Does EQ supress HPTA a lot???


New member
I know that deca can really rock your HPTA (natural test levels) But what bout 400mg of EQ/week for 15 weeks a long with 200mgPrimo/week. How much supression am i looking at here.
I think the effects on HTPA fron EQ are rather mild to non-existent, even at that long administration time, everyones different of course but you stand a good chance of having no probs.
If your going with EQ and Primo I dont see much sides at all... Side effects are very rare with EQ. But I always have Nolv on hand just to be on the safe side of every cycle.
I'd say you're looking at 100% supression for all 15 or so weeks mate. You will be making next to no test of your own for the full length of the cycle.

BTW why not halve the cycle length by doubling up the doses bro? Any particular reason for a long mild one?
bro i did a shitload of research and eq doesnt work very well for short cycles. its best taken for a 12 week cycle at a moderate dose. the gains are more permanent and better.

i dont think eq will fuck my hpta 100%
i will hit proviron to keep my androgen level up. along with nolvadex.
in all honesty, it's going to greatly inhibit the HPTA after 15 weeks of it ... you might as well do an 8-10 week cycle of test if you're looking for the most results.
it's a hard decision to make ...

i'm only 20, and i finally came to the realization that AS just isn't something i want to mess around with ... there's too many risks at a young age.

but i don't plan to do anything related to body building except go on spring break.
CJWolford said:
it's a hard decision to make ...

i'm only 20, and i finally came to the realization that AS just isn't something i want to mess around with ... there's too many risks at a young age.

but i don't plan to do anything related to body building except go on spring break.

i would really like to see some of your pix bro. u are rite bout the age thing.
Any AAS will shut you down period. Your natural system is a clodes loop sytem. If it senses that it doesn;t need to produce test it dosn't. Any sustained period of non-production will effect your HPTA.

I thought you were giving this shit up? I applauded your efforts for doing that at your age. This low dose stuff you keep tossing around is going to do more harm than good IMO. If you are going to do a cycle do a cycle but don't kid yourself into thinking that you can use any amount of AAS without effecting your natural system.
