Do You Increase Test Dosage with each cycle

Loch Ness

New member
I have done 300mg/wk with ok results, next was 400mg/wk, with better
results. Is it time for 500mg/wk or stay at 400. Will be running prop and eq.
I almost have to increase my doses, otherwise i wont make much of gains..

Also depends on how much time you took off from cycle to cycle.
alice250 said:
Also depends on how much time you took off from cycle to cycle.

that's very true. the cleaner your receptors are the better you will respond to the test.
will be running EQL prop and maybe EQ
receptors not very clean;)
this is fourth cycle
early twenties, 245@10%, 6' tall
first cycle with 300mg gained 15
second with 400mg gained 10
kept most of it, but cutting now.
I am only on my second cycle my first was dblo 35mg ed wk 1-4 Deca 300mg per wk, wk 1-8 sust 500mg per wk, wk 1-8 I started at 190lbs and went to 214lbs 7oz in 8 weeks when I came off and got rid of all the water I kept 12lbs of it this cycle is a cutting cycle I am running fina 75mg ed wks 1-8 and prop 100mg ed wks 1-12 so far I am up to 206lbs but I am now down to 10% bf I am hoping to get up to 210 or 212 by the end

so first cycle I did 500mg test
second I did 600mg
next cycle I am going to do 700mg of test E
I am not expert but I think if you raise it a little every cycle is appropriate

this is just my .02 cts
shiko has the right idea--may 1 or june 1 i am going to 800mg of cyp/wk 600mg deca/wk and dbol then right to 1g of enan/wk and 800mg eq/wk with some drol

but being that you are running prop i would go with 100mg ed for the duration of the cycle