Does your gym have a lot of rules?

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I went to a gym the other day and was told I wasn't allowed to use chalk, couldn't do any "Olympic" style lifting and had to clean everything I used when I was done. At my regular gym, we don't clean shit, there's chalk, sweat and probably blood on the floor and you can throw a dumbbell across the gym as long as it doesn't hit anyone. My regular gym is like a dungeon and reminds me of something Rocky would've trained in. It's hardcore and has been around for years and has a bad rep as far as gear goes. I love it, I feel at home and it's the gym I grew up in. I was just wondering if everyone else's gym had a bunch of rules or was more like my regular gym where it catered to bodybuilders, powerlifters and everything else
I used to train at a gym where they had rules posted on the walls, my favorite one was "no grunting" hHaha try telling a bloke who's leg pressing half a tone not to grunt
My gym was changed into a 24-hr, but we don't have any rules like that. It has been an awesome gym for me.