Do you hit the gym when you feel a sickness coming on?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Yesterday my sinus's started burning really bad which is a tale tell sign for me that a sinus infection is on its way. This morning my throat is a tad sore from all the drainage, and possibly a low grade fever havent taken it yet have been cold all morning which is very much not like me. Im debating on taking today off and just resting to let my body try to fight this off. If your not completely sick do you take the day off to try and push it away or do you still hit it 100% till you finally catches up with you? Im gonna hate missing a day. ahhh fuckin weather going from 55 one day to 20 the next
Yesterday my sinus's started burning really bad which is a tale tell sign for me that a sinus infection is on its way. This morning my throat is a tad sore from all the drainage, and possibly a low grade fever havent taken it yet have been cold all morning which is very much not like me. Im debating on taking today off and just resting to let my body try to fight this off. If your not completely sick do you take the day off to try and push it away or do you still hit it 100% till you finally catches up with you? Im gonna hate missing a day. ahhh fuckin weather going from 55 one day to 20 the next
I sit on my ass when I feel it comin on. Then I start eatin vitamin c tabs like there skittles until its gone. I cant stand to be sick.
before committing to the gym I would usually get sick at least twice during the winter. Since being the gym everyday I havent got sick once this year... No flu, no fever, no cough, nothing....I cant remember ever feeling this healthy and sick free in my life.

However I do get allergies and I could tell I was having a small sinus blockage a few weeks ago, I could only breath from one side of my nose. I would wake up having small issues breathing, as soon as I hit the gym it stopped. When my workout was over I would be stopped up again but a would take a claritin and I was fine.
Yesterday my sinus's started burning really bad which is a tale tell sign for me that a sinus infection is on its way. This morning my throat is a tad sore from all the drainage, and possibly a low grade fever havent taken it yet have been cold all morning which is very much not like me. Im debating on taking today off and just resting to let my body try to fight this off. If your not completely sick do you take the day off to try and push it away or do you still hit it 100% till you finally catches up with you? Im gonna hate missing a day. ahhh fuckin weather going from 55 one day to 20 the next

I go straight home after work, have some chicken soup and watch movies til' I fall asleep.

When Im sick all I need is rest..and im good by the next day.
I barely ever get sick , when I do its nothing major , unless it something like the flu which then of course once its bad its horrible.

But when a sickness is coming on ive heard your generally stronger than normal because your immune system goes into overdrive , so at that point your immune system and body is overproductive and overcompensating without you feeling like shit yet.

Atleast thats what ive read and your suppose to get a good workout , Ive worked outwhile I felt like I was becoming sick , never when I was feeling horrible though. Im stronger when im coming down with something.
If its not that bad sometimes a workout makes me feel better, but if I'm really comming down with something I think it is better
to lay off rather then put more stress on you body when it is trying to fight something off. If your really feeling sick its better to
take off and get the rest to recoup faster.
Well i went ahead and hit chest and calves and an hour of cardio anyways lol. I felt pretty bad this morning but after laying around and getting a few meals in me i felt like i would be wasting the day if i didnt hit it. So i went in had a pretty good workout strength didnt climb any which was expected since i didnt feel 100% i did get same number of reps etc as last week on everything except incline dumbells i was 5 pounds back on those but that was just my stamina from my sinus's being plugged i think. all in all im happy i went and ill be resting for the rest of the day and night so hopefully i can shake this.
I typically will work out if I feel it isn't too bad, but I make it a light day. Working out really hard when I'm feeling like you described almost always will put me out for a few days. I'm just getting over a very bad cold now, and this one I took almost two weeks off. This one doesn't want to go away.
^^ that sucks man im hoping getting so much rest will get me to bust through without getting worse. Ive upped the vit c as well.
Whatever it was, it was a killer. My wife had it far longer than I did, about four weeks, and she's still coughing. When I started feeling it coming on, I was doing Airborne, vitamins, etc., trying to keep it from being too severe. Another friend of mine caught the same thing and was out for three weeks so be careful.