Does size matter???


New member
A question for the women............what is "your" perfect size of your significant other's significant "member"? Any size queens out there?
I'm interested in this, too. My wife and I were having this discussion the other day. She says bigger is not better, and says she doesn't see how other women would think so. That said, I'm the extent of her experience. I don't buy that. BTW, this conversation was spawned by all the "increase your penis size" spams that we both get.
from my understanding, size doesn't matter.. just as long as u'r not hella tiny...

with that said, I also heard that when the "member" is too big it hurts like hell... can't enjoy sex if u'r hurting right?

like many have said...

It's not the size of the pencil, but rather how well you write with that pencil...

I personally am very good at writing with my pencil... *wink wink
well, the expert Susan (don't know last name) off the saturday night sex show says that it doesnt matter, as long as you dont have a tweety bird.
any of the ladies want to dispute that?
Guys guys guys:disgust:

All "small" men say that size dosent matter to make them feel better about themselves and thats it!

Size DOES matter but more so its a matter of fitting each to others size. (Thats both ways)

As for the rediculous notion that if its to big it hurts! Thats just plain BS. Babies come out the same place so how can it be to big? to long is a different story!

Long story short. Size dose matter!


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Chemical Evolution said:
Guys guys guys:disgust:

As for the rediculous notion that if its to big it hurts! Thats just plain BS. Babies come out the same place so how can it be to big? to long is a different story!

I'm no woman but i know that when a babie comes out of "that same place" it hurts like hell...!!
UCDFuBoO said:
I'm no woman but i know that when a babie comes out of "that same place" it hurts like hell...!!

Thats true but where talking 5 inches or so and i dubt that anyones that thick!
Im gonna go out on a limb here at openly state that every guy that post in this thread saying that size dosent matter,.. well we'll know what size they are! ( No offence guys! )

Size dose matter but its deffinatly Also the way you use it!
I'm no small frye!!!

but then again.. I'm no monster either!!

Just an avg sized guy here!!!

Maybe i should just shuddup!!!
Does size matter?!

Why.. umm..
*crosses my fingers behind my back*
Why no, of course not!

*keeps a straight face*
It's how you use it that counts! ;)

*turns & tries to keep from busting out laughing*
Sachet said:
Does size matter?!

Why.. umm..
*crosses my fingers behind my back*
Why no, of course not!

*keeps a straight face*
It's how you use it that counts! ;)

*turns & tries to keep from busting out laughing*

Well its about time you showed up ;)

I knew youed back me up on this.....


so maybe we should hook one day so i can ruin you for All other men!:satan:


I whould actually! (add Ali G's voice for effect)
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I'm sure it doesn't they (women) buy 10" dildo's for a table lamp conversation piece. Alls I can say is HEEEEE HAAAAAAAWWW GITTY UP.
Hell yeah size matters!

I knew a girl that broke up with her bf because he was only 4.5". If size doesn't matter, then she wouldn't have broken it off with him.