Do you like to be spotted during a lift?


MuscleChemistry member
Do you mind a little help or do you want all the reps to be all you, and no hands touching? I know sometimes, spotters can help way to much and it throws you off. Had this happen today. I dont mind their hands there, but I had to keep telling the guy he was helping to much.
When I ask for a spot, I just want the spotter to stay with and if they need to help me with the last rep or so thats cool, but I never EVER ask for a lift off, I like to get a feel for the weight right away from the lift off, plus some guys do lift offs so bad it could hurt someone, so i always ask for a spot when going heavy but never ask for a lift off
sometimes i ask for a spot but it's for safety and in the event of an accident......after 20 years training i know enough to know if i'll fail on the next rep or not.....if i'm going to then i prefer to take the prior rep superslow and then get a spot (just enough to move the bar at my normal rep speed) and rack it......i only do this on a few moves with barbells for the most part......i've been making better gains concentrating on the negative portion versus forced reps anyway
ive never had a true partner before, but having one now, i use them.
i can do forced reps and negatives now and never have fear of getting stuck under weight again
When I ask for a spot, I just want the spotter to stay with and if they need to help me with the last rep or so thats cool, but I never EVER ask for a lift off, I like to get a feel for the weight right away from the lift off, plus some guys do lift offs so bad it could hurt someone, so i always ask for a spot when going heavy but never ask for a lift off

exactly that for me too
I think a spotter is essential. They can help you with forced reps. Their only job should be to keep the weigh moving. I hate it when i see in the gym, someone spotting a dude on benching, and the kid goes to get his last rep, and he cant, and the weight starts going in the other direction instead of "up", and only then the spotter helps. I would slap the fuck out of someone if they left me hanging like that. THAT is how injuries happen. Keep the weight moving....
Im with h8ter. If you are trying to get some growth on a stubborn body part spotters can make a difference in forced and negative reps. I also agree with presser that they are usually there for safety for that last rep. I don't want them to do anything than just get me past that sticking point. I see guys throw way too much weight on, get a spotter, and swear they did the weight when the guy is sweating with veins bulging above them.
only use a spot when going super heavy and need one to two forced reps. I usually ask some bloke in the gym that looks like he knows what hes doing ... i cant train with a partner for too long. i dont like the chit chat. Im there to work not socialise
I like my spotter to have nice muscular quads, hams, and glutes, a nice light tan, nice round tits in a tank top (pink is my favorite) and a sexy look completely focused on me as I do my heavy set. Don't touch me, just watch.
I like my spotter to have nice muscular quads, hams, and glutes, a nice light tan, nice round tits in a tank top (pink is my favorite) and a sexy look completely focused on me as I do my heavy set. Don't touch me, just watch.
A spotter like that would get me to pump out 5 to 10 more reps.... lol !!! I have to agree with you 100% on this one Dude...
ive never had a true partner before, but having one now, i use them.
i can do forced reps and negatives now and never have fear of getting stuck under weight again

That's why I use one. CH3NO2 used to be my partner, and he'd make sure I put forth 110% effort.

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i ONLY like spots when im hitting HEAVY weights...

im really werid about people standing behind me (no homo) its a mental thing
I rarely ever use a spotter, for me it has to be all me ( no lift off at all). Now if I go home and want to max I will have my boys stand on each end to jump in only when I say so. Again though, no llift off, just a guide if I need one.