Dirty Bulking??


New member
How many guys here bulk dirty in the off season???
I have heard of guys like lee preist and dave palumbo going for m&m's by the box load and mcdonald's cheese burgers by the dozen...
Sounds pretty ridiculous to me. I guess anything is possible but I haven’t heard a professional talk about eating McDonalds cheeseburgers “by the dozen.”
Dave Palumbo

This message is from dave's website
"Dave is busy promoting his new magazine "RX Muscle" at the Arnold Classic. You also see Dave enjoying his favorite Grow Food---McDonalds!!! Dave swears by McDonalds hamburgers for maximum growth. "
watch the BP while on supps if your gonna be eating mcdonalds every night. I would never bulk that dirty having some cheat meals are fine by me to keep the cals up and metabolism but i couldnt see eatin mcdonalds all the time you seen super size me that fucker almost died.
That’s the last fucking thing I'd touch no matter what time of the year! I bet McDonalds paid him to promote that shit they call "food."
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if you watch the video i posted with lee preist
he has cheat meals in between his regular meals

you cant eat shit meals all the time off season

you will only get fat

lee priest eats what he is supposed too first
I think dave was held back because of the gh gut mostly. He really dosen't have any defined part of his mid section
38532nd said:
I think dave was held back because of the gh gut mostly. He really dosen't have any defined part of his mid section

I can't believe you are actually saying that about him.

That is way too much garbage.
Even in the cheat meal that I had a few weeks ago, I could not do it- I got sick with the taste of sweets and McDonalds makes me sick....
Well it's true. He's a great guy but I feel in all honesty that is what holds him back. He has always been there for me whenever I needed help don't get me wrong. But look at his physique and it's the only thing that is not flawless!!!
Dirty bulking leads to dirty gains.

any pics who see of some pro or bodybuilding eating some junk, its probably just a once a week or once a month type thing.

You can find me eating junk every once in a blue moon, doesnt mean i do it all the time and still look the way I do.
dreww said:
Dirty bulking leads to dirty gains.

any pics who see of some pro or bodybuilding eating some junk, its probably just a once a week or once a month type thing.

You can find me eating junk every once in a blue moon, doesnt mean i do it all the time and still look the way I do.

I have seen pros and some national competitors admit they eat this way all the time during the offseason so its kinda sketchy to make a blanket statement like that...
MMX2 said:
I have seen pros and some national competitors admit they eat this way all the time during the offseason so its kinda sketchy to make a blanket statement like that...

then maybe we should all toss out our trunks or any hope of competiting. Cause if you got guys at that level who can win doing that offseason, then their genetics are just unbeatable. They could lay around, eat junk, never workout and still look better than the guys giving it 100% day in and day out and juicing like there is no tomorrow.

I dont compete, and dont see how some of you guys do when trying to go up against someone like that.
yeah well this is just my take on the matter-if you eat shit ALL THE TIME then you will look like shit...but every once in a while it's not that bad
like Mark Kerr once said, "it's better to eat at the bottom of the cage than to not eat at all."
dreww said:
then maybe we should all toss out our trunks or any hope of competiting. Cause if you got guys at that level who can win doing that offseason, then their genetics are just unbeatable. They could lay around, eat junk, never workout and still look better than the guys giving it 100% day in and day out and juicing like there is no tomorrow.

I dont compete, and dont see how some of you guys do when trying to go up against someone like that.

exactly dreww
Don't forget that the old adage of "you are what you eat" is very true. Even if these guys don't seem to look too bad on the outside, it is possible that their insides look really bad. You can't eat junk like that and expect to have no consequences from it.
Ill never bulk dirty like that bro, there are few occasions during bulking time that i will visit wendys or something along those lines, but if you bulk dirty youre just going to get reaaallly fat, if you gain 40lbs from a bulker like that i bet AT LEAST half is fat.