different look at cycling gear, training


New member
Been doing a lot of reading on Animal's site and want to get some of your opinions on this. Read the "cycles on pennies" thread (written by Doggcrapp) at Animal's site (animalkits.be) and let me know what you think. If nothing else, its some interesting reading.
Presser, I'm going to assume you haven't been banned from that site. lol
peace, vti-13
I posted about this a while back. I will try to find it and bump it. I tried the workout and did not like it that much. It might work for some, but I just did not do well with it.
post the workout if possible too, i heard some good things about it, i couldn't find all the basics about it though
the workout

here's the workout

day 1- chest, delts, tris, back (thickness), back (width)-I think he means lats and midback. One exercise per bodypart (big compound movements) for one set rest-paused. Example- bench for 8 reps, take 10-12 deep breaths, 4 more reps, another quick break, 3 more reps. (numbers are just for example) Done. Also, use a 8-10 second negative on all reps. After finishing the muscle, stretch it really well for like 60 seconds- he outlines some good stretches in the post. The whole workout takes less than 1 hour- really just 5 long sets. I can say that the negatives are a bitch but you really feel the muscle.

day 2-bis, forearms, calves, hams, quads, abs-done same as other day, except on quads he says he usually does 20 slow reps rest paused (hard to make an 8 second negative on squats)
day 3 off
day 4 same as day one except with different (compound) exercises.
day 5 same as day 2 except with different exercises
day 6 off
day 7 same as day 1 with diff. exercises
day 8 same as day 2 with diff. exercises
day 9 off
day 10 repeat whole thing (use more weight with every exercise that you got enough reps on-progressive overload.) If you don't up the weight with two tries ( one try every 9 days(, change to a different exercise.
That's the basics of the workout.
Personally I'm trying it now with slightly above maintanance calories and kind of like it. I changed the split a little (legs on day 1 and back on day 2) but basically am following it as is. Makes a lot of sense.
here's his take on cycling.
Use basics (test, dbol, eq, fina)
As far as cycles, he tries to find the golden mean between short cycles and stayin on full bore all year. He lists a 4weeks on full tilt and 2 weeks cruising (example-300-400 mg test a week) Then go with 4 more weeks full tilt and 2 crusing, and so on.
He admits that it isn't the same as completely going off, but seems to be the best way to get as big as possible and still maintain some form of health. Example would be like
1gm test with fina for 4 weeks, then just 400mg test for 2 weeks, then again 1g test but with a different drug like eq or dbol, then 2 weeks just test 400mg. Clomid is used during the two weeks "cruising" along with arimidex throughout the whole thing.
That's the jist of it. He shows good knowledge of juice and training and you should really check out the thread (address at top of 1st post) Let me know what you guys think. I'm going to try this (with different dosages of course) for like four 4-2 cycles this fall/winter.
Good reading,
Presser, I hope you don't mind me showing a link to another board. Animal seems like a good bro (definitely knowledgeable). MC is still my home though.
Check a thread I bumped that I started a few weeks ago. It has the links. The title of the thread is HIT.