does your food intake aply to me


New member
hello. Im new to the bord so ill start by telling you alittle about my self. im 29 6.1 235lb i havent worked out in as lest a year been doing nothing but partying and iv deicided to stop and get my ass in shape befor i went off asking Q's i looked things up and found this site to be very help full. you all seam to eat alote iv read you should eat 6 small meals a day and iv read that you should have an intake of proten in grams to your weight so does this aply to me just geting startd should i work out and eat the same amont that you guy's do that have been working out longer. cuz the sets and reps you all do is alot i also just work out at my house nothing big just a bench, curling bar i did set some pully system up for cross overs im sure its not the best im going to join a gym after i get use to lifting. thank you
Well, from deciphering your message I would say yes, you should follow this advice. As it is always good to get in good habits first. Diet is 80% of getting into good shape. Continue with what you've got, but when you get the chance join a gym. You'll have access to everything you need.

Look up some info on some basic workouts and we'll help you fine tune it.

Keep researching bro and welcome aboard!
get the diet on track with what you've been reading on here....welcome to the board and dont be afraid to aski questions bro'...we're here to help so take advantage of it...
Well, brown rice would be better than the white rice. I would suggest using an olive oil vnagretter instead of the ranch dressing.