Does this guy train at your gym?? No legs.

mark mcgwire

New member
Do you have the guy that trains at your gym with a huge upper body and chicken legs?

Why do people ignore training legs?
got me, my legs are my bread and butter man, plus women love a big round ass, lol
mark mcgwire said:
Do you have the guy that trains at your gym with a huge upper body and chicken legs?

Why do people ignore training legs?

Hey are you trying to make fun of me?:angry:

Ok that's not me but yep we have that guy. He usually hangs out with invisible lat guy.:D
we call them air lats,lol, i hate these fuckers more then anything else
We have one guy at the gym that walks around like he weighs 300lbs. His arm must be all of 14in. I have a real hard time keeping from laughing every time he walks by.
We have several guys that just do chest and biceps. Many of them are hitting chest and bis 3 x a week! When asked about their legs, they always lie and say they do them but no one has actually ever seen it happen. I'm actually very sick and tired of lifting next to these idiots.
Saturn the technical term is "INVISI-LATS", and are usually found on punks wearing wife-beaters. LOL

seriously, i just got back into training in July-took the better part of 3 years off due to business concerns. My upper body has always responded well, quads not bad....but hams and calves...not my strong suit. Most of the reason i was lax getting back into leg training is I knew I was just gonna have shit for strenght-but i am glad to say my legs are coming around, and the only reason why is because I refuse to do candyass squats. Leg presses and extentions are cool-the hammer machines and bodymaster stuff is great, but my legs never really grow unless I do squats....
Nice post...


Bad legs are the worst..But, how about the calves... from the knee down a total stick.. Upper body gets some chicks..that smaller upper half gets some, but symmetrical gets em all...especially the calves..Usually nobody trains em because if they can't get the arms going then the calves are a lost.. Usually its genetic things...

But, cheers to your

In all fairness. I think we all have a muscle we can't get to grow no matter what. I work out my legs 2x week and they are still far behind my upper body. So just cause they have skinny legs doesn't mean they don't work them out. Plus genetics plays a big role too!
Elmosback said:
In all fairness. I think we all have a muscle we can't get to grow no matter what. I work out my legs 2x week and they are still far behind my upper body. So just cause they have skinny legs doesn't mean they don't work them out. Plus genetics plays a big role too!

hey bro, your absolutely right about genetics. I don't pick on guys that train legs and have a hard time getting them to grow, just the guys that don't train them.

BTW, my daughter loves your name, we're watching Elmo right now!!!
Yeah I barely have to touch my legs and they explode with growth. To bad I can't say the same thing for my chest and Biceps.
legs !!!! aaahhh i hate training them but love having trained them. i just started doing legs real hard with a new partner. we are pushing each other very hard. in only 3 weeks i can already see a difference. but i still have a long way to go. one day i want them to be my favorite body part. i feel like i was wasting my time for the past few years. i gues i did not train them hard enough.
do you guys remember that video game a few years ago called earth worm Jim. with huge upper body and tiny legs, this post made me think of him.
lots of bros just don't train legs and don't want to and never will. same as in the boxing gym some don't use the speed bag, do situps, heavy bag etc. some only spar. to each his own.
Hey! I'm that guy with small legs.... or wait... they match my small upper body too... so I guess I'm ok! :D

Some people say I'm blessed w/a high metabolism... I say it's a curse.
Guys don't train legs because its difficult and it hurts-period-If I can get my long ass tinker toys to grow anybody can-PS-The secret is to do hams and calves early in the week-quads at the end of the week-I really got poor results until I split legs into 2 days-
I agree with rippedchef. I see these guys at the gym with huge upper bodies always wearing pants then the day they wear shorts it's like pencil legs. I never see them do any leg work. It's TUFF. Why do you think they call the Squat king of all excersises. If I can get my workout buddies legs to grow anybody can add some size.