Did anyone else get a message from Tony?

never trust a source that asks you for business...if they're legit you'll find them instead
Yea emailed me a price list and knew I was on muscle chemistry. Just struck as strange.

oh ok, yeah thats fucked up, i think it might be the same "Toni" we just banned from the site, but not sure, what was his exact username so i can make sure he is banned
He hasn't said his username or how he got my email. I keep asking but I'm not getting any answers.

Ohhh.. So it's to your personal email.. Maybe a long lost loved one? Lol.. You prob went on some porn site and momma busted you and now you're tryin to use Mc as a excuse to her..
Oh I thought you were sent a Private Message brutha, and yeah no idea how he got your email, do u have your email account hooked up to our site here so members can contact you? if so u can turn that off!