Do you find it insulting when...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
People say they can squat/bench/curl.... a certain amount to someone and you know damn well they don't do full reps and then people think you're a pussy because you don't lift that much because you actually do full reps??

The reason I ask is because yesterday I saw a fucktard squatting 455 and never went more than 3" down, but yet says he can squat that much. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I can't stand hearing someone say they have big lifts when they are completely clueless as to what they're really doing
Yeah sometimes it bothers me. Like bench when they don't lock out or bounce the hell out of it. We practice slow good form reps when we bench sometimes. Let someone that's bouncing the hell outta 405lb try it slow and pause it def makes a difference.
nah. If someone talks shit I just tell them to take their shirts off and pose down and we'll end this.
I always find it funny that how much you lift is the "be all end all" measuring stick to who is the best in the gym. That is always the first thing I get asked while I am out and about in the community. Many people are surprised when I tell them that I do not know exactly what my max lifts are because as I focus on just bodybuilding now the pumps are what I am trying to achieve in the gym. So I guess it depends on your mindset as to how much it might get on your nerves. But I know that anyone who knows anything about lifting properly will look at those that aren't really lifting that kind of weight and laugh about it. So in the end they make a fool of themselves to those who know better.
its kind of iratating but I always say I don't max out and don't go over a certain amount and then they are like I can do that, but then you say o yea and that's my 4th exercise
Yeah sometimes it bothers me. Like bench when they don't lock out or bounce the hell out of it. We practice slow good form reps when we bench sometimes. Let someone that's bouncing the hell outta 405lb try it slow and pause it def makes a difference.

im gonna try it just to say I got 405 lol usually my first few set I will focus on form but as the weight increase on each exercise my form tends to get worse im just being honest.
405 is my goal which I have failed to get the past 2 years so I plan on starting strength training early this year
I've walked up to someone saying they benched X or squatted X and of course someone in the group will ask me and sometimes it'll be less than the BS the other guy is spewing. when that happens the people we're talking to have looked at him with a "yeah we know you're lying now" when they realize this guy is full of it.
then there's the "how much do you bench?" question. depending on my mood I'll either say, "I don't know. whatever I want" or "more than you". rarely will I say the later. I save that for when I'm grumpy or the guy is a douche and I just don't like him.

at the PL gym I go to the guys that are habitual offenders of partial reps get called out it regularly. hell it's kind of a joke with some guys. we'll say a guy "Pachini'd his squat" when he cuts it high b/c this guy who's last name is Pachini does that quite often. lol
I always find it funny that how much you lift is the "be all end all" measuring stick to who is the best in the gym. That is always the first thing I get asked while I am out and about in the community. Many people are surprised when I tell them that I do not know exactly what my max lifts are because as I focus on just bodybuilding now the pumps are what I am trying to achieve in the gym. So I guess it depends on your mindset as to how much it might get on your nerves. But I know that anyone who knows anything about lifting properly will look at those that aren't really lifting that kind of weight and laugh about it. So in the end they make a fool of themselves to those who know better.


There is an older guy at my gym, he looks great for his age honestly. It was a busy day and he asked if he could work in on close grip pull downs and I was on my last few sets for back and he just started. This guy lifted more than me, not the greatest form but he went heavy. My lats were burning at that point. He asked that I should go heavier and I explained how I look at pull down movements and that I visualize pull from my elbows rather than hands. I just view my hands as hooks. He tried it and did a few reps before he burned out. Take delts, chest, bi's out of the equation and you're left with the lat doing all of the work. He was cool about it and said thanks.
I don't ever really talk about what I lift outside of the gym, but when I hear someone saying they squat 500# and people get all impressed it just makes me sick for 2 reasons...1) I know for a fact the guy is full of shit and 2) at how clueless the general public is. I don't think anyone 1 lift determines how strong you are and to be quite honest it takes a lot to impress me and very little to irritate me. Maybe I'm just short tempered and can't stand hearing/seeing bullshit around somwthing that I take so seriously
I don't ever really talk about what I lift outside of the gym, but when I hear someone saying they squat 500# and people get all impressed it just makes me sick for 2 reasons...1) I know for a fact the guy is full of shit and 2) at how clueless the general public is. I don't think anyone 1 lift determines how strong you are and to be quite honest it takes a lot to impress me and very little to irritate me. Maybe I'm just short tempered and can't stand hearing/seeing bullshit around somwthing that I take so seriously

naw, shit grinds my gears to. the big give away that they're lying when people are talking about maxes is the word "about". I don't know anybody that actually competes or even takes their training seriously that doesn't know exactaly what their last max was. sure most of don't really know what that max is because unlike the typical "gym bro" we don't try and hit a single rep PR every week
When I see people not squatting correctly I want to kick there legs out from under them. These fantasy lifters dreaming of numbers would get the same treatment.

People say they can squat/bench/curl.... a certain amount to someone and you know damn well they don't do full reps and then people think you're a pussy because you don't lift that much because you actually do full reps??

The reason I ask is because yesterday I saw a fucktard squatting 455 and never went more than 3" down, but yet says he can squat that much. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I can't stand hearing someone say they have big lifts when they are completely clueless as to what they're really doing
When I see people not squatting correctly I want to kick there legs out from under them. These fantasy lifters dreaming of numbers would get the same treatment.

Haha, glad to see I'm not alone. I want to pinch their lower back and make then crumble. I can't stand watching someone half ass something, either do it or get the fuck out of the gym and don't come back. If I was a gym owner I'd probably ban people for lifting like they have no sense