do you take creatine?

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the only suppliment besides i have consistently taken is glutamine. i have done like ZMAs and stuff too but not religiously. i have always doubted the effects of creatine, thinking it is mostly just the placebo effect but what do you guys think? how many of you take it and what type of results have you had from it? did you do the load period or just start normally?
I take mine on workout days. I used to take it everyday but it killed my stomach.

I think creatine is the real deal, not just placebo.

I didn't 'load' just took it normally.

It's tough to gague the results of creatine because I'm usually on, but when I run out and am too lazy to get more I notice I seem to burnout faster. I can't get as much out of my lifts. It's tough to explain, I can still lift as much, but my last reps are more of a burn - rather than a muscle too tired/spent.

Shit maybe it is placebo. Either way, too cheap not to take.
I take a small amount every day. It definitely helps with energy. The loading thing is just a myth--you don't have to do that to get the benefits of creatine. Creatine is the real deal, just don't get swayed by all the 'high-tech' forms of it. I only use the powdered creatine monohydrate mixed with some water, and it works great.
I been using creatine ethyl ester.......I really like it alot better than other forms. No water. Just strength and endurance followed by a nice pump.
Agreed CEE is shit. Creatine offers other lesser known benefits, like increased androgen receptor sites, and the ability to increase recruitment of muscle fibers :D. I find CEE gives you ludacris recovery between sets it's FUCKING AWESOME! Citrillium Malate is another one i wanna try.
I just started creatine monohydrate but I haven't noticed any gains yet. I also just got in some citrullium malate and arginine powder, I can't wait to try them all together.
Chaps said:
I can't wait to hear your results! I wanna combine CEE with Citrulline Malate

Thats what im doing now......I have the CEE in caps and the malate in powder......the malate taste like 100% vitamin C powder but with a bit more kick IMO....I mix with OJ sometimes or just down it.

I take 6 grams of malate in three equally divided doses of 2 grams.

This combo even gives me more energy and I become alot more clear headed. Def worth a try.
I think M1t alone is responsible for people expecting more form supplements, i mean how many supplements can guarentee freaky strength gains accompanied by a good 10lbs lean gain in muscle mass? NONE. I was a bit skeptical at first about the CEE but when it kicked in it REALLY kicked in, i put 30lbs on my deadlift in 3 weeks, and after 8 weeks it was up 55lbs, along with 10lbs in bodyweight, without that nasty bloat. Now one thing i wouldn't even wanna try is an NO2 product, i've heard they are shit and nothing more than something to produce good pumps.
CEE is awesome. No bloat, no cramps, no loading. Strength up noticeably. Creatine Monohydrate is old news when it comes to creatine in my information.
Chaps said:
I think M1t alone is responsible for people expecting more form supplements, i mean how many supplements can guarentee freaky strength gains accompanied by a good 10lbs lean gain in muscle mass? NONE. I was a bit skeptical at first about the CEE but when it kicked in it REALLY kicked in, i put 30lbs on my deadlift in 3 weeks, and after 8 weeks it was up 55lbs, along with 10lbs in bodyweight, without that nasty bloat. Now one thing i wouldn't even wanna try is an NO2 product, i've heard they are shit and nothing more than something to produce good pumps.

I have heard the same about NO2. Never tried it so I really can't knock it, but I have heard it was a waste of money. Creatine has always been great for me when it came to endurance and a little added strength, nothing in the weight gain department though. Will have to give the Ethyl Ester a try.
I tried the NO2 and didn't get anything from it. I've always got good results from creatine monohydrate, but it does seem to bloat me a bit. The CEE sounds really good though, I'll have to try it.
Reason i tried it was i had used Monohydrate for SOOOO long that couldn't take the taste anymore, to the point that it would turn my stomach, plus the bloat really sucked. With CEE no, bloat, no loading required and it just does everything it was reported to do! :)
I love the stuff. Always gets me jacked to lift weights.

I take 5 grams before the workout and 5 grams after.
I find it very effective right after a workout, mostly because your muscle are broken down and require nutrients to repair the broken down muscle fibers. I mix mine with a protein shake pwo to get a faster absorbtion in the muscle cells.
Well, I'm convinced now. I'm getting some of the CEE. I've used creatine monohydrate for a long time and never liked the bloat I got from it.
I've been on mono creatine for a week and whenever CEE gets here I'm going to switch. That shouldn't make a difference should it?