diet soda...


New member
just wondering what everyone's comment is on diet soda.

do you drink it?

if so, what kind?

if not, why so?

i must admit my absolute addiction to diet mountain dew, i must rip through like 5- 2-liter bottles a week.

give me your thoughts about diet soda..

I drink two things.

- Water
- Skim Milk with my protein shakes

I don't like anything about pop, regular or diet.

It's always a personal choice though on what you want from life and what you are willing to live with and without.

For me, I can't live without pumpkin pie. So if it's mountain dew for you, don't worry about it.


5 Two Litre bottles is a hell of a lot of pop to drink in 6 months for me.......

And you're drinking that much per week?

Maybe you could try to cut back a bit.
No, i dont. I only drink water. The sodium content and the fake sweeteners in some like C2 are horribel for you. SOme have been known to cause cancer
like aspartame, I drink pop but Im not on a diet do to injury, when I get back to being 100% comitted Ill cut all pop out completely
Zylo said:
I drink two things.

- Water
- Skim Milk with my protein shakes

Hey Zylo, you probably read my mind, am very religous at that too
Water and Skim milk all the way....No pop or fruit juices, to much sugar, i get my complex sugar from fruits like apples, bananas, strawberry, oranges... I despice sugar, i hate it with a passion...
da_Fonz said:
No, i dont. I only drink water. The sodium content and the fake sweeteners in some like C2 are horribel for you. SOme have been known to cause cancer

I'm with you da_fonz! ;) Gotta love my H20....
Water and 1% milk are the only two things that I drink consistently. During my workout I do drink gatorade, which I know has quite a bit of sugar, however, it adds so much to my energy level during training that I feel that it is worth it.

I feel like carbonation is going to accelerate the absorbtion of anything in the stomach. Most often I want to eat the slowest absorbing foods possible in order to maintain even blood sugar levels, I think that a carbonated water based drink is going to defeat the purpose.
You gotta watch out with 1% milk cause it contains alot of sugar as well, check it out.

Yeah Missy, thats the only thing i drink and if you drink 2+ gallons a days you dont have time to drink anything else, lol.
Heres something all of yall who think its ok:

More water, less soda why u ask: Well. . .

In addition to all that sugar, the carbonation in sodas leaches calcium out of your bones, promotes tooth decay, and heres the kicker it has been shown to harm the kidneys.
da_Fonz said:
You gotta watch out with 1% milk cause it contains alot of sugar as well, check it out.

Your right about that, and I drop BF% quite quickly when I cut the milk from my diet, however, it is a good source of protein when bulking, which I basically do year round. I cut for a very short period of time in the spring time to get rid of excess body fat, and that is it.
da_Fonz said:
Heres something all of yall who think its ok:

More water, less soda why u ask: Well. . .

In addition to all that sugar, the carbonation in sodas leaches calcium out of your bones, promotes tooth decay, and heres the kicker it has been shown to harm the kidneys.

^^^sp true...take care of those kidneys...i might drink a half of a soda about once a month...carbination makes me feel more bloated than D-Bol does. My only weekness is about 8 fig newtons and a glass of skim milk after dinner a littel too close to bed time though. lol
To add a twist to this discussion: how much coffee do you guys drin? Or, do you at all? I drink a couple in the morning and a couple before working out. It's as if I am addicted to the quick caffeine gives me a mental boost.
I haven't drank soda in about 8 years or so. I only drink water and green tea or an occasional glass of red wine.
I drink coffee on occasion, I've tried to substitute hot green tea for coffee for the most part.

I've read that coffee raises blood sugar levels similar to a diabetics, maybe someone has more info on this.
EatingMachine said:
I drink coffee on occasion, I've tried to substitute hot green tea for coffee for the most part.

I've read that coffee raises blood sugar levels similar to a diabetics, maybe someone has more info on this.

Very true.
Coffee, tea, cocoa, not only cause a rise in blood sugar by reason of the added sugar, but also because they contain caffeine or related chemical compounds that stimulate the adrenal system and thus cause a rise in blood sugar at the expense of liver glycogen. People who smoke a great deal and drink much coffee and who have poor appetites are in a chronic state of malnutrition because they are steadily depleting the liver glycogen stores and are failing to replenish the stores with proper food.
Does anyone use anything for a pre/during workout boost regularly? A couple of cups of coffee gets me more focused for the workout. I've used ECA stacks in the past, but do not like the jittery feeling of coming down or the supression of appetite. The general consensus on clen is mixed reviews with most people agreeing that they hate the side effects.
Pre workout I either drink a protein shake with lots of carbs or eat some fruit and several spoonfuls of natural peanut butter.

During my workout I eat Cliffs bars and drink gatorade. I would like to find something that works as well as the cliffs without the soy protein, but, so far the oatmeal in the cliffs bars works better than anything. I am going to look for some reciepes to make my own bars, I think Missfit posted one not too long ago on another site.