a staunch anti-doping advocate in the years since the BALCO investigation, says that he once tried Madol in the early 2000s with disastrous results.

“I put a drop of liquid (Madol) under my tongue. It felt like my brain was paralyzed and my cognitive function was impaired,” said Conte. “Do I think Delta 2 is as powerful as testosterone? I do not. Do I think it’s used to build muscle? I do.”

In the documentary, Sly says on camera that Howard, Zimmerman and Harrison all used Delta 2. Asked by the undercover reporter, Liam Collins, what Delta 2 provides for the three different athletes, Sly says Howard got “more explosiveness” with his bat. “He had a couple years where he hit a ton of home runs,” Sly said. He later said that Delta 2 is “the new normal” for athletes who dope.
Can IGF -1 be tested for? You would think this stuffs half life that it would be difficult to test for unless there is some kind of marker left behind.
very difficult brutha, loads of pro athletes use igf or hgh, its never the test they pop for, its always some jack off ratting them out, or a rejuvanation clinic getting raided lol, but yes the majority of pro NFL guys take HGH, or IGF, along with some very short acting steroids, there is a lot of new stuff out there, well not new, but new to most people, a lot of very very old discoveries are being used now and just coming into popularity.
bumping delta 2 andro, and curious why its geting so much attention now and where or why its in the news.
yes, but i was just curious why thread views went up so fast, i guess Baclo's The Clear Steroid Made more news someplace or delta2 androstenone made news someplace just very recently lmao
It has now become available again as SUP3R-2 : ie 5a-Androst-2-ene-17-one 250mg and the product is being promoted on some stronger supplement sites, i guess with 60 caps @ 250 mg an experienced user would have to go for 2 bottles so as to run it for eight weeks @ 500 mg and thus would incur a cost of around $140 .
bumping delta 2 andro, and curious why its geting so much attention now and where or why its in the news.
It has now become available again as SUP3R-2 : ie 5a-Androst-2-ene-17-one 250mg and the product is being promoted on some stronger supplement sites, i guess with 60 caps @ 250 mg an experienced user would have to go for 2 bottles so as to run it for eight weeks @ 500 mg and thus would incur a cost of around $140 .

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yes, but i was just curious why thread views went up so fast, i guess Baclo's The Clear Steroid Made more news someplace or delta2 androstenone made news someplace just very recently lmao
It has now become available again as SUP3R-2 : ie 5a-Androst-2-ene-17-one 250mg and the product is being promoted on some stronger supplement sites, i guess with 60 caps @ 250 mg an experienced user would have to go for 2 bottles so as to run it for eight weeks @ 500 mg and thus would incur a cost of around $140 .

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It has now become available again as SUP3R-2 : ie 5a-Androst-2-ene-17-one 250mg and the product is being promoted on some stronger supplement sites, i guess with 60 caps @ 250 mg an experienced user would have to go for 2 bottles so as to run it for eight weeks @ 500 mg and thus would incur a cost of around $140 .

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It has now become available again as SUP3R-2 : ie 5a-Androst-2-ene-17-one 250mg and the product is being promoted on some stronger supplement sites, i guess with 60 caps @ 250 mg an experienced user would have to go for 2 bottles so as to run it for eight weeks @ 500 mg and thus would incur a cost of around $140 .