Do Men Cheat More? Male and Female Cheating Statistics

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Key Statistics about Male and Female Infidelity Statistics

[*]Only 3% of people end up marrying the person they had an affair with.

[*]Out of all married men, 20% have been unfaithful to their wives.

[*]According to statistics, 13% of married women have been unfaithful to their spouses.

[*]If a person cheats on their spouse, there is a 40% chance that it will lead to divorce.

[*]On social media platforms, dating sites, and apps, 18% of men from the Millennial generation participate in emotional infidelity.

[*]According to a survey, 75% of individuals consider emotional affairs as a form of betrayal.

[*]30% of men who cheat on their partners with mistresses have partners who are the same age or older than their current partners.

[*]Around 40% of unmarried relationships and 25% of marriages have at least one case of cheating.

[*]The number of women engaging in infidelity has gone up by 40% in the last two decades.

[*]73% of women stated that emotional infidelity would cause them great distress.

Chapter 1: Male Cheating Statistics

Even though attitudes towards gender roles have shifted, men are still more likely to cheat on their partners than women. Recent research shows that 20% of married men and 13% of married women have admitted to having sex with someone other than their spouse. However, the number of women who cheat is growing. In fact, infidelity rates among women have gone up by 40% over the past two decades.

When it comes to younger married couples aged 18-29, cheating women are slightly more likely to cheat than men. But for couples 30 and older, men are still more likely to be unfaithful.

1. 30% of men who cheat on their partners with mistresses have partners who are the same age or older than their current partners.

Research shows that 30% of men who have affairs with mistresses have partners who are the same age or older. This highlights the importance of open communication in relationships and the need for more education on the impact of infidelity on mental health.

2. Out of all married men, 20% have been unfaithful to their wives.


Based on statistical data, it has been revealed that a significant proportion of married men, specifically about 20%, have indulged in acts of infidelity. These acts of betrayal go against the trust and commitment that they had vowed to their respective wives during their wedding ceremony.

3. On social media platforms, dating sites, and apps, 18% of men from the Millennial generation participate in emotional infidelity.


18% of Millennial men engage in emotional infidelity through social media, dating sites, and apps, forming intimate connections with others without physical intimacy. This can harm relationships and cause emotional distress to partners.

4. Studies indicate that men tend to cheat more frequently than women, with a difference ranging from 3% to 7%.


Research has shown that there may be a discrepancy in the rates of infidelity among men and women. The data indicates that this difference can vary, with some studies suggesting a minimal 3% gap and others reporting a substantial 7% divergence. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the factors that contribute to infidelity and addressing them in relationships to prevent the occurrence of such behavior. (1) (2)

Chapter 2: Female Cheating Statistics

Throughout history, there has been a perceived notion that men tend to engage in infidelity more frequently than women. However, recent data suggests that women also increasingly participate in such behavior. This shift in behavior may be attributed to several factors, including higher employment rates, income equality, and more time spent in the workplace, which have resulted in a greater balance in extramarital affairs between genders.

Furthermore, studies have indicated that the acceptance of casual sex among couples in their 20s has increased in modern hookup culture compared to the 1980s.

1. 73% of women stated that emotional infidelity would cause them great distress.

According to a recent study, a significant 73% of women reported that the experience of emotional infidelity would have a considerable negative impact on their emotional well-being. This suggests that emotional fidelity may hold a critical role in maintaining relationships among women.

2. The number of women engaging in infidelity has gone up by 40% in the last two decades.


In the past 20 years, extramarital affairs among women have increased by 40%. This reflects changing gender roles and women feeling more empowered to make their own choices. However, infidelity can have serious consequences and should be carefully considered.

2. According to statistics, 13% of married women have been unfaithful to their spouses.


Based on statistical data, it has been revealed that a significant 13% of women who are married have engaged in infidelity toward their partners. This indicates a concerning trend in the behavior of some married women, which may have serious implications for the stability and trust within their marriages.(3)

Chapter 3: General Cheating Statistics

Typically, both men and women are more likely to cheat on their partners as they age, with women reaching their peak at around age 60 and men at around age 70. However, as people get older, the rates of infidelity tend to decrease at similar rates for both genders. This could be due in part to the fact that fewer people are married at the beginning and end of their lives, and more are married in the middle.

1. Among people who have been married and are between the ages of 18 and 29, women are more likely to cheat on their partners (11% compared to 10%).


In the demographic of individuals who have previously been married and fall between the age range of 18 to 29, research indicates that women have a slightly higher likelihood of engaging in infidelity when compared to men. Specifically, 11% of women in this group have reported cheating on their significant other, while 10% of men have reported the same behavior.

2. Adultery rates tend to rise during middle age. However, as people get older, the gap between the rates of adultery for those aged 30 to 34 quickly narrows and widens.

Further research indicates that factors such as dissatisfaction in one’s marriage, unfulfilled needs, and lack of emotional connection could potentially contribute to the rise in adultery rates during middle age. It is important to address these underlying issues to prevent the harmful effects of infidelity on individuals and their families.

3. 25% of all affairs last less than one week, and 65% end within the first six months. Only a small 10% of affairs turn into long-term relationships.


Studies show that infidelity typically involves brief romantic encounters and short-lived relationships. To be more specific, statistics indicate that approximately 25% of affairs last for less than a week, while 65% come to an end within six months. Interestingly, only a small 10% of extramarital affairs evolve into long-term relationships.(4)


How common is cheating in marriage?

The data reveals that there is a prevalence of infidelity in marriage, with an estimated 15-20% of married couples engaging in extramarital affairs. This rate of cheating tends to increase with age for both men and women. A study titled “America’s Generation Gap in Extramarital Affairs” found that 20% of older couples reported having cheated during their marriage.

What are the statistics on cheating couples?

Relationships are highly unpredictable. Shockingly, 25% of relationships end within a week, and a staggering 60% tend to last only six months. However, only 10% of relationships manage to persist beyond six months. Regarding children, 2% of them are born as a result of affairs. Surprisingly, 3% of affairs result in a marriage between lovers. It’s important to note that 50-60% of married men engage in extramarital sex at some point in their relationship.

Can a man cheat and still love his wife?

Have you ever wondered why some men cheat on their wives? Well, according to experts, most men who cheat are actually still in love with their wives. However, they’re not satisfied with the way things are going in their relationship. This is just one of the many myths about cheating that experts have debunked.

What percentage of marriages survive infidelity?

It is common for people in committed relationships to have affairs, with almost half of those in monogamous relationships admitting to it. Only about a quarter of couples decide to stay together when cheating happens in a marriage. These numbers can vary depending on the type of survey conducted.

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