donating blood

me neither.... I can now cause I have gained some ....:D but usually you just have to rest a good 30 min or hour...depending on how you feel... You should be fine.....
I used to donate blood all the time when I was in the Marine Corps. We were told to skip PT for that day only. Shower - what does that have to do with it?
i really have no clue as to what the shower thing has to do with, but you can do pretty much whatever you want. as long as you feel fine within an hour or so after donating, you should be o.k. to resume your normal activity. hope this helps.
I don't give blood anymore. I had a bad experience the last time. I would wait about 4-6 hours afterward if you are doing anything aerobic
I never donated blood i want to but i just hate needles and the risks are too big i don't want to catch anything .
YOu only have to wait an hour or two so your not bleeding.
Watch you drinking - you get drunk real easy with less blood.
I never donated either i quess i should but never have.
I know you have to wait a year after you get a tattoo
and iam always in the chair at least once a year.
Those blood people turned me down. They asked something like 124324 questions and I said yes to one of them so they said I couldn't donate. have unprotected sex with one bi-sexual, I.V. drug user and they think there's a chance your blood may be contaminated.
alpineslide said:
Those blood people turned me down. They asked something like 124324 questions and I said yes to one of them so they said I couldn't donate. have unprotected sex with one bi-sexual, I.V. drug user and they think there's a chance your blood may be contaminated.

TMI. TMI. TMI.....:shocked: :suspect: :laugh:
alpineslide said:
^^^TMI ? sorry for my abreviation ignorance, but what does TMI mean.

Too Much Information :D
I think my jaw dropped when I read that post and then I read after how you said you were joking :p Good Thing!!!
Thanks for explaining the abreviation. When I first joined I had to ask what PCT meant. I'm still learning the proper forum board etiquette.