Do you guys just go to your normal doc for blood work?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Do you guys go to your regular doctor to get your labs done? Do you go through insurance? I was looking at prices without insurance and thats just not going to happen for me lol, shit is crazy high for full labs. Im just not to crazy about my normal doctor seeing my hormone levels but i guess i could hit up a clinic around the city for them.
My Dr does my HRT so I don't see anyone else for anything and no one else sees my results.
Yeah your doc rocks lol, im not on HRT so i dont want my official doc freakin out when my test levels come back 2k +
i go to my regular doctor! i like to keep it all with one good dr and they (good dr's) are hard to come by
I have an endo that I get my HRT through. He does blood work every three months and I have to visit him every three months also.
Here are some places online that I've read about on other forums. I've never personally used any of them but I've heard good things about all of them.

I think some of them are pretty affordable. Hope this helps.
thanks for the links brotha. I think ill just go to a clinic though i didnt know it would be that damn high. 25 bucks for a copay sounds much better lol.
I have a a physician's assistant technically as my gp now, he really seems to be so busy and not care at all about whats going on. Many times I order blood tests and he doesn't even go through them so i just get a copy and look at them at home. I don't think he ever questioned my test levels either he didn't see it that time or he didn't care, its a trade off I guess.
Better than my other doctors previously; I had a bunch; I open up to them and they were on my ass all the time. Saying that they can only do blood work every three month, breaking my balls, lecturing me, scare tactics, arrogant fucks too, the whole shabang. One doc didn't even know how muscles grew!!!? I told her that muscles get stressed and damaged, microscopic rips tell the body to send setalite cells etc to repair the damage and over compensate, she argued with me that doesnt happen. The doc I had previous to this guy said after I was coming to him for a year that he will drop me if i don't stop using. I told him do you drop your patients who smoke, eat unhealthy, don't exercise, alchoholics, addicts too? That got me so pissed off he thought i would put my tail between my legs and come bend to his will. I dropped him then he called me trying to find out what happened, fucking asshole.
No bloodwork needed here. I oder myself a pizza
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Here are some places online that I've read about on other forums. I've never personally used any of them but I've heard good things about all of them.

I think some of them are pretty affordable. Hope this helps.

I usually go to my doctor, but have used Directlabs personally when I didn't have health insurance. Service was smooth.

They always have monthly specials going on too