Did squats really low today


MuscleChemistry member
Today I did squats and went all the way down, to where I couldnt go any lower. I couldnt use as much weight, but damn it was hell on the quads. It took alot more push to get out of the bottom when doing it this way.
I literally touch my butt to the ground I go so low. Its torture coming up but man do they destroy my quads.
wish i could , hell i cant even bend my leg half way since my surgery, doc tells me i cant do weighted squats or exst ever again, fuck that i'll show him! lol slowly though
ass to the grass and look straight up to help keep your back from rounding.
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I try and do this, but I was born with knees that were literally turned outwards 45 degrees more than they should have been, so when i was literally 3 months old they performed an operation in which they broke both of my legs and had to turn them inwards and cast them for 6 months. Granted I don't see to many symptoms of that surgery to this day, if I go MUCH below 90 degrees I experience SEVERE discomfort...
I never go all the way down. Once you go past a "sitting" position, your putting a lot of un needed stress on your knees
Majority of healthy people can go parralell...some ATG...but some peoples bodies just aren't
Made to squat super deep

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It all depends on how my knees feel on that day. Sometimes I can go atg and sometimes only parallel.

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really helps hit the lower part of the glutes when you go that deep.... sometimes when my kneees bother me i might turn my heels in to take pressure off them