DMZ and ostarinè


New member
What are your thoughts on stacking DMZ with ostarinè. I have done a cycle of prè prohormones before and done a small pct. Can dmz be stacked with sarms? Planing on doing 2 cycles by end of summer. 4 weeks of ostarine then ad the dmz for the last 4 week. Second cycle will be a month later and will do 8 weeks of ostarine and add the dmz for the last 4 week. I will be running MC igf for all my cycles and in between. What can I use for on cycle therapy. I know dmz can damage liver
Man I don’t know much about DMZ aside from what all I have read here on , but I don’t think it will be a problem running them back to back at just a few weeks each. And what kind of cycle support were you looking for, liver support for the dmz , is that what your asking daddio
I read dmz shuts you down. I never done anything that shuts me down. I have a stack that comes with archidonic acid and test booster. I have clomid and tamoxifen for after my cycles. I know I have to take live support but what ls is needed? I ordered 2 bottles of arimidex to add to my cycle
U can stack ostarine with any steroid hormone or prohormone.
I wouldn't use dmz unless u had a test base.
Knocking testosterone too low or dead with no administered testosterone can give u a messed up estro ratio and cause gyno.
What are your thoughts on stacking DMZ with ostarinè. I have done a cycle of prè prohormones before and done a small pct. Can dmz be stacked with sarms? Planing on doing 2 cycles by end of summer. 4 weeks of ostarine then ad the dmz for the last 4 week. Second cycle will be a month later and will do 8 weeks of ostarine and add the dmz for the last 4 week. I will be running MC igf for all my cycles and in between. What can I use for on cycle therapy. I know dmz can damage liver

What is dmz most copared to as oral aas gos .
What is dmz most copared to as oral aas gos .
It is two bonded superdrol molecules that break off in stomach as something far less toxic and anabolic. Sort of similar to Anadrol but as strong as tbol or a little stronger. Not a bad compound it's dry and pretty anabolic much milder than superdrol

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It is two bonded superdrol molecules that break off in stomach as something far less toxic and anabolic. Sort of similar to Anadrol but as strong as tbol or a little stronger. Not a bad compound it's dry and pretty anabolic much milder than superdrol

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Lol typo anavar not Anadrol
It's like anavar but stronger than tbol.
Anabolic like avar but gains around tbol or better. It's not a bad compound at all.

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Lol typo anavar not Anadrol
It's like anavar but stronger than tbol.
Anabolic like avar but gains around tbol or better. It's not a bad compound at all.

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Spot on as usual. DMZ is a great designer..............I also agree with your insight on running with Test...........I would never run an oral only cycle, but then again I am old school.

Don't fear the needle son :satan:

If you are trying to stay legal, I would go with Trest (ment) Ace as your oil base.
I was planning on running ment one day. . I just think I'm too new to try ment . Maybe after a cycle or 2
I was planning on running ment one day. . I just think I'm too new to try ment . Maybe after a cycle or 2

Honestly if you are new to the whole game I would run 500mg of Test and that is it and see how you do.............then run your PCT afterwards.

As for your question on your liver, to my knowledge DMZ is not too bad when it come to hepatotoxixity. I would use Tucda and NAC to be on the safe side.
I'm new to injection. Igf 1 is my first injection. 1 adro and nor andro was my first stack and gained 8 lbs but lost inches from belly.
I'm new to injection. Igf 1 is my first injection. 1 adro and nor andro was my first stack and gained 8 lbs but lost inches from belly.
It's not like shooting up! Lol
Its just put into muscle because it's not absorbed orally. Only by way of methylation which is bad for liver!
But everyone has to chose their own path. If u not comfortable don't do it but there's nothing worse than the guys that eat their liver away to say they just run orals!
I use orals to a small minimum because of sides and affects on liver and lipids or unreal compared to im gear

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Honestly I'm not afraid of the needle.. I prefer it over the orals. Orals was just easy to get at that time
Hey not trying to call you out at all, just saying that yes Orals may be the easiest, but you can get ment and everything to go with it......fairly easy.

As for reasons stated already above by our wise muscle mechanic, I would include trest or test.

You asked for our thoughts..............and there you go, do with it what you will and good luck!!
Hey not trying to call you out at all, just saying that yes Orals may be the easiest, but you can get ment and everything to go with it......fairly easy.

As for reasons stated already above by our wise muscle mechanic, I would include trest or test.

You asked for our thoughts..............and there you go, do with it what you will and good luck!!

I'm actually going to hop on the test at 500 maybe 600mg a week..dropping the dmz out of the cycle for now
what kind of test is it? sorry if I missed it, and I don’t mean brand, but I mean short, long ester etc... propionate, enanthate, cypionate ,
I'm going to use propionate and enanthate.. going to use some of MC ostarine In conjuction of another brand of ostarine.. or better yet, I will run MC ostarine for half cycle and the other brand the other half and compare results. Just have to wait on the shipment from MC and my stack is complete